now multiple scrim leaks have come out with something not scrimming with PRX....and you all doubted me when I said hes the first one on the chopping block
cxrsedval [#3]if something leaves i hope he wins a trophy immediately after to show how fucking dog shit prx is
Well, that dogshit part is because of him and J0nggg
LeCat [#2]Its not that he's on the chopping block. Its that he have the most option to leave. He can go back to emea and replace anyone but Derke. He might be the one who is the most open to leaving because he have more opportunities outside the team.
idk smth agent pool is interesting
cxrsedval [#3]if something leaves i hope he wins a trophy immediately after to show how fucking dog shit prx is
j0nggg washed trash one trick
mimosa1 [#16]me when i spread misinformation
jinggg and mindfreak have also sat out of scrims for patmen
I was crashing out about mindfreak getting benched no one cared but when smth rumour came everyone starts going hams.
FiredSkull [#19]I was crashing out about mindfreak getting benched no one cared but when smth rumour came everyone starts going hams.
yea they are just testing out different roles i guess, i haven't see anyone credible mention who is being replaced though
LeCat [#2]Its not that he's on the chopping block. Its that he have the most option to leave. He can go back to emea and replace anyone but Derke. He might be the one who is the most open to leaving because he have more opportunities outside the team.
I think switching teams might bring his prime form back
mimosa1 [#16]me when i spread misinformation
jinggg and mindfreak have also sat out of scrims for patmen
They're taking turns sitting out, I'd be interested to see if they're just deciding who to drop or unironically considering playing 6 man in 2025.
windwine [#17]idk smth agent pool is interesting
I think people generally underestimate how big his pool has become, not only does he have some of the greatest jett and reyna, but he can also play raze, breach pretty well and imo a quite decent fade as well as a very good gecko. I'd be surprised if he couldn't have a great neon as well
Shadow_Monarch [#22]FNC Something
TL Something
NaVi Something
KC SomethingJust come to EMEA Something
navi and tl is very possible, I don't think he'd fit Fnatic or KC tho (also fnatic will never drop kajaak)
xineFso [#25]He would have been a solid player if he kept on playing duelists
he cannot bc of the roster tho. His gecko is really good as well
MrBlooBloom [#29]he cannot bc of the roster tho. His gecko is really good as well
ne one is playing gekko in 2025 lil bro
xineFso [#30]ne one is playing gekko in 2025 lil bro
the map pool is not good for gecko atm but it's still a good thing