anyone else feel like they are boosted? like I solo qed from plat 1 to immortal in 2 acts last episode and i feel like everyone in immortal 1 are boosted plats, literally. the only thing that has changed is +1 team coordination, +0.5 aim, +1 strats. every once in a while i get imt 3's who are just MILES better than me. THEY are the ones that deserve immortal/radiant the skill disparity in these ranks is SO HUGE. anytime i go on to my plat smurf I just get destroyed and while i do notice a difference in the ranks, I feel like plat is where I belong. when I check tracker gg at the end of a game i see the same rank as me, (plat a few acts ago and recently immortal). it just doesn't feel rewarding knowing that everyone I'm playing is boosted like me.