immortal 1's only come

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anyone else feel like they are boosted? like I solo qed from plat 1 to immortal in 2 acts last episode and i feel like everyone in immortal 1 are boosted plats, literally. the only thing that has changed is +1 team coordination, +0.5 aim, +1 strats. every once in a while i get imt 3's who are just MILES better than me. THEY are the ones that deserve immortal/radiant the skill disparity in these ranks is SO HUGE. anytime i go on to my plat smurf I just get destroyed and while i do notice a difference in the ranks, I feel like plat is where I belong. when I check tracker gg at the end of a game i see the same rank as me, (plat a few acts ago and recently immortal). it just doesn't feel rewarding knowing that everyone I'm playing is boosted like me.


Maybe you're a team player, when you go play in a lower elo they don't know how to play as a team so the thing you used to do in immo elo does not work.


nah hes not a teamplayer he got boosted by gods like me who instalocked the fuck outta jett eZ pog.
if somebody wants to get boosted i am playing my 4th alt acc to immo rn plat1.
write me pm


Hi gold 3 here. Am I breaking the Law?

Nah but for real I've played plat games and they felt like gold games so I think the sense of stagnation or of lack of improvement in players is felt throughout most ranks unless you are smurfing tbh


Mechanics aren't everything. Lots of Diamond games have excellent aimers who are utterly clueless when it comes to teamwork or just don't give a fuck. I have lost countless games because Jetts and Reynas who have great aim cbf playing with the team or have terrible mental and tilt after 3 rounds lost.

If you are getting destroyed on your Plat smurf that is a bit concerning, but maybe you aren't trying as hard? I find that I will get beaten even playing on my Plat smurf if I don't take the game seriously.


Diamond 2 here. I think plats are not very good and immortal 1 is pretty similar to diamond 1. But as soon as you go up against Immo3 and similar ranks, you feel the difference. Immo3's just destroy you if you are in diamond or similar ranks. While my silver friends on good days and beat plat players. Diamond is kind of like a middle ground where you won't get beat by a silver anytime but you will also get destroyed by immo3.

Also, radiants are, well,

wayyyyy above immo3.

Especially if you go up against the top 100s.
Got one on my team when an act starts and I was winning some games. So I matched with him. The game was just ridiculous. Man is carrying us with Sova.

vctvctvct [#2]

Maybe you're a team player, when you go play in a lower elo they don't know how to play as a team so the thing you used to do in immo elo does not work.

yes i dont play duelist so this makes sense

soufianfps [#3]

nah hes not a teamplayer he got boosted by gods like me who instalocked the fuck outta jett eZ pog.
if somebody wants to get boosted i am playing my 4th alt acc to immo rn plat1.
write me pm

ur a chad


Playing anchor gets easier in higher elos too because the enemy team doesn’t just say rush b, rush a


im d2 and feel boosted cuz i 3-5 stack with friends but i play smokes, my game sens is good and i clutch up when needed and can top frag here and there, but when i play on my alt solo queue i feel really weird and out of place, i think its just the crazy mindless things gold do that get in my head. Ranks from g1 to d3 is really hard to show whos better. some golds are aim no brain and Diamonds have good brain and average aim or just a diamond is good at both. but my point is rank really should matter on how u play with a team. Aim not gonna get u to rank up far. D2 was all the work i put into learning and being efficient with astra and viper. Imo smokes are the easiest way to rank up if you have a good mindset and good set of friends to rely on and play with. went from g2 to D2 in 2 acts from improving game sens and agent pool. aim improves over time with playing higher elo.

SnooTangerines [#6]

Diamond 2 here. I think plats are not very good and immortal 1 is pretty similar to diamond 1. But as soon as you go up against Immo3 and similar ranks, you feel the difference. Immo3's just destroy you if you are in diamond or similar ranks. While my silver friends on good days and beat plat players. Diamond is kind of like a middle ground where you won't get beat by a silver anytime but you will also get destroyed by immo3.

Also, radiants are, well,

wayyyyy above immo3.

Especially if you go up against the top 100s.
Got one on my team when an act starts and I was winning some games. So I matched with him. The game was just ridiculous. Man is carrying us with Sova.

which radiant did you meet, in SEA servers?


I'm gold 3... so I'm basically radiant EU
.. I can coach you

dJ3096 [#11]

which radiant did you meet, in SEA servers?

I don't remember his name, the first two letters were Ez though if I recall from memory correctly.

Met another radiant on the Bahrain servers, he was pretty average though. Was 3rd or 4th on the leaderboards.

