ok so u can take 5 pros and make a super team who you make
for me its TEAM CONVICT
- Sinatraa
- Marved
- Shanks
- c4Lypso
number_1_bjor_fan [#2]1.bjor
- me
6th man. zacklikethat123
zacklikethat123 [#3]
- zacklikethat123
- zacklikethat123
- zacklikethat123
- zacklikethat123
- zacklikethat123
this isn't a team because if it was then they would never lose so sorry disqualified.
Andrew412 [#6]this isn't a team because if it was then they would never lose so sorry disqualified.
i could 1v5 gambit
AcidRain [#8]Team Convict Goated Team FR
Marved, Shanks, POISED, Calypso : They Never Give Up!!!
Sinatraa: Doesnt take no for an answer!!!
NBK (Coach) - Beats EVERYONE!Weaknesses:
Weaknesses: FBI and police
Ryker [#13]Sinatraa-: initiator
Tenz or yay-:jett/duelist
FNS-: igl/sentinel
Sick-:SupportI think this will be the best NA team
Putting FNS is troll...
Dapr/steel for sentinel and if it's dapr then nitr0 will igl
hiyo [#17]it already exists
it called "sentinels"
it bestest team NATenZ
imagine being the best and losing to emea 4 and NA 3 and dropping a map to kr 2 lmfao not even close.
Unless SEN get an amazing coach and devote themselves to preparing, they are never gonna be close to what they were in Iceland
AcidRain [#8]Team Convict Goated Team FR
Marved, Shanks, POISED, Calypso : They Never Give Up!!!
Sinatraa: Doesnt take no for an answer!!!
NBK (Coach) - Beats EVERYONE!Weaknesses:
wasnt it ntk from Vivo Keyd and not NBK that beat his gf?
LifeIsALie [#18]imagine being the best and losing to emea 4 and NA 3 and dropping a map to kr 2 lmfao not even close.
Unless SEN get an amazing coach and devote themselves to preparing, they are never gonna be close to what they were in Iceland
exxem [#19]Shahz
zombs really? Now that is just absymal and dumb.
Keep nitr0 or Marved and also replace shahzam with a better player like asuna
ipok6 [#20]wasnt it ntk from Vivo Keyd and not NBK that beat his gf?
Yeah lmao poor NBK will have to change his name before switching to valorant
LifeIsALie [#18]imagine being the best and losing to emea 4 and NA 3 and dropping a map to kr 2 lmfao not even close.
Unless SEN get an amazing coach and devote themselves to preparing, they are never gonna be close to what they were in Iceland
SEN had a shit tournement
they performed back induvidually and as a team
they have to work on alot of stuff before they can reclaim the throne for best teeam in the world
they defo will work hard asf rn
they mentioned countless times that champions is the main goal
so they gonna change alot of stuff and come in red hot ( i hope so )
And Yes im no god coach or stuff
Just an honest sen fan
AcidRain [#8]Team Convict Goated Team FR
Marved, Shanks, POISED, Calypso : They Never Give Up!!!
Sinatraa: Doesnt take no for an answer!!!
NBK (Coach) - Beats EVERYONE!Weaknesses:
zacklikethat123 [#9]i could 1v5 gambit
man you took hiko's clutch master away now he is just a baiter.
LifeIsALie [#23]zombs really? Now that is just absymal and dumb.
Keep nitr0 or Marved and also replace shahzam with a better player like asuna
OkOkay [#35]
- xqc (igl)
- ninja (also igl)
- drdisrespect ( also also igl)
- My mom (Coach)
4 is all they need
very strong team. ive played with your mom she's good and also tastes good