Less movement

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What is it about his movement thats so unique and makes him so feared?

loads of pros have praised his movement and theres legit videos on youtube about his movement

Ethan even said he had to train for 2 days to practice beating Less

is he just really good at strafing or something?


he has the cleanest POV i've ever seen in Valorant but I dont know what exactly he does thats so different than the others, his sensitivity is not even low but he makes it look low somehow, he rarely crouches or or just never crouches

glittering_yard [#2]

he has the cleanest POV i've ever seen in Valorant but I dont know what exactly he does thats so different than the others, his sensitivity is not even low but he makes it look low somehow, he rarely crouches or or just never crouches

yup he has some of the cleanest aim and movement in the world


according to saucy, he is always pressing A and D, then releases to strafe when gunfighting


he rarely moves crosshair and estimates where a guy is holding before swinging
Bind clip where he jumps and deletes is one example
You cant hold angles against him
I think he even predicts which angle oppoment is holding


just weird hand position with his keyboard makes him go a d d a d a a d

same position that Elite uses and not surprised that they have the same movement


First off, he has great crosshair placement. Second, hes always moving, and stops by holding both buttons and cancelling the movement, making the timing and first bullet accuracy of his shots always high. And when he does miss, he has the patience to move and microadjust without overheating on duels. And usually he also uses his movement as a way to microadjust, timing his movement with the enemy movement to stop at the right time without even moving his mouse. That's why he almost never spray or crouch (unless when taking off angles), why he's always so confident on taking duels and why his sens seem so low sometimes when he just isnt moving at all

He understands the game mechanics very well and abuses a lot, while also being very good with angles and mentally aware of every movement hes doing

foythvlr [#7]

First off, he has great crosshair placement. Second, hes always moving, and stops by holding both buttons and cancelling the movement, making the timing and first bullet accuracy of his shots always high. And when he does miss, he has the patience to move and microadjust without overheating on duels. And usually he also uses his movement as a way to microadjust, timing his movement with the enemy movement to stop at the right time without even moving his mouse. That's why he almost never spray or crouch (unless when taking off angles), why he's always so confident on taking duels and why his sens seem so low sometimes when he just isnt moving at all

He understands the game mechanics very well and abuses a lot, while also being very good with angles and mentally aware of every movement hes doing

What does tapping the opposite movement key to stop in Valo actually do tho? Since u instantly stop unlike CS when u need to counter strafe

Taruuu1 [#8]

What does tapping the opposite movement key to stop in Valo actually do tho? Since u instantly stop unlike CS when u need to counter strafe

in cs in order to counter strafe faster pros sometimes crouch (a.k.a donk slide), because of valo's movements less doesn't need to crouch. He is basically locked and ready for a duel whenever he does the counter strafe.

Taruuu1 [#8]

What does tapping the opposite movement key to stop in Valo actually do tho? Since u instantly stop unlike CS when u need to counter strafe

there is a brief period between when you hit D while moving left while letting go of A for example where you have perfect first shot accuracy. if you turn on movement error it shows it very clearly, a point where the next shot you shoot will be as if you are standing still. this is good because instead of standing still you are actually still moving until that very moment so its harder for the opponent to kill you especially if they are stationary and holding an angle on you (unless its an op that is an insta kill which is why its such a strong gun and you can't swing to kill an OPer). this gives you an advantage when you swing an angle as opposed to not strafing where it takes longer for that first shot accuracy to arrive.


its not just about A-D-A-D
but Less knows how to dodge shots too, if you watch his movement you see that he even do A-A sometimes to dodge where people would shot.
Not sure if it happen with everyone but you start getting some sixth sense where people would shot you and how to strafe to dodge it, not just spamming AD-AD-AD-AD randomly.


His straft pattern is very similar to every other pro. But the thing is, the guy can literally sense bullets and slip past them. Its more of a intuition, he can feel bullets certain %, then make right strafe pattern enabling him to slide past the bullets. Similar to NEO from matrix, which shows how insane his gunplay is.

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