Whats the VCT play that you can remember watching that had you out of your seat?
The ones I remember the most:
Davai 1v3 Optic at Copenhagen
Suygetsu aims the reset...1v4 vs PRX at Copenhagen
Ardiis walks on water 1v3 vs DRX at Champs 22
Stax mouse kiss vs FPX at Champs 22
MaKo spots the gun barrel 1v2 vs FNC at Champs 22
Sacy clutches with a classic vs Optic at Champs 22
Sacy 1v3 Optic at Champs 22
Alfajer spraydown 1v2 LOUD at lock//in
Demon1 2k vs NRG at Americas playoffs
Nobody full stunned 3k vs LOUD at Tokyo
S0M cove incident vs PRX at Tokyo
Demon1 king of hell vs FNC at Tokyo
Leo wins the upper finals by 1 seconds vs EG at Tokyo
Forsaken 1v5 EDG at Madrid
Jawgemo bucky ace vs NRG at Americas stage 1
S1mon 1v2 vs TH at Champs 24