I feel like TL might actually have a decent shot at an upset with how they've been playing
am I schizo?
will be a banger match, chichoo yesterday have a watch party with karsej for GF of EMEA, he talk some training in mardrid, he say "keiko have some responsibilities for EDG's lost in Mardrid, they got shit by keiko in train and dont know how to play game.(half kidding) but keiko is really good player.) for me, i just want Chichoo vs nAts.
src:【EDG球球看keiko赛场选芮娜乱杀:当时和他约了场训练赛 被打的不会玩游戏了 马德里有他一半责任】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VUNUeAEcQ/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=4b8ca0019140e02fc8a30f4fa1b6280f