I'm so bad at Valorant

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Hey guys, I've been playing Valorant for about two years now, but I’ve been stuck in Platinum for a long time. I finally hit Diamond this week, a goal I've been chasing for years. However, as soon as I reached Diamond, I started facing peak Ascendant and Immortal players, and I’m getting crushed. I really want to improve, especially when it comes to my aim, because I feel like my aim and reaction time are terrible. I watch a lot of videos and practice in Aim Lab, but only for about 15 minutes before I play Valorant, and it doesn’t seem to help much. I’m thinking of quitting, but I’ve already spent over $2K on skins, so it feels like a waste of money if I stop playing. It’s also embarrassing to get on Valorant because I feel like my skill level is too low for the rank I’m in. My level is almost 600 and yet I'm still in plat lobbies and I don't even fragged out on plat lobbies. Idk what to do anymore

Let me drop my tracker if u guys wanna see my stats. After I derank my diamond, that's when I started playing like absolute trash.


Play more


honestly this, but not just brainlessly play. What I see in lots of plat/diamond lobbies when i watch my friends play is that their aim is not actually shit. They mostly hit decent shots but their positioning and decision-making during the round is so bad that it outweighs their aim. Yes, aim duels are basically a 50/50 but if youre in the right position, or if youre playing around your teammates info, then this 50/50 might become a 60/40. Also watch your own VODS, but not for you to glaze yourself every kill you get. Study why you killed someone and not the other way around. If they killed you instead, look out for what happened that managed to get you killed. Was it you getting caught in the open with the knife out? Was it because you or your teammates didnt use your util to clear certain corners? Was it because all five of you were on one side of the map and the other team simply capitalized on that to get control of the whole map or was it simply aim diff?(it happens) When you look for these things, I can guarantee you that youll see so many glaring mistakes that youll be baffled as to why you were doing what you were doing and when you start to apply that knowledge in game then you will most certainly climb up the ranks.


honestly this, but not just brainlessly play. What I see in lots of plat/diamond lobbies when i watch my friends play is that their aim is not actually shit. They mostly hit decent shots but their positioning and decision-making during the round is so bad that it outweighs their aim. Yes, aim duels are basically a 50/50 but if youre in the right position, or if youre playing around your teammates info, then this 50/50 might become a 60/40. Also watch your own VODS, but not for you to glaze yourself every kill you get. Study why you killed someone and not the other way around. If they killed you instead, look out for what happened that managed to get you killed. Was it you getting caught in the open with the knife out? Was it because you or your teammates didnt use your util to clear certain corners? Was it because all five of you were on one side of the map and the other team simply capitalized on that to get control of the whole map or was it simply aim diff?(it happens) When you look for these things, I can guarantee you that youll see so many glaring mistakes that youll be baffled as to why you were doing what you were doing and when you start to apply that knowledge in game then you will most certainly climb up the ranks.



  1. play for fun (idk how that could be possible)
  2. get coached
  3. start cheating (pls don´t)

Lmao the last one


For aimlabs you could try a 30 minute session once you get off, but anything before you play is like lifting weights before you do cardio


And don't feel too bad I've ben playing since episode 5 and I'm hardstuck silver


Ur actually better than me. I'm so inconsistent it's actually scary. It looks like 2 different people playing on my account. Imma try the aimlab for 30 min after I get off on val.


Watch some coaching vids on youtube and focus more on using brain instead of aim also if you want to be better mechanically play deatchmatch aimlabs is just placebo


Ok ty for the advice. I feel like my aim hasn't improved even tho I've been practicing my aim using aimlabs


I used to play for fun, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but here are things you should be doing.

  1. Aimlabs is not warm up. Warmup using death match or the practice range.
  2. NEVER train before your games, it will tire you out and make it harder to focus on the game.
  3. If your pc is strong enough, record your games and watch them. It will be so much easier to notice what you are doing wrong when you aren't focusing on the match. While watching imagine a perfectly played scenario and try to pinpoint what the issue could be and than search for ways to fix it on youtube, if you don't already know how you could fix it.
  4. Don't fill. While filling what your team needs is good for winning games, you will be too busy focusing on your util to think about the other aspects of the game. Just choose 2-3 agents you like to play the most and stick with them.
  5. After choosing your agents, learn those agents fully by watching others play them. Or maybe even watching guides for the specific agent, even though I don't personally like guides as they aren't subjective enough for a specific players playstyle.