SnooTangerines [#13]

I don't remember his name, the first two letters were Ez though if I recall from memory correctly.

Met another radiant on the Bahrain servers, he was pretty average though. Was 3rd or 4th on the leaderboards.

How you playing in Bahrain server from India?


I'm immo and immo/radiant games are easier than plat/diamond games

soufianfps [#3]

nah hes not a teamplayer he got boosted by gods like me who instalocked the fuck outta jett eZ pog.
if somebody wants to get boosted i am playing my 4th alt acc to immo rn plat1.
write me pm

I actually boosted myself from plat 1-3 to diamond 3 while instapicking jett


I had an Immortal instalock Cypher yesterday. Clueless. Duelist instalockers are a 50/50. You never know if you're gonna get a ranked demon or a clown. But a Cypher instalock? Cmon man. I expected this guy to hold down the entire map. FeelsWeirdMan


im diamond 3 but im better than tenz tenz overrated

GetsystheGr8 [#12]

I'm gold 3... so I'm basically radiant EU
.. I can coach you

NA ranked is worse in terms of skill tho

dJ3096 [#14]

How you playing in Bahrain server from India?

You can, and the ping is decent as well. I live in Jodhpur so the physical location is close to Pakistan.

I get 70+ms in Singapore and 67-70ms in Bahrain.

All you need to do is create an account from an EMEA country.

I asked a friend from Pakistan with who I played CSGO to do so.


for some people it’s obvious that they’re boosted since their aim/crosshair placement is off. but you can tell with others with bad calls or lack of calls in general. i had a guy say someone was showers when we were on icebox and he didn’t even bother to correct himself.

GetsystheGr8 [#12]

I'm gold 3... so I'm basically radiant EU
.. I can coach you

werent you silver a few months ago? good job im proud!


I kinda feel the same thing, but ill always have a few pop-off games. I also play pretty inconsistent in solo queue where lots of my bad games come from. But whenever I play duo queue or scrims I always perform at a good level to other immortal players. I also get shit on in plat, but after a year of playing this game I think I just play the same at every rank.


impostor syndrome is normal and happens to most people if not everyone

the fault is mostly on public perception of the rank system. people hold immortal up to this pedestal when in reality it's what, 400 RR away from plat?
the ranking system might be linear but the progression of skill on the ladder isn't.

there is no categorical description for "how an immortal 1 should play" vs "how an immortal 3 should play". in the end these are just meaningless placeholders for your mmr rating, which you earned through your gameplay.

tldr don't put too much thought into what the ranks are, they're meaningless constructs. be proud of your own personal improvement rather than promotions


ehmm i am imm 2 support main but im solo qing to immo with duelist only right now im smurfing diamond lmfao

HaSanity [#23]

werent you silver a few months ago? good job im proud!

Nah my diamond friend boosted me

SnooTangerines [#21]

You can, and the ping is decent as well. I live in Jodhpur so the physical location is close to Pakistan.

I get 70+ms in Singapore and 67-70ms in Bahrain.

All you need to do is create an account from an EMEA country.

I asked a friend from Pakistan with who I played CSGO to do so.

Ah ok makes sense, lol you get 70 ping on SG from jodhpur while i get 100 on SG servers from Bhubaneswar, it makes no sense


Immo3 here.
I agree with the rank disparity.
Any time I play against Immo1s it’s not even close and a free win every time.
When I’m against Radiants, they just use me to wipe their asscheeks.


Im a hardstruck diamond. Can someone tell me how to reach immortal?

UrNightmare [#30]

Im a hardstruck diamond. Can someone tell me how to reach immortal?

just play the game, there is no big difference between immo 1 and d2-3

UrNightmare [#30]

Im a hardstruck diamond. Can someone tell me how to reach immortal?

Play unrated until you feel confident.
Playing ranked when you know your aim/timings/utility usage is off is an automatic L.
Play to win the round rather than to get good stats, don’t play alone vs eco, don’t hunt for eco kills, if you take the site and all of your team is on site go back and hold flank, ect.
Good luck!

MioIsTheProblem [#32]

Play unrated until you feel confident.
Playing ranked when you know your aim/timings/utility usage is off is an automatic L.
Play to win the round rather than to get good stats, don’t play alone vs eco, don’t hunt for eco kills, if you take the site and all of your team is on site go back and hold flank, ect.
Good luck!

Thanks :)


You are near the peak of players now, so you'll have to log in a huge number of hours for slight improvement

Also, imo the last time you leave diamond 3 (except for new episode rank reset) you will be much better than the first time you reach immortal 1

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