sentinelmain377 [#12]
2021: GMB, ACE, FNC, TL were all S tier teams that had all beaten each other multiples times during the year (2 Trophy winners, 1 finalist, 2 top 4s). G2(EU) also got top 4 during Berlin.
2021: 4.5 or 5 team region
2022: FPX(NAVI), FNATIC were S tier teams with TL, G2, GUILD all having good moments (top 4s/top 6s/top 8s).
2022: 3.0 team region
2023: FNATIC was an S tier team with NAVI, TL, FUT (and even GIANTS) putting up good placements (top 4, top 6, top 8).
2023: 1.75 or 2.0 team region
2024: TH, FNATIC were S tier teams with KC, FUT having good placements. EMEA dominance over AMERICAS was prevalent this year
2024: 2.25 or 2.5 team region
from the first out of five trophies won (Gambit Berlin 2021) to the last out of five trophies won (Fnatic Tokyo 2023), AMERICAS only won 2 trophies (one was also stolen due to FPX(EU) having visa issues in Reykjavik).
Holy revisionism LMAO.
-EMEA got grouped at Madrid.
-Fnatic won no games in Shanghai, FUT got to playoffs off beating DRG & a struggling LEV and only beat Fnatic in playoffs, only TH with the podium finish, and it took them 3 tries to beat G2. 100T & G2 cleared the rest of EMEA.
-Champs: Fnatic, after not winning any international games for the whole year, finally got 5th/6th, losing to SEN.
In what world is that a two team region. Heretics was the only good, consistent team from EMEA in 2024.
Fnatic won Tokyo & Lockin. Navi got 3rd/4th at Lockin. Navi proceeded to get grouped at the next two tournaments, and FUT bombed out of playoffs at champs & Liquid only ot to playoffs in Tokyo because of seeding given to them by Fnatic. They got first rounded at champs.
Fnatic was the only good EMEA team in 2023.
FPX was a consistently solid team. Fnatic had a singular top 4 placement, and then 5th/6th. Fnatic in 2022 was not a serious contendor. None of the other EMEA teams are even up for discussion.
FPX was the only good EMEA team in 2022, and you could maybe argue Fnatic were half decent.
In the past 3 years EMEA has been a one team region. EMEA did well in 2021. That's it. There's never been this multi-year period of EMEA dominance. That's a myth.