bc I could not care less about them, UNLESS they showing a new map or character.
"oh but TenZ is playing bro!" alr he has been retired for not even half a season bro, also he is playing against bums.
No new stuff no point ngl.
FragZ [#2]bro its a new agent numbnuts
oh snap crackle and POP! My bad brother (please don't be another ranked agent)
saebr [#3]not only is tenz playing, but he's playing against primmie. so that makes it worthwhile for me even if there wasn't anything new
primmie vs tenz bouta go hard
Yistyy [#4]I thought they were gonna show the new duelist, or has it been disproven?
they are showcasing the new agent
localkoolkid [#5]oh snap crackle and POP! My bad brother (please don't be another ranked agent)
Doesnt matter. People will never stop playing ryena. The game is legit unplayable with that dog shi agent. Every match ryena.
notepicfailboi [#12]i fw them if they show something new. riot should organize a show match between 10 bronze players with bren and sideshow casting it, that would be peak cinema
low rank players are way more fun to watch than radiants and pros. they're so unpredictable lmao.