Why is kingg playing duelist wtf? Is this his Thanos arc where he decides to do it all himself
PandaZ [#4]Isn’t he igl still or is someone else calling now?
rossy, but guessing kingg 2nd calling
tteokbokki [#3]lev is such a stacked team on paper bro. like they have to perform
Facts it’s kinda tragic seeing them fall short especially after the run they pulled off last year in champs
Uribaba [#11]He was a decent igl and good on his role too couldn't lev just sign a proper duelist
they're in a weird spot where they've signed so many good individual players with terrible role clashes and are trying to make it work
LEV should get a lot better over the course of Stage 1 though they'll be fine
guuz [#12]they're in a weird spot where they've signed so many good individual players with terrible role clashes and are trying to make it work
LEV should get a lot better over the course of Stage 1 though they'll be fine
Its crazy cuz tex was a good duelist then switched cuz of aspas and is now a great senti player. And other players are having to adapt too
Dayylol [#14]Its crazy cuz tex was a good duelist then switched cuz of aspas and is now a great senti player. And other players are having to adapt too
exactly, i think king should be on igl role rather than rossy, he is a great initiator alongside with c0m, tex has always had that dawg in him so i cant talk bad about him, i think they need to get demon1 off he is just washed atp , terrible decision making on omen , his viper is okayish but idk he is not the same for these past 2 years