nooomy [#10]
people would have said the same about slavery, civil rights, womens rights, gay rights etc. regardless of whether I have impact on the world or not, I want to be able to stomach looking at myself in the mirror. And to do that I need to not be spineless when it comes to topics I believe in.
A saying I like to live by is that you shouldnt let good be the enemy of perfect. Will there be issues that I cant impact? yes of course. But atleast I do something rather than nothing
i dont really know what to take away, but i think you mean that atleast doing something is better than nothing
Which i agree with, stand for your voice and raise attention. However, it comes to a point. Im not saying you are doing it, not even vlr. But it happens all the time. Zellsis says the r-word? Losers on X literally had an outrage over this. This the shit im talking about
But to come back to this topic, i personally think a lot of people dont engage in this drama because they believe the mental burden about the fact they wont have any influence with their actions is what restrains them from acting in the first place