top 10 underrated players who could shock the world to watch as we go into split 1 (cn not included as they already started)
governor > flor
@Amexdxyz thoughts?
low bar to clear
honorable mentions: TLN thyy, BBL chiwa (if he's available), VIT CyvOph, VIT Sayonara
Thyy fs-didnt put Chiwa since I didnt know if hes competeing and idk much about Cyv0ph
sayonara isnt playing tier 1 until 2026
you forgot invy but all g #IENVYINVY
MIBR Verno
100T asuna (best player itw)
WU moobs
There is no better player to watch then asuna on raze, its too funny not to watch
top 1 nrg fenis