It's over, he's done. If he dont play Jett // Iso in VCT, just expect LEV to lose every game.
he needs to get fucking serious and learn how to properly play duelist. his agent pool is seriously limiting him and people are having trouble working around that because hes too talented and costly to be discarded. he has the firepower to be the greatest player of the history of the game and hes like "b-but i cant play raze!!!!" bro you have 300k+ dollars in earnings please grow up or you will come back to becoming a tier 3 random
I mean it's at the point where he's not even an outstanding controller player anymore (he's like a middle of the pack, maybe lower middle controller player in tier 1) and you have 3 other players on the team who could Viper better. He's really not offering enough value to the team right now considering what he's being paid. Where are the clutches, the God-tier mechanics, the big moments? Demon1 is a time and place sort of player, worked in the Potter/Boostio and the meta suited him perfectly at the time, now there's no comfort for him.
todays comp shows that LEV coach is lost and don't kno what to do with the players trying to move roles around like a moron and trying SEN spilt comp with demon1 on omen and kingg on yoru just cause it works for SEN doesn't mean it will work for LEV, hate meta oriented teams that don't have their own play styles they just wanna re use other teams comp metas instead of finding out what works for their team smh just ruins the teams thats why G2 is so good is because they don't try to use other teams comps other teams uses theres.