Cender(smokes [IGL])
Sayf (flashes/flex)
Trexx (recon init)
Less (sentinel/viper)
Derke (duelist)
this both makes sense roles wise and IGL wise, Kicks is assssss RIP this is where we see the fall off of team vitality
bobwoblob [#6]I legit don't get this unless Sayf really wants to IGL. But even then, I trust Cendar more skill wise compared to Kicks. Unless Sayf also really wants to play smokes but idk. Definitely seems weird af.
feel like sayf on flash inti is better but i think he decides this ngl
jixk [#7]why do they believe in kicks over cender??????????
cuz younger but if they can kick runneR who is arguably better than Kicks, surely they get rid of kicks too. But no, they get rid of cender
Crackyoudown [#9]cuz younger but if they can kick runneR who is arguably better than Kicks, surely they get rid of kicks too. But no, they get rid of cender
i guess kicks is the least expensive choice cause he can't ask for much unless he wants to go back to t3 and derke less sayf trexx are pricey i assume