Flag: Albania
Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: March 23, 2022 at 7:02 PM
Posts: 239
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L1NK always shows up in big games, sad it wasn't enough

posted about 2 years ago

call me when CRKelly can step into the United States thanks

posted about 2 years ago

Chet 😍😍😍😍

posted about 3 years ago

They are just building up infrastructure before they franchise, it will probably make more sense afterwards. Right now I want to see how it runs for a full circuit before judging it.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like he could be decent at KAYO since he came from CS, but I get why double duelist is the safer option

posted about 3 years ago

If he is against playing Raze and subsequently can only play Jett/Reyna, then I feel like he should swap to KAY/O (or whatever initiator he would be comfortable on based on the map) and have SicK play duelist on Bind/Split/etc. TenZ can still frag, but the Raze util is crucial and double duelist is kinda dead right now, especially with Chamber meta.

posted about 3 years ago

LOL you think XSET are worse than LG? Man you guys are sucking on copium

posted about 3 years ago

ec1s wasn't good enough, they had no shot to qualify even if they got out of groups. Might as well make a change and try something new, I don't agree with it but I get the reasoning. BabyJ only got dropped because they ran out of places to put Hiko since they can't drop him due to direct circuit quals.

posted about 3 years ago

IMO there needs to be a proper roster shuffle to adapt to the meta... I think there are multiple Top 8 teams who will make changes once they don't qualify. After that I think the region will be more stable, especially at the top

posted about 3 years ago

i gotta say its funny how Shanks and Marved took most of the flak for the ESIC stuff yet Tex went under the radar despite having the most blatant clip out of anyone

posted about 3 years ago

this was the community's fault for thinking any team with gtn would be anything close to Tier 1

posted about 3 years ago

doesn't matter when Hiko can't be dropped, and they can't since they accepted the direct invite based on points

posted about 3 years ago

maybe they should've played better, babyj didn't fit moving Hiko to Sentinel and ec1s sucks

posted about 3 years ago

I doubt he goes to another team. Only teams his ego would let him play for would be T1 teams, and considering the Sova's NA has, I doubt he could get a spot in the Top 8. So he's probably gonna be a fulltime streamer once he gets kicked after Masters 1.

posted about 3 years ago

2-1 V1, This side of the bracket is insane

posted about 3 years ago

Makes sense, its similar to NA, but I think we are finally starting to see more quality supports & IGLs come up from NA T3. After enough time it will probably balance out in BR too

posted about 3 years ago

Do you think the lack of depth is just a lack of talent due to BR still being CS oriented, or just a lack of solid teams/orgs to collect those talents?

posted about 3 years ago

LOUD look very good... wish I could say that about some of the other teams in that closed qual

posted about 3 years ago

Wordle 244 4/6


posted about 3 years ago

#Worldle #28 4/6

posted about 3 years ago

He won't become a pro again. Dude makes weekly what he would make bimonthly on a T1 CS contract, assuming he still had the energy to grind at that level. Why travel around to get memed as "NA CS LUL" when you can play video games from your home all day and make enough money to retire after a couple years. Unless he loves the competition, no way does he go pro in either game and give up what he has rn.

posted about 3 years ago

nerdlegame 28 5/6


https://nerdlegame.com #nerdle
fun game tho lol

posted about 3 years ago

Wordle 242 6/6

Inshallah the New York Times will pay for making these words harder

posted about 3 years ago

🌎 Feb. 16, 2022 🌍
Today's guesses: 7
Current streak: 1
Average guesses: 7


posted about 3 years ago

the left side of the border gave it away lol

posted about 3 years ago

#Worldle #26 2/6

posted about 3 years ago

Wordle 241 6/6


posted about 3 years ago

On Haven its not a troll pick if he's more comfortable on it. But other comps work better with some of the newer initiator agents instead, so if he tries it Internationally they might get comp diff'd no matter how comfortable. Still think its not 'troll' tho.

posted about 3 years ago

San Jose has gotten so much better in the past decade. Wish I could say the same for parts of San Francisco :(

posted about 3 years ago

When I lived in CA, the only people who ever wanted to go to LA were people who had never been. Its just a dirty muggy shithole full of transplants. People jump on parts of the Bay Area and San Diego for being bad, but LA is far far worse

posted about 3 years ago

bro you recommended Maine to a dude from Australia come on now lol

posted about 3 years ago

No problem. Also realized you're from AUS so Florida may be more up your alley even if its not where I would want to live. Anyway best of luck!

posted about 3 years ago

VA is cool it depends where you are looking. Alexandria and Richmond are both nice cities. I prefer NC over it but both are solid options.

posted about 3 years ago

California is great if you stay North of Santa Barbara or South of San Clemente. LA is a hellscape and is the worst of both worlds CA has to offer.
Majority of landlocked states (not including great lakes states) east of the Rockies are shitholes. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to your face.
Texas is pretty cool but avoid Houston it fucking sucks there.
Upstate NY is cool and much cheaper/easier to live in than NYC. Also is close to a lot of major cities.
Avoid Ohio. There is no point elaborating. Cleveland is the 7th circle of hell.
Personal recommendation is either Washington, Oregon, Colorado, North Carolina, Florida, Texas or Northern California, depending on budget.

posted about 3 years ago

1leaf carries you + ratio

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

They most likely are betting that the CDL OpTic viewers will migrate over given the brand, which may well work considering how good Activision is at killing the CDL at the moment...
Also OpTic was briefly part of NACS and had some success, so it at least isn't completely unfamiliar to NA PC FPS.

posted about 3 years ago

Needs to have a rework as to what the purpose of the stim beacon is. Only thing that holds him back from being considered in a meta, because Astra just offers more even if his smokes and molly are good.

posted about 3 years ago

Making Astra's smokes better but removing the OP aspect of the suck/stun/fakes would be a good middle-ground balance. Brim honestly just needs a stim beacon change and his kit is fine. Omen really needs some work with smokes/TPs/ults. Viper doesn't need to be touched.
Hopefully the next agent they actually create is another Controller after giving us an Offensive "Sentinel" and a Duelist back to back...

posted about 3 years ago

Thx man LOL

posted about 3 years ago

Agreed, definitely looks like they are moving towards a better direction. IMO that tweet should imply that they kick Roza and whoever else isn't being good for the team dynamic. Def think a harsher attitude will be better for them since they have been living off of the First Strike success the past year+

posted about 3 years ago

Don't doubt it I just think he has more impact as a duelist because he can be more aggressive but these comps might make Liquid more efficient.. either way they will be good next year
Edit: watched the clip... LOL maybe he should be back on Reyna

posted about 3 years ago

They will never peak into Top 5 let alone Top 8 until they get that paycheck stealing fraud up outta there. Spent more time on Streamlabs and Twitter in the past week than in Mickey Mouse tournaments all year...

posted about 3 years ago

It makes sense given how Chamber is a psuedo-duelist and Jamppi is a passive AWPer. Hope ScreaM's Skye actually works well.

posted about 3 years ago

Akrew, BBG, KCP, Soniqs, Ghost, Bait Academy and maybe T1 if they get their shit together. Think that's it for any fringe T2 teams.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree but TSM would never do that the fallout from the fanboys would be too much

posted about 3 years ago

Drop Roza and Rossy and get an IGL that actually knows what they are doing and builds around Wardell's strengths (and weaknesses). That's the only way this Org will be at a high T2/T1 level.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago
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