Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: June 27, 2022 at 3:41 AM
Posts: 120
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I'd be hesitant to put DRX in S tier considering the consistent failings at LAN events. I personally find it hard to have faith in them after they were meant to be title contenders every event but just failed to show up when it mattered.

posted about 2 years ago

the fact you're saying "Optic? Maybe" tells me this is FAT bait.

posted about 2 years ago

If they bootcamp they would have to scrim the Tier 2 teams in whatever region as they are just not up to the level of the rest of these international teams. I'm thinking if they want to be cost effective then they bootcamp Korea or SEA but if you want the most success then you need to bootcamp in either EMEA or NA I would think and just grind for a few months.

posted about 2 years ago

Just to make it clear, I don't disagree that they could benefit from better coaching systems being put in place. I 100% agree that this would be a beneficial change to a lot of the JP teams but I just think the issues extend beyond just the coaches is all. I realise my initial post could've been worded better and should've instead said that "the issues in JP extend beyond the coaches" so my bad for that.

I also agree with what you're saying about the fundamentals not being there and to me it does seem like a lot of the JP teams are lacking quite heavily in their basics and rely heavily on just the pure aim game which I don't know whether to blame the players or the coach assuming the coach has picked up on these issues and is properly trying to drill the practice into them which seems unlikely if the issues are this persistent.

posted about 2 years ago

It's not enough. KR/SEA teams have much higher levels of competition within their respective regions and they are exposed to much more international play than the likes of the JP region representatives.

I wont deny that JP seemingly needs a stronger coaching structure but we barely know what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to JP coaches which is why I'm thinking broader using information we have.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes. Higher tier teams don't want to waste their time on a team they can easily beat without even using their entire playback.

posted about 2 years ago

The problem with the JP region isn't due to the coaches. It's the level of competitive exposure the region gets. For example, rumor is that Zeta Division have been blacklisted from scrims by most if not all the teams currently at Reykjavik but this is the only time any team from the JP region gets to play against the top internationally (where the skill ceiling is much higher). This means that they get 2-3 games to go through before they are sent back to their region where the level of competition is significantly lower. And its hard to say if those 2-3 games they DO play are even worth VOD reviews considering how one sided they are.

JP region suffers from a lack of consistent international playbecause their current level of play is significantly lower than the rest of their peers. The only two solutions would be to bootcamp and go through some of the lower tier teams like TSM/ Faze to get really good experience or to merge KR and JP into one region but the lack of funds significantly dampens the chances of this happening.

posted about 2 years ago

Gonna assume you ain't trolling and say that because they were the earliest org to establish dominance and be the undisputed best team in the world for a LONG period of time. Obviously its changed since then as the skill ceiling has grown immensley but it still commands a certain level of respect as most of the players now are aiming to be as dominant as Sentinels was.

posted about 2 years ago

I get your point but man... you could've said this so much better LMFAO. The way you said it makes you sound sexist at first glance PepeHands

posted about 2 years ago

Plat 3 LMFAO

I remember being Silver 2 at like the start of the game, it's been a slow and steady climb

posted about 3 years ago

266h 38m
The Guard

posted about 3 years ago

Truly awful situation but Nadeshot's transparency is appreciated somewhat.

Would've liked to hear how he was gonna support the players who gave up everything to play for 100T (especially ec1s who literally moved regions to play and is now stranded in NA??).

I can only hope to god that they grabebd some type of bag on the way out cause otherwise their year is pretty much fucked unless another team decides to drop half their roster

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Redbull Clutch of the year- Hiko's clutch in icebox against GMB
ace of the year- Keznit 6k(clean af)
throw of the year- GMB vs VKS
funny moment of the year- When will TSM play by Boaster
meme of the year- TSM at champs??
play of the year- Zeek 10hp clutch on Breeze
streamer of the year- Shahzam
content piece of the year
costream of the year - Plat Chat Valorant
analyst of the year- Josh 'Sideshow' Wilkinson
caster of the year- Sean n DDK
match of the year- X10 vs Envy
team of the year- GMB
most improved team of the year- KRU
team with most potential- Liquid
worst team of the year- the Raccoon squad
most entertaining team of the year- SEN
jett of the year- Yay
igl of the year- Redgar
up and coming player of the year- Nivera
most improved player of the year- L1NK/Jamppi
most entertainment player of the year- Boaster
player of the year- nAts

posted about 3 years ago

The issue with Acend for me is that they just struggled up until this series. Didn't qualify for Reykjavik. Got knocked out in the QF at Berlin by Vision Strikers. Like to me it just seems that they struggled massivley in compariosn to Gambit imo. I still think Gambit have had more consistent success in regional tournaments having won Berlin and having come second in Champs.

Also yes, Sushiboys is a beast considering he was playing KJ most of the time.

posted about 3 years ago

Okay then we put Gambit down as the best team of the year lol. But I don't think Acend get it automatically for winning Champions.

posted about 3 years ago

A hot take personally but I don't think that Acend should get team of the year based off of their championship. I think that best team of the year should be for top consistently performing team of the year which would either be Sentinels or Gambit. I understand there is a seperate award here for most consistent team but I genuinely think they are one and the same imo.

