Bro this guy is absolutely dogshit. Yeah bench foxy9 and let's replace with a guy who play like tier 3
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | July 14, 2024 |
Last post: | March 24, 2025 at 5:30 AM |
Posts: | 65 |
Bro this guy is absolutely dogshit. Yeah bench foxy9 and let's replace with a guy who play like tier 3
Wow this Suggest guy is so good. Good thing Gen benched foxy9 and kicked yoman...
My aim is getting way better but it's still average. 31% hs and my kd is only 1.05 when i hit diamond 1. I just want to hit asc this year but I don't think I can
Bro HOWW?! I'm hardstuck like I can't improve my aim at all. My lvl is almost 600 and I js peak diamond 1 on EP9:ACT 8 but I'm taking a break for a few month's
Does 2nd place mean absolutely nothing? They got 2nd place with 2 new players.
Bro posts #ENDRACISM but can’t stop being racist in the replies? Truly impressive how someone can miss the point that hard. It’s like his brain has its own personal ‘Do Not Enter’ sign when it comes to understanding basic concepts #PostEndRacismThenBeRacist
Gen is not washed tho. They got 2 new players. Js give them time and they will be back again. It's over for everyone when foxy9 and yoman lock in
And don't forget munchkin, the igl goat
I'm not even a fan if t1 but stop coping. The better team won master bangkok
Reject will win by 2-0 cause of my goat saya and his goated team
Bruh i miss the old Gen team even tho lakia was underperforming. Man I might have said some stuff about lakia but I'm really starting to miss the old Gen team.
Wait guys why are they going up against each other again? It doesn't matter since they're both already qualified for master Bangkok no?
Bro haven't watch vct America yet. G2 is going to win. Not even a fan of g2 but they're just a different breed. They look like they're smurfing against other teams
GenG are playing so stupid after winning split. Holy they look like talon wtf. T1 and Drx are going to Bangkok
Chat was saying how t3xture fell off and he just proved them all wrong. My king S3xture
Bro my heart can't take this
Apparently it seems like they don't wanna go to Bangkok
Bro yeah they're good but u saw how gen are playing especially on split? They're not even playing as a team. Mf t3xture pushing site alone and 4 people still on main. They don't play as a team like peeking and swinging together. Fucking carpe play in the same corner and they don't even check yeah nice fk this. They're playing so individually it frustrated me as a fan. They're not the same gen from last year
Gg it's over for gen. Idk why they're only pushing site when they barely have enough time. Same thing every round on attack. 2 initiator and they don't even play aggro on attack like what
Bro t3xture is so much better on jett than neon/raze. His raze is good but not as good as when he play jett especially on haven
Lakia can't get frag out but his utility to set up t3xture is fucking insane.
Erm yeah no...
3 (if you count my mom, my big sis and my small sis)
Nah my boy Saya gonna carry
Ngl as a GenG fan, GenG played so horrible against Drx but I still hope GenG win against DFM since I will support GenG even if they're not as good as before
I'm just gonna say the switch up is crazy..
Yall talked shit about Lakia and now u guys want him back. U guys make fun of him when he said he want to be a lakia of valorant
Yeah that's what I was gonna say. Lakia can't aim but his util usage is so good. It just that he can't get any kills. Yoman util usage is atrocious man. Lakia usually clutch rounds when he have utils but seem like this dude even doesn't know how to use his sova util properly. Gen.G is cooked if Yoman and Foxy don't lock tf in. They look so sloppy now
I started watching vct bc of GUARD and saya is my favorite player out of them. I'm so excited to see you play again Saya! Been a fan since day 1
Omg finally I will get to see Saya play again! I've been his fan since day 1
Yeah I've been playing so many rank games the past few days since I'm leaving and i won't be able to play for 2 months. I'm already getting humbled rn so bad. I don't even wanna play lmao
Yeah I always fill. I want to play duelist bc I'm not confident enough to pick duelist anymore. My aim is horrible. I think my aim is worse than silver rn. I'm not even joking
Yeah I know but idk why the enemy team just running it down every game I've been playing. I get killed while they are blind, run and gun and even spammed through smokes. I'm so frustrated. Even my immo peak teammates are getting stomped on by enemy team every game lmao
Ur actually giving me a good advice especially the 4th one. Yeah I don't play with confidence when I get to play with peak asc and immo. I always think I'm the worst one in the lobby when I q rank. Idk my aim was insane last week but my aim and decision making are horrible this week. I think its bc i always think im always gonna lose the gunfight vs the enemy team. Ty so much for ur advice!
Ok ty for the advice. I feel like my aim hasn't improved even tho I've been practicing my aim using aimlabs
Ur actually better than me. I'm so inconsistent it's actually scary. It looks like 2 different people playing on my account. Imma try the aimlab for 30 min after I get off on val.
Hey guys, I've been playing Valorant for about two years now, but I’ve been stuck in Platinum for a long time. I finally hit Diamond this week, a goal I've been chasing for years. However, as soon as I reached Diamond, I started facing peak Ascendant and Immortal players, and I’m getting crushed. I really want to improve, especially when it comes to my aim, because I feel like my aim and reaction time are terrible. I watch a lot of videos and practice in Aim Lab, but only for about 15 minutes before I play Valorant, and it doesn’t seem to help much. I’m thinking of quitting, but I’ve already spent over $2K on skins, so it feels like a waste of money if I stop playing. It’s also embarrassing to get on Valorant because I feel like my skill level is too low for the rank I’m in. My level is almost 600 and yet I'm still in plat lobbies and I don't even fragged out on plat lobbies. Idk what to do anymore
Let me drop my tracker if u guys wanna see my stats. After I derank my diamond, that's when I started playing like absolute trash.
Hello Guys. Pls don't be mean. My mom did a transplant yesterday and she died while doing her surgery. She got an infection and her heart stopped beating. I'm so fucking sad. I don't really have friends and idk who to talk to except my family. My mom wanted to live in a big house and get rich before she die but I couldn't even fullfill her wishes and dreams. She was suffering so much before she pass away. My mom love us so much to the point where she doesn't want us to move out from her apt. She was so lonely when me and my sis moved out. Now I can't do anything but live with regrets for the rest of my life. She really thought the transplant was going to save her life. She was so happy and she told us she's strong and will not die but she was having a difficult time when I last visit her on Nov 30. The day before she die. What do I do? I don't want to live without my mom. I'm going crazy
Idk I just miss fuckjng meteor man. The best kj and cypher main in my opinion
Yeah Trace played well but this is not the same gen. They don't look discipline and over rotating site. They're throwing rounds just like when they went against drx. Giving rounds like 4v2 and 4v1
My goat t3xture is insane as always so was Karon on that 1v2 clutch