Ik that Aspas had a lot to do with the initial construction for this roster, but I'm curious as to whether he was the one leading the charge for this Verno move, or if it was a GM/Coach leading this
Does anyone know?
bobwoblob [#4]There's no way nzr doesn't get dropped without Aspas's say. Whether he wanted Verno is different but they played some ranked together and seemed friendly at least.
And I'm sure Aspas trusts the coach at the end of the day
also I'm convinced that verno will have learned his lessons by being kicked from NRG and will work on himself and make efforts to prove he deserves T1
catNmouse [#2]I’m assuming it was FROD’s decision
Yeah frod has a bit of an na fetish
He interviewed babybay and poised for this 2025 roster but then Aspas had to come in smh
cioccolat [#11]wait, why him?
became the IGL over Nzr, despite that Nzr wasnt putting in good numbers so