AIM: cortezia
GAMESENSE: boostio
TROPHIES: boostio
but cortezia > boostio.. hmmm
cloudberry [#4]Who's your favourite player kalayavan?
if i am ranking them from truth, 1. nAts, 2. ange1, 3. kiNgg, 4. aspas, 5. tex
aleckin [#9]All of this doesn't matter when boostio appears in cortezia's screen and gets headshoted lmao
Boostio is a Champs winner.
Shadow_Monarch [#10]Cortezia is the next coming of Less. Boostio is washed now, he's no longer on EG remember that.
the craziest part of this statement is that less is still young, meaning that he still has so much potential left
catNmouse [#12]the craziest part of this statement is that less is still young, meaning that he still has so much potential left
True. I want to see them go head to head later.
aleckin [#9]All of this doesn't matter when boostio appears in cortezia's screen and gets headshoted lmao
no champs trophy tho lol
aleckin [#9]All of this doesn't matter when boostio appears in cortezia's screen and gets headshoted lmao
just because c0rtezia farmed some shitty brazilians, he's a "good" aimer now? bfr it was 2 games against shitty opponents
indomie [#19]just because c0rtezia farmed some shitty brazilians, he's a "good" aimer now? bfr it was 2 games against shitty opponents
he is a good aimer though,
catNmouse [#20]he is a good aimer though,
yes i agree he is a top 15% of aimers in NA but why are we glazing him like he's prime yay?
indomie [#19]just because c0rtezia farmed some shitty brazilians, he's a "good" aimer now? bfr it was 2 games against shitty opponents
3 matchs with 70% hs he without a doubt a good aimer lil bro
indomie [#22]yes i agree he is a top 15% of aimers in NA but why are we glazing him like he's prime yay?
''prime yay'' you talk bad about Brazilian players but at the same time you suck American dicks, YAY was never insane (without your chamber he just another player, and this was proven after NERF, the guy just disappeared). And I'm sure Brazilian players are too superior to Americans to be called shit, but it's easier to talk bad about Brazil, right? It seems like they forgot that we are world champions XD
bullet194 [#24]''prime yay'' you talk bad about Brazilian players but at the same time you suck American dicks, YAY was never insane (without your chamber he just another player, and this was proven after NERF, the guy just disappeared). And I'm sure Brazilian players are too superior to Americans to be called shit, but it's easier to talk bad about Brazil, right? It seems like they forgot that we are world champions XD
yay was insane at the time don’t lie to yourself lol, he might’ve fell off coincidentally after chamber got nerfed but he was literally the best player of 2022 and won esports player of the year award for a reason. i sorta agree with everything else you said tho, brazil talent is just as insane if not better
catNmouse [#25]yay was insane at the time don’t lie to yourself lol, he might’ve fell off coincidentally after chamber got nerfed but he was literally the best player of 2022 and won esports player of the year award for a reason. i sorta agree with everything else you said tho, brazil talent is just as insane if not better
I still think LESS or Aspas were much better than Yay, with all due respect yay is a monster, but I've never seen him do anything without Chamber. I really like the other regions, but it's bizarre like Plat Chat and some people look down on Brazil so much, sometimes I think it's just to farm some likes. And I even understand, among the franchises only LOUD had a good performance, but this year the BR teams finally stopped betting on average players and put our young talents and best VCB players to play, I'm excited!
ionlyHave1Zuni [#28]Comparing a player that never even played in t1 with boostio is insane work 😂 what are mfs even doing
cortezia clears aim wise and thats about it
100t vs mibr first match at kick off and also brazilians hate boostio
shaq_attaqr [#29]100t vs mibr first match at kick off and also brazilians hate boostio
Never, we really like boostio. he's a funny guy
bullet194 [#27]I still think LESS or Aspas were much better than Yay, with all due respect yay is a monster, but I've never seen him do anything without Chamber. I really like the other regions, but it's bizarre like Plat Chat and some people look down on Brazil so much, sometimes I think it's just to farm some likes. And I even understand, among the franchises only LOUD had a good performance, but this year the BR teams finally stopped betting on average players and put our young talents and best VCB players to play, I'm excited!
no one seems to remember pre chamber his jett was insane.
chamber was literally built for him, so it was abused. Sad that he fell off, a lot of external factors played a major role too.
bullet194 [#30]Never, we really like boostio. he's a funny guy
i’ve seen a lot of hate for him since losing to furia and to loud in their worst iteration ever. and someone else just called him the worst player in americas not long ago
catNmouse [#12]the craziest part of this statement is that less is still young, meaning that he still has so much potential left
Less is only 20 years old and hes already a reference in this game wtf
bullet194 [#27]I still think LESS or Aspas were much better than Yay, with all due respect yay is a monster, but I've never seen him do anything without Chamber. I really like the other regions, but it's bizarre like Plat Chat and some people look down on Brazil so much, sometimes I think it's just to farm some likes. And I even understand, among the franchises only LOUD had a good performance, but this year the BR teams finally stopped betting on average players and put our young talents and best VCB players to play, I'm excited!
beazil is insane tho Ngl.
I think best thing young talents in brazil can do outside working on game is learn english.
opens up a lot more opportunities.
akimb0_ [#33]Less is only 20 years old and hes already a reference in this game wtf
he won champions at 17 i believe
M0ngeCuritiba [#17]i don´t think that Trophies are a topic for this discussion...
then i am the best player of all time
bullet194 [#24]''prime yay'' you talk bad about Brazilian players but at the same time you suck American dicks, YAY was never insane (without your chamber he just another player, and this was proven after NERF, the guy just disappeared). And I'm sure Brazilian players are too superior to Americans to be called shit, but it's easier to talk bad about Brazil, right? It seems like they forgot that we are world champions XD
world champions? in the big 2024 is wild. i hate boostio as much as anyone but cmon bait used to be believable
Azzelastia [#2]Boostio clears, no debate.
Only South NA fans and NA haters would think otherwise.
south NA