Flag: Bhutan
Registered: January 22, 2023
Last post: February 3, 2025 at 3:19 PM
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Then do it for 3 months and quit if you haven't grown? I think 3 months is a fairly unrealistic timeline to gain traction on any media platform, but if that's your worry, just do it and if you don't see results, don't do it anymore. Although I think if you really enjoy making that type of content, you should keep making it as long as you enjoy it.

posted 21 hours ago

Yeah, but EG weren't really underdogs at champs imo. They had just went to the GF @ Tokyo, so it wasn't a surprise how well they did. But I would agree that they're similar cause they both won a big tournament then let players go and fell off like you said.

posted 1 day ago

What a hot take!

posted 4 days ago

All things accounted for imo, yay vs. liquid at champs 22.

Still think going 17-3 in fk's vs fd's is ridiculous and going 30- 9 with a 2+ rating on a map 3. Stats aren't as insane as others, but live it was pretty crazy to watch.

posted 4 days ago

Cause he's the best agent in the game

posted 1 week ago

It's pretty much optics. Game looks less appealing to viewers on a stretched resolution than native. At least that's the reasoning Tenz has mentioned. The device manager thing I am more confident was security measures, although super unlikely, but better safe than sorry if your Riot.

posted 2 weeks ago

Worst tournament in recent memory (Masters Madrid). Had high viewership just cause SEN was in it and winning, but outside of that GF, that tournament was just forgettable. Not enough star power really.

posted 2 weeks ago

Boss call going to get made, riot saw what happened last time aspas missed an international...

posted 2 weeks ago

Logically it's EMEA, cause americas and pacific competition is so high that there will probably be different teams showing up to events.

posted 2 weeks ago

Need to see how they play on other, non double duelist maps first, but like from what we've seen and on paper, they should be finishing top of emea no doubt. Vitality vs. TH gonna be a movie.

posted 2 weeks ago

Lol i'm sure it will die down as the season goes on, but this is the first time we're seeing a gc player in VCT, it's a milestone. Can't be mad at it.

posted 2 weeks ago

I said in the pool right now, so Lotus is the only map that rlly matters in that data. And its last year's data, from over 6 months ago... pre neon nerfs, pre chamber buff, pre phoenix buff. All things that will contribute to flash agents being mandatory basically. We'll see though, i'll come back to this after kickoff is over.

posted 2 weeks ago

What teams run no flashes on any map in the pool right now? I'm fairly sure like 95% of teams have a flash agent in every single comp, so idk how that can mean no flash comp would be good.

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah, then they killed her immediately lol. Actually crazy cause it took them longer to nerf chamber even though he was way more op.

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't agree, I think teams will realize that Yoru is a great pick, and that frees up a spot for an extra agent. Sure, teams could go triple initiator, and that will probably be good too. But if you look at the map pool, like 5/7 of the maps are attack sided imo. Fracture, haven, abyss, lotus, and pearl. I think it'd be better to invest in a defensive comp at least on those maps, since you technically can negate some of the attack disadvantages that come with double sentinel.

posted 2 weeks ago

I was thinking how it was back when optic first started running chamber on every map, and then almost every team followed suit. With the agent diversity and balancing now, I doubt we'll ever get an agent that is played on every map, but do y'all think it can happen potentially? I think the only agent close enough to that level rn is yoru.

posted 2 weeks ago

I think we're going to see more comp variety than we ever have before honestly. Double sentinel in this map pool is strong, triple initiator could come back, and with more teams adopting yoru, I think double dive with a raze/neon/jett might get some play too. I'd personally like to see a comp with yoru/gekko/breach, maybe on bind or sunset if it comes back.

posted 2 weeks ago

TBH, there's really no buff you can give the stun without it being too broken, especially if they increase the bullet spread.

posted 2 weeks ago

You're not wrong, can really only play no duelists on maps that have larger/multiple choke points available to attackers. There are only about three of those at all (icebox, pearl, ascent) and two of them are out of the pool. All the other maps have narrow chokepoints where an entry is almost necessary.

posted 3 weeks ago

YES, if you're able to beat teams that have been practicing for MONTHS because you innovated the meta faster than anyone else, no matter how many days' notice, that literally takes skill? And it's not that teams haven't mastered those agents, it's that most teams think they have better comps without those agents. Bottom line is, a team playing an agent on 5 days notice is a RISK, and if that risk pays off and they beat the standard comps that teams have practiced for months, you're telling me that it isn't a serious win? If so, then no need to continue this.

posted 3 weeks ago

So a team being the fastest to discover a way to utilize the new agent = no skill. I'd actually argue that takes as high of skill than anything else. You can literally look at the flip side argument, a team that decides they want to play tejo only has 5 DAYS to practice him. So if a team decides it's worth it and is able to actually have success with it, how exactly is that a "joke" and "no skill"?

