(Translation means "yo bro jerk me off rq) (Translation means "yo bro jerk me off rq)
H3ENnZ [#8]
- my ign is not this
- ur alt accounts are called biixem and prancerswife
H3ENnZ is your vlr name
Also Blixem goes hard what are you talking about?
BrasilianGentle [#5]Is boring
Is like
Michael, James, George, Jacob, Phil
Its just normal
and he won champs with this username
H3ENnZ [#12]and he won champs with this username
won the champions and still has a boring name
xineFso [#17]Name doesnt get aura , It has to be earned
But crazyguy lightningfast , half of chinese pros
:3 would still have their aura even if they didn’t earn it (doesn’t matter cuz they did tho :3)
Laundry [#21]:3 would still have their aura even if they didn’t earn it (doesn’t matter cuz they did tho :3)
lovekylin [#27]i met a worst name is "残疾少女的轮椅压到我的牛子算足交吗" means “Does it count as having sex with feet if a disabled girl in a wheelchair accidentally pressed on my genitals?” the most dark one i used met...please don't ban my account.
Muratg_7 [#28]
Its basically means anal in Turkish
what does it mean in turkish? google translate didn't help lol
edit you edited already now i look stupid
Reimsy [#31]what does it mean in turkish? google translate didn't help lol
edit you edited already now i look stupid
Normally it is written with "ö" instead of "o", I edited it so that those who are curious don't have to bother translating it.
Reimsy [#31]what does it mean in turkish? google translate didn't help lol
edit you edited already now i look stupid
NYANYANYANYAN [#35]jerk me off is a fire name. honestly if he got a ace in a match and im either against or his teammate I might just do it
What the fuck nihso
H3ENnZ [#12]and he won champs with this username
The last person i think when i'm rememberimg EG 2023, its ethan.
NYANYANYANYAN [#35]jerk me off is a fire name. honestly if he got a ace in a match and im either against or his teammate I might just do it
ok nihso i see bud
NYANYANYANYAN [#35]jerk me off is a fire name. honestly if he got a ace in a match and im either against or his teammate I might just do it
lovekylin [#27]i met a worst name is "残疾少女的轮椅压到我的牛子算足交吗" means “Does it count as having sex with feet if a disabled girl in a wheelchair accidentally pressed on my genitals?” the most dark one i used met...please don't ban my account.
that's crazy
BrasilianGentle [#5]Is boring
Is like
Michael, James, George, Jacob, Phil
Its just normal
Yo I would stand up for someone named phil