I'm a gold 3 peak sage and fade main, should I play support or what in LOL?
im not an expert in playing LoL but bot lanes are mostly "carry" role as the champions can deal serious damage mid-late game. So bot lane is expected to at least deal a lot of damage by the end of the game. You also play with a spt who will have cc or heal for you but since you don't have many items and health inthe early game, you have to be aware of enemy jgl and have good distance control of enemy spt&bot combo attack while killing minions
Top lane has different types of champions, some are tanks, some have cc (crowd control, stuns enemy), and some have great damage. Naturally for top lane you are mostly on your own, putting wards and pushing towers until a big team fight happens for Dragon, Baron, etc.
Both top and adc are carries depending on how much theyre fed tbh, ADC are mega squishy at late game too and need a good tank and team to let them get damage from the back without having them take too much contact. Jungles like nocturne specialize is removing the back line of ADCs and ADCs themselves also scale differently. Ashe, beginner friendly is good early to mid game, but falls of late game, whereas, Vayne, has horrible laning and early game, even uptill lvl 10 she is hard to play, but her scaling after 2-3 items is disgusting, but again if she gets stunned or jumped its gg
Top is the most isolated of the 3 lanes during the regular laning phases as only one champ can go up there while bot has 2 (bot lane Player/AD carry player and support as most ad carries aren't as self reliant as the other classes) and mid is the closest to the bases in general, top on the other hand is like if u got put in an iso ult where both of u have 5000 hp and the other team cam occasionally enter to team up on u but only occasionally
Back when league was just starting, there were people who were doing stuff like throwing 2 people into top lane, or whatever double laning etc
Nowadays, it's been optimized that the adc needs a support in their lane to survive the system, and top laners will normally end up being tanks to support them. Since the tanks dont need help as much as the squishies early, the support goes with them
Ur lol champs doesn't depend much on ur valo agents mostly but it does, if u wanna chill and play back to help ur team member, then support mostly lux or blitzcrank , if u want to have the freedom to go around the map and help ur team mates to attack and pounce on opportunities to kill then do jungle- garon, Darius, shyvana, amber( amber is hard to master tho) , if u want to play solo lane there are two options either mid or baron , while baron lane is like one on one direct fights and u mostly focus only on ur lane, mid lane is more focused on taking map control, u get towers in mid lane , u are establishing map and control and have some leeway to help ur team mates in their lane if they are in trouble. Baron lane use garon, Darius, amber, etc. mid lane use Galio, ahri, ekko, akali. Next up is if u want to not just play solo but want to rely on ur team mates while still being agrresive take dragon lane , ur support helps u in the lane, use Ashe , miss fortune here.