Can't think of anything else at the moment but hopefully this helps you out 👍🏻


Yeah I always fill. I want to play duelist bc I'm not confident enough to pick duelist anymore. My aim is horrible. I think my aim is worse than silver rn. I'm not even joking


Watch primmie and try to copy how he shoot ,genuine advice


Worked for me

  1. a bit hard to give advice when i havent seen u play
  2. u should never have like a SET amount of practice time, warm up until u feel that ur confident in ur aim and warm up until you feel like you could hit your shots with ease, however long this will take. js dont overdo it tho
  3. iyw get coaching it rly helps if u dont know what ur doing
  4. most important advice: you play and u see ascendants and immortals and immediately ur brain triggers a response that theyre "better" valorant is a majority mental game, ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS take each fight with confidence and with the mentality that you would fuck them up. you are the best person in the lobby at all times. stop portraying anyone who is a higher elo than you as some sort of mythical figure. just go into each fight and have the mentality that you will win. cmon, youve played this game for years. theres no way ur worse than the others. confidence is SO overlooked and so under talked ab but if u asked any pro player they would most likely tell u to play w confidence

this is coming from a peak radiant btw


Ur actually giving me a good advice especially the 4th one. Yeah I don't play with confidence when I get to play with peak asc and immo. I always think I'm the worst one in the lobby when I q rank. Idk my aim was insane last week but my aim and decision making are horrible this week. I think its bc i always think im always gonna lose the gunfight vs the enemy team. Ty so much for ur advice!


Stop watching Gen g and watch good team like Furia or gentle mates


navi too


Can y’all make ur stuff believable plz?


run it down no other choice


More hours needed


Just realized the way to own people is to simply own deathmatch consistently


We all are bad sir.. we all are


i feel you ... i just log in to play 5-6 tdms and thats about it ... i have moved on to story-mode games


Usually when people struggle with ‘aim’ it funnily enough isn’t really. There are 3 main things which complement your aim that you should work on: holding, peeking and movement (while shooting), all 3 of these will set you up for gunfights where you end up having to aim less. I struggle with this too, but usually if you know the right techniques it’s all about getting practice

(This is generic advice tbh so take it with a pinch of salt, some parts may not apply to any one person specifically)


Yeah I know but idk why the enemy team just running it down every game I've been playing. I get killed while they are blind, run and gun and even spammed through smokes. I'm so frustrated. Even my immo peak teammates are getting stomped on by enemy team every game lmao


I’m thinking of quitting, but I’ve already spent over $2K on skins, so it feels like a waste of money if I stop playing.

sunk cost fallacy


I get the idea since i was a diamond in these last 2 acts, & i know you will get to face ascendant rank which had peaked immortal before in these lobbies. and it felt like their shot is immensely better than you.

My only advice is just dont be sad about it, some people play this game as the 2nd/3rd fps game they play, so if theyre good at it, its quite normal no ?

Yes, there is some people who invest litlle to no time on the game and still master the aim & hone their game sense to the max but we should realize that this case is a minority.

I just checked your stats on the tracker and i dont think your bad. Youre quite the average or even a little above average & ITS NOT BAD. Many people on Vlr are silver / gold even tho they played so many hours.


Idk about you but i try to play only to have fun here. In these diamond lobbies youll kinda get humbled and realized that the aim gap from diamond to ascendant is quite big.

Ascendant player mostly can do counter strafing and their aim is insane compared to diamond. And then the gap between ascendant to immortal imo you need to maximize your utility usage and stay good with the aim. So the road is still long and if you have high expectation on the mid rank, youll get much more humbled when you face the upper rank


Yeah I've been playing so many rank games the past few days since I'm leaving and i won't be able to play for 2 months. I'm already getting humbled rn so bad. I don't even wanna play lmao

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