I'm happy to be proven wrong but Acend really struggled up to live up to expectations until this tournament and I think that knocks them down from being the best team of the year despite obviously being the first Valorant Champions.

Also on another note most underrated player has to be Sushiboys and it's not even close imho... mans popped off and got X10 from nowhere to somewhere in the champions tourney.

posted about 3 years ago

PlatChat just because they have really good segments that fill in the downtime and really genuinely funny moments whilst also giving really good insight into the games.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

In fairness I think you lose quite a lot in terms of character paintings when you only listen to the podcast instead of watching the videos.

Not discrediting you but as a youtube frog I disagree with your perception of Wyatt and Kurt LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh. Most of them follow at least two esports (Valorant/Overwatch) to such a high degree in able to cast/do analyst roles.

Think about how much content it is that they consume for not just one esport but two... god forbid it takes them longer than you to hit immortal when you DON'T follow two esports and consume basically any and all media surrounding multiple subjects in the scene.

Actually delusional LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

"Gambit farmed CR" as if they didn't almost lose twice to CR in the rematch

posted about 3 years ago

Don't diss my mans Bunny like that man wtf ;-;

posted about 3 years ago

Thank you king

posted about 3 years ago

UK unless you mean birth country which is Canada
Facilities Assitant
Platinum 1
Get to at least mid-high plat

posted about 3 years ago

At the moment it's Playground by Bea Miller
Teamfight Tactics or OSU
207h 47m

posted about 3 years ago

He did that to himself by not compliying to the investigation like he said he would in the first place.

Had he complied and found innocent then he would be on a team by now playing. It's not her fault he chose not to do that and instead chose to be difficult with Riot and look sus as fuck to anyone with half a brain lol.

As for her not pursuing the investigation, every potential victim is well within their rights to take a break from any legal dispute for mental health. It is a given that confronting shit like this is mentally taxing due to online hate and gaslighting ect.

posted about 3 years ago

Didn't drop the case my guy:

Also bear in mind that he would've came back off of suspension earlier if not for him failing to cooperate with the investigation which is sus as fuck.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean you ain't wrong.

This is deffo a reason to support Sentinels.

posted about 3 years ago

Ive played against him in ranked, but obv thats not the same thing. I think if there was no post plant, no judge, and no OP metas to abuse and the game properly balanced, he wouldnt be any sort of special IGL at all, open to being wrong on this one

posted about 3 years ago

Comparing an established esport to a brand new one is like asking who would win in a fight between a grown adult and a newborn.

I do believe that eventually the newborn grows old and fucking murders the elderly adult but until that point Valorant will always perform below CSGO until it has an established scene. As of right now the scene is still somewhat volatile and that's okay because it is only a year into its life.

posted about 3 years ago

storm related power outage cause supamen to DC so they postponed the match. Will be played later today with the other games!

posted about 3 years ago

Any pickems 100%ers in chat???

posted about 3 years ago

Are you genuinely this stupid? What does good rank have to do with casting the game?

Mechanical skills do not equal Game Knowledge. A caster can be in gold and still have better game knowledge then most immortal players, stop disrespecting their dedication to the game

posted about 3 years ago

You don't need to have a high rank to cast LMFAO

Mechanical skill doesn't equal game knowledge. A player can have great game knowledge but low mechanical skill and end up in silver as a result.

Please think things through before asking dumb shit like this.

posted about 3 years ago

Sova or Skye ideally. If you're uncomfortable on those two then play whatever you're most comfortable on but I would suggest learning those two agents at least if you tend to fill a lot of your games

posted about 3 years ago

Ah I see I see, well if you've ever been curious about the Yakuza then I would recommend giving this book a read!

If not, then understandable if you don't want to read it LOL

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly if you're into Japan (which it seems like you are) I highly recommend Tokyo Vice

Very good read!!

posted about 3 years ago

I'm glad you realise! It's best to just ignore people who say dumb shit rather than saying dumb shit back cause then it devolves into a 'monkeys flinging shit at each other' type scenario LOL

posted about 3 years ago

I've never bet before so I only want to do a few small bets on the NA LCQ.

I know what i can comfortably spend and that's all I'm looking to do so dw about me potentially getting addicted. I've got my head on straight when it comes to my money

posted about 3 years ago

Looking for some betting sites that can be used in the UK.

Sites like 1xbet are unavailable sadly :(

posted about 3 years ago

If VS can actually utilise their Bind pick properly and not shit the bed everytime they put Lakia in then I can see them potentially making finals.

Other than that I really wanna see the same level of entertainment that CR vs Gambit brought!

posted about 3 years ago

Hang on guys... he's onto something here

posted about 3 years ago

Crazy Raccoons all the way baby LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

posted about 3 years ago

Probably not before 2022 but I can see him doing it maybe mid - late 2022 provided he doesn't quit again

posted about 3 years ago

Okay my guy... I appreciate you defending Mel but bringing up other players old dirt is a crazy stupid way of going about it.

You're literally helping no one by doing that.

posted about 3 years ago
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