Gekko Omen Astra Tejo + duelist of choice
Very interesting comp! Trying to think about this generally since I'm assuming you see this comp working for all maps... what's your idea behind this? I like Gekko and Tejo in the same comp, but I don't see Omen and Astra both fitting into this lineup—you're gonna have to sell me on that. What's your vision behind no sentinel? And if it was up to you, which duelist would you run with this?
Probably Raze. Certainly not all maps, but I was thinking Haven, Split, Bind, maybe Fracture - maps where there's a lot of close corners and dense sites to take advantage of the very high amount of area-based debuffs this team has
I think Gekko and Tejo are a great combo. The former has high-volume, low-threat utility to spam for soft info throughout a round; the latter has low-volume, high-threat utility to dump on execs/retakes or critical fights.
I saw a video by Anderzz the other day which really blew my mind. Idk if you're familiar with it. It breaks down agents and utility into three main archetypes prevalent in many competitive games: control, aggro, and midrange, which form a sort of rock-paper-scissors dynamic.
The standard Ascent comp and just about everything commonly run in 2023/2024 is a hybrid of control-aggro. This comp is more midrange-aggro, leaning on refreshing utility from Gekko and double smokes but also intense aggro from Tejo and Raze, dropping the "control" aspect that Sova and a sentinel would bring.
In theory, this counters the control-aggro comps that are overwhelming the current meta. You have enough aggro to blast through defensive control setups, and you have enough regenerating midrange utility to soak up aggro executes and still have enough to retake with when they burn out.