I can't understand how some pro players can be consistently mechanically bad with utility? (bad raze satchels, sage slows, repeated team flashes)
My friends and I are silver-plat with mediocre aim but we're very comfortable with just about any ability in the game, and I think most other players in these middle ranks feel the same - our weakest point is aim, and abilities don't mechanically feel awkward or clunky to use (strategic timing and effective use is another story)
Valorant abilities are either:
-smokes (easy)
-setups/lineups (easy with practice - no excuse for forgetting them in matches if you're being paid 5-6 figures)
-drones (easy)
-flashes/stuns (medium?)
-movement (medium?)
Like maybe some stuff with smokes and omen flashes are harder after the ping nerf, and some on-the-fly shockdarts require intuition and a feel for it, but all these other abilities including movement ones are so easy to get down just by fooling around in customs or even spike rush. Feels really weird when I see salaried pros consistently mess these up in matches for reasons that can't be just nerves by this point.