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean his util can literally clear a site almost by himself, I think we're going to start seeing no sentinel comps, and people run triple initiator again. What sucks if that's what happens is the meta will become even more retake heavy. Like against a comp running Jett, Tejo, Sova, Breach, Astra? You just can't hold any site realistically.

posted 3 weeks ago

Once again, ALL the teams are going to have this "problem", so it effectively isn't unfair anymore. If a team is able to implement the new agent in a way that helps them win with short notice, how does that discredit their win/the event? They were able to adapt their comps faster than the others, who once again also have the choice to try to adapt or just go with what they practiced.

posted 3 weeks ago

That's on them for not adapting then lol. A team that wins off "abusing" an agent better than other teams deserves to win, and if they can't adapt after that agent is no longer "abusable", then they won't be able to win and that's fine. Idk why everyone complains about stuff like this like not all the teams can play the agent or something. It's on the pros to be creative and see where he can fit in comps.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

I mean she might be the easiest agent to play in the game, idk if there's really a way to not use her properly. Literally just smoke and take fights, that's all her kit really is good for lol.

posted 4 weeks ago

Makes no sense to me how they can go from releasing a balanced agent like Vyse to this. Shouldn't be a way for a breach ult that kills people to make it into the game.

posted 4 weeks ago

ngl, I was including imports cause they play in that respective league, but even excluding that, EU still has the best sentinels. Benjy, suygetsu, yetujey, alfajer, nats. It's not even remotely close honestly, that might be the role that's the clearest.

posted 1 month ago

What regions do you think are the most talented for each role?

Imo, it's Americas for duelists, EMEA for flex/sentinels/initiators, and Pacific for Controllers.

posted 1 month ago

Bruh I just checked his stats. Was he too young to be picked up by a team? Cause I've genuinely never seen numbers as high as his.

posted 1 month ago


I think whatever team(s) run some variation of this comp will have the most success, but it's all dependent on if these agents stay near their current state.

posted 1 month ago

How can talent rise if you have to be apart of the VCT ecosystem to be able to get into a "high" level queue? You'd be playing against nobodies, the reason ranked right now can signify talent is because all the top pros are who you're playing against lol. Realistically too, very little pros (especially top ones) would play regular ranked if such a queue became a thing. Didn't tarik run something similar and like the radiant ranked q's became barren? Idk, I think having a radiant requirement would be good, but a pro requirement just defeats the purpose of climbing the leaderboards.

posted 1 month ago

I don't think the FPL would translate the same, because there just aren't the same avenues to pro in valorant as there is in CS (way less teams invested in Val), so ranked is like pretty huge way for players to get their chance/get noticed. I think allowing only radiants would work, but only allowing contracted pros (not even all of them by your suggestions), deserving up and comers wouldn't be able to get their chance like primmie, karon, demon1, etc.

posted 1 month ago

I might be biased, but i'd say the chichoo ace on lotus just off the fact I've never seen such re-adjustments so accurate and quick, it literally looked like he had some type of aimlock. The KangKang guardian 4k too, I actually thought Heretics was actually gonna comeback before that round.

posted 1 month ago

Didn't even suit that meta is a technically correct statement, but I don't think that's necessarily a disadvantage. Being able to have variation in your comps is a huge advantage, and they were the only team that actually got better by taking their main OPer/star OFF chamber.

When aspas was playing chamber and they had essentially no entry, they were struggling more than when they had less on it and kept aspas on entry agents, something teams had started to abandon on certain maps (when triple initiator/double sentinel comps were at their peak on ascent/icebox/etc.)

posted 1 month ago

Realistically, it's Chichoo considering the level of comp in 2024 vs. 2021, but not accounting for that it's Nats, he was the first non-duelist star.

posted 1 month ago

I think they'll be decent, but they need another IGL if they want to be top 3-5. I don't think nature is a good enough caller to maximize the talent they have.

posted 1 month ago

NGL Leaf might be the most 40-year-old looking 21 year old ever.

posted 1 month ago

100t, LOUD, C9, 2G, EG in no order.

posted 1 month ago

NGL DFM can definitely win kickoff lol. They looked good, even better than GenG looked imo. I still think T1 or NS are gonna win, but DFM and PRX are right there too.

posted 1 month ago

You can be the goat if you're consistently ONE of the best and have trophies to back it up. No player in the game has been the best in the world for multiple seasons. So there is no definitive goat in the game, but Chronicle is definitely on the shortlist of players who should be considered.

posted 1 month ago

"Author's Note : It is worth noting that Riot Games issued this warning to Benjyfishy before announcing the allowance of gambling sponsors in the VCT on November 28, 2024."

Reprimand player for gambling but allow your company to have gambling sponsors. Lol

posted 1 month ago

There shouldn't be sova nerfs, they've already nerfed him. The fact is the only other recon initiator's recon abilities are just not as good. The dart will always be better than the eye, the drone is better than the dog on most maps, the solution should be buffing fade. increase her dogs range, maybe make the eye smaller in size so it's harder to shoot, or make it activate faster.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah it's the same for me, I believe it's because you can get used to ranked being a coin toss as far as what your team will be like (skill, comms, etc.), so you might be subconsciously putting less focus on the game itself. For me, it's just not enjoyable to be on a team with no comms and/or teamplay, which is like 80% of ranked games, so I even find myself sometimes doing braindead shit because i'm not mentally invested in the match.

posted 1 month ago

Lmao he's basically the youngest to do everything. Hope he keeps frying, this is ridiculous.

posted 1 month ago

I mean he's technically already tier 1, and was the best player at the SOOP league by a fair margin, so I think he'll be ok. But I probably would say it'd be the biggest letdown for a debuting player, which isn't really much competition cause the T2 pipeline only really became prominent last year, before that teams were just recycling pros.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Can someone explain if this kid is actually the goat? I saw him and one of his teammates with like 1.6 ratings and then all the rest of his team had sub 1 ratings. and they still won the major. I don't watch CS but by the stats it just seems like he is miles ahead of who he's playing against to the point he can just carry. Is he like the CS duelist equivalent for his team?

posted 1 month ago

90% sure it's gonna be batujnax

posted 1 month ago
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