Better 12-team doble elim


Hi vlr, last week I was criticising the current kickoff format because of unfair advantage for the team that loose 1st round. Because criticising without proposing alternative is not really god, this week I propose a way to improve the round robin with 3 teams, so we can use it in doble elimination format.


In short, this is the tri-fractionned format, a format where 3 team play basically 3 BO3 against each other that reduce bias and make it more fair. Here is how thats work : At start of the day, At start, you make all the 3 map vetos at the start of the day, next, you play the 3 first game of each BO3, and then you play the 2nd game of each BO3 but in a specific order based on their rank after the 3 first games. 1st versus 3rd, 1st versus 2nd and finally 2nd versus 3rd (this ensure competitive integrity, stakes and suspens), so now the 6 first game of the 3 BO3 are done, if 2 team are tied then we play the decider that was planned at the start of the BO.

Not my best video, but still don't hesitate to subscribe ^^

Script coming soon

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