GE Fans Come.

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So GE might be going with a Phillipines Roster for next season.
So the question is will Indian Audience still prefer to Support GE in VCT Pacific knowing they won't be having any Indian Player to represent them and Bigger question GE host Watch Parties in India for their match will people show up to those watch parties to Support GE.

Also I don't know If I am Wrong or not but I feel Philippines are very racist towards Indian.


Org is still Indian so still I will support
Tbh its everyone choice if u want to support u can if dont want then dont


No I Not Support I Miss Benkai Russ Blazeking Lightning Fast Polvi Monyet Texture Ayrin Bazzi Wronski SKROSSI Hellff Hellranger Kappa Skillz


It's not like GE have a choice, our players aren't getting results for them, we simply don't have the player quality to hang in with T1, it's a shame but it's something we have to accept as a region, the only thing we can do now is grow and develop Players who are capable of Playing In T1, but that isn't going to happen if our orgs and players don't change their ways

NOX_- [#2]

Org is still Indian so still I will support
Tbh its everyone choice if u want to support u can if dont want then dont

I dont understand why you guys are supporting GE with no Indian players. Just because GE is an Indian org doesn't mean we have to consider a totally foreign roster. If that's the case, you should have supported Entity Gaming from dota2 cause the org is Indian. I won't bootlick GE until they atleast an single Indian in the roster !!


Every country has its own racist people. But trust me, India/GE gonna have the full support of Filiipinos including TS fans/haters. All Filos are pretty excited for the new GE. Don't let the minority bother you.


yeah im supporting them. Indians were given the chance, they just weren't good enough 🤷🤷.. I'd like GE to at least be competitive in playoffs and shit instead of being the laughing stock

botfragger432 [#5]

I dont understand why you guys are supporting GE with no Indian players. Just because GE is an Indian org doesn't mean we have to consider a totally foreign roster. If that's the case, you should have supported Entity Gaming from dota2 cause the org is Indian. I won't bootlick GE until they atleast an single Indian in the roster !!

Well in valorant it's about Orgs not country it's not a world cup

ReaperBM [#8]

Well in valorant it's about Orgs not country it's not a world cup

It's same for every esport title not just valorant lol.
In India ( or any other country), they support real Madrid and Barcelona more than their own country club.


GE indian team without an indian 🗿😭


Im not racist i love indian curry /s

But for real tho there are real racist people in the philippines. However, we still have people here who love indian movies, culture, food, and not to mention a very strong indian-filipino community.


I get the point of us seeing Indian players thrive in tier 1 but I don't really get the obligation of 'GE should hire Indian players because it is an Indian org'. if Indian players aren't good enough for tier 1 yet, why should GE hire Indian players? Only valid reason in my opinion is that; Indian players get experience from tier 1. Which is a very good reason don't get me wrong, however I don't believe GE is a charity either.

They are gonna prioritise winning. I mean just getting to champs means you get an extra share of champs bundle revenue right? Financially speaking it makes sense for orgs to hire players that they think would win them games, instead of prioritising country over skills.

If GE creates an academy for Indian players to improve I will support them, as for who they hire for their T1 team, I don't really care. Either way they are trying their best to survive imo, esports isn't really a financially forgiving business.

botfragger432 [#5]

I dont understand why you guys are supporting GE with no Indian players. Just because GE is an Indian org doesn't mean we have to consider a totally foreign roster. If that's the case, you should have supported Entity Gaming from dota2 cause the org is Indian. I won't bootlick GE until they atleast an single Indian in the roster !!

Let me say that if you are not capable to run a business would your father give you chance or give chance to other brother who is more effective in this area


So here is the thing when I watched Rossi and LF although they didn’t show up a good performance, I could relate to them because been watching them since 3-4 yrs, with this roster ge will be kinda boring, watching them will be like without heart.

KssS [#11]

Im not racist i love indian curry /s

But for real tho there are real racist people in the philippines. However, we still have people here who love indian movies, culture, food, and not to mention a very strong indian-filipino community.

such a kiss ass. lets be real filipinos dont like indians.

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