Kicked meow and ZesbeeW for this?
dos9 is joking he misheard the host asking about persiapan (preparation) to fidel, and he asking "persia?". then one of the host ask dos9 what his thought about shower, he said how they (boom) lose that, and fidel respond atleast we win 2 maps you guys no. many think fidel is joking too by saying that cuz they all laughing after the host saying u two in the same team now, but he act salty later on by trying to dictate dos9 when he want to answer the host question, making it awkward
salut gua lu beneran nerapin prinsip goblok elu. semoga konsisten sampe lu mati ya
ofc, you indon is the same like indian you guys always hate, no different at all. so its to be expected if someone "hate" fidel, one of big name of the so called ring 1 valorant indonesia, in public, you indon coming to defend him. but its so surprising, I thought fidel isnt that big, but there so many here. this must be GLHFson influence huh