arguably the worst academy team
crazy how furia and 2G made actual contenders for the title while mibr made an streamer fiesta (and one of them quit mid season 💀)
gambusia1302 [#2]Can you give more context? I don't know a single player from MIBR academy and I'm curious
teddy and bladez are streamers
luid is known for stream sniping
gbz is mid and so is kenkayyy
aztex is the only one worth something in that roster and he's not even signed to mibr
meanwhile we have furia and 2g academy teams, which are both filled with actual prodigies who could very well make it to franchising
sideshowsbaldhead [#3]furia and 2g academies better than their main rosters 😔
it is literally true in 2Gs case
burritx [#4]teddy and bladez are streamers
luid is known for stream sniping
gbz is mid and so is kenkayyy
aztex is the only one worth something in that roster and he's not even signed to mibrmeanwhile we have furia and 2g academy teams, which are both filled with actual prodigies who could very well make it to franchising
Oh that's tragic, and it's even more embarrassing for the org seeing how the other franchise teams made some actual good and functional academies.
Huitzilopochtli [#5]it is literally true in 2Gs case
like actually, basic is better than their 5 players on the main roster
foythvlr [#8]thats crazy like why are you investing on an academy team if it is that bad...gc team would unironically be better
Another gc team?
foythvlr [#10]i mean mibr gc team as mibr academy
Fala em português ai que meu cerebro n ta entendendo pqp
ionlyHave1Zuni [#11]Fala em português ai que meu cerebro n ta entendendo pqp
subir o time do gc pro Tier 2 como Mibr Academy valeria mais a pena que esse time de bagre e lavagem de dinheiro
foythvlr [#12]subir o time do gc pro Tier 2 como Mibr Academy valeria mais a pena que esse time de bagre e lavagem de dinheiro
kkkkkkkkkk deu se a entender que ter outro time gc (de alguma forma) seria melhor do q esses projeto de player no academy
foythvlr [#12]subir o time do gc pro Tier 2 como Mibr Academy valeria mais a pena que esse time de bagre e lavagem de dinheiro
mandou o papo
lambidadelta [#7]like actually, basic is better than their 5 players on the main roster
Lucks play chess then
gambusia1302 [#2]Can you give more context? I don't know a single player from MIBR academy and I'm curious
Used all their money on aspas most prolly