Flag: India
Registered: October 3, 2021
Last post: January 16, 2025 at 2:28 AM
Posts: 756
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Does this Team sounds like a Super team ?
Boaster - Controller and IGL
Alfajer : Duelist
Chronicles:- Sentinal/Viper
Leo:- 1st Initiator
Crashies:- 2nd Initiator /Flex

posted 2 months ago

So in neon it's not like u slie and shoot in air and the bullet hits enemy's Head.

posted 4 months ago

So they reduced stuns to 1 charge anyways. Earlier sehad 2 stuns. And Every agent has some pros and cons Man.

posted 4 months ago

Yaa I mean ULt is meant to melt people down but yaa Ult is quite op Getting this full energy recharged after kill is insane. Maybe going back to ult neon has when she got release could be better

posted 4 months ago

Ohhh man Even slide and kill requires skills. It's not that ez

posted 4 months ago

I mean I get the idea of Moving while shooting but Nen was literally in dumpster before this buff and I felt the slide was useless Before this buff. I mean give 1 useful use of slide before this buff

posted 4 months ago

Yaa But Jett can Peak in 4 people Kill and Dad out to safety. Raze ca Take Space very aggressively. Every agent has some pros and cons what's the point of having Similar agents.

posted 4 months ago

Can someone explain me why people are spamming "Nerf Neon" everywhere. Like I mean ok She has 100% accuracy on slide. I mean Jett also has that dash as escape tool to escape from any situation. Aren't people bored of watching Jett and raze on all maps.

I mean now duelist class is diversified
Raze got Bind , Split and Fracture has her main maps
Jett has Ascent , Abys and Icebox as her Main maps
Neon has Haven , Sunset as Her main maps

It's just that Reyna Is only a Ranked agent and they literally made Iso God agent for 1 week and then needed him to ground. Yoru is tricky as It is very hard to master and it's hard to control TP.

posted 4 months ago

So EMEA Got 3 slots In GC championship and 2 of the teams are eliminated and G2 looked shaky against KRU. I feel finals might be between Shopify and KRU.

posted 4 months ago

DRX vs FPX was Quite a Banger but the stakes were not that high compared to Fnc vs Loud

posted 4 months ago

FNC vs Loud ( Lockin Finals )
TH vs EDG (Champs 2024)
GMB vs Acend (Champs 2021 )
TL Brazil vs Shopify rebellion ( GC 2023 finals )
Sen vs GenG ( Madrid Finals )

posted 4 months ago

I don't know Why But I feel Riot is quite Baised towards EMEA as a Region . I mean in Game changers EMEA got 3 slots while NA got 2 and Brazil who were finalist last year got only 1 slot. I mean giving 2 slots to APAC was Good but Brazil deserve that Second slot compared to EMEA getting that 3rd slot.

Also G2 Gozen Vs Shopify would Be the finals IG

posted 4 months ago

I mean you can't be Good In everything , I mean India is Good In Cricket , chess , Major Olympiad's of Maths and Science and other sports too. I mean where is Singapore or Spain's or Finland's Cricket team. I mean China , USA , Russia , Brazil , Russia , Japan are some of the biggest countries in the World they don't have anything in Cricket .

posted 5 months ago

It's Not About Nationality or Something, They Advertise themselves as Indian Org and only Indian Hope and Survivors in this scene. I mean they can Sign whoever they want but then advertise ur self as International org rather than Indian Org. Indian Audience is Quite Volatile and They use that. I mean KC and Vitality are French Orgs But they don't advertise themselves completely like French Orgs they just have International as Their logo in VCT.

posted 5 months ago

I mean I don't know If u watch Formula 1 or Not but There is a Team called Aston Martin who is Owned by one of their Driver's father and Everyone says that he doens't know how To drive .

posted 5 months ago

Given Chances ? What chances ? Ok Skrossi was Given some chances and He Performed in 1-2 Matches and Was dogshit in other but do u really call that chances , I blame Coaching staff for this Horrendous years Of GE , I mean Coaching staff of Ge tried to run solo Viper on Bind

posted 5 months ago

Ok so About Winning Both years they all said About GE wining with 1 Indian On roster then still ended up in bottom so Does it make any difference signing 5 different country player and Still ending at the bottom . It's better to sign 5 Indian player give them some time some experience and see.

Also their CEO clearly said that they can't Make a Full Indian roster or have more Indian players because it will Hurt Riot Competitive integrity. So Being at bottom with 5 international players doens't hurt riots Competitive integrity.

Also I don't know if you watch Platchat but they always make fun of GE's decison of doing Clown things .

posted 5 months ago

It's Not Being Bad or Being good , I mean There are 2 prospects to this take
1stly In India Gaming is considered not a a good hobby to have and Parent don't support, I mean everybody knows this narrative of Indians Being only Doctors and Engineers

2ndly Some didn't get enough chances be it any sport other than cricket, I mean Look at formula 1 we have only 1 driver in F2 and his brother literally cried in team radio that his Team doens't support him.
Also see GE only they should be giving chances to Indian players but Instead they just bail them out 1st with Skrossi and Then with Lightiningfast.

I mean LF did perform decent for GE last way better compared to other 4 players still he got dropped and we have some talent in tier 2 scene it's just that everybody wants quick result and With everybody I mean Indian Audience they just want the player to top frag every game .

posted 5 months ago

So GE might be going with a Phillipines Roster for next season.
So the question is will Indian Audience still prefer to Support GE in VCT Pacific knowing they won't be having any Indian Player to represent them and Bigger question GE host Watch Parties in India for their match will people show up to those watch parties to Support GE.

Also I don't know If I am Wrong or not but I feel Philippines are very racist towards Indian.

posted 5 months ago

According to me this would be the list :-
1) Sideshow and Bren :- I mean No Doubts they are the best casting duo in Valorant. The analysis from Sideshow and Hype casting by Bren is brillent. All the Grand finals they have casted have been legendary be it Fnc Vs Loud Or EDG vs TH or FPX vs PRX .

2) Achilios and Paper thin :- They are very underrated in International scene but they are quite good Casters especially Achilios in hype casting is so good. I mean Remember Scary's 1v5 vs Scarz.

3) Panzy and Hypoc :- I mean they are good but Riot just over glazes them a Lot sometimes I mean Before 2024 , They were always Given to cast Grand Final + Panzy is So Baised towards EU teams .

4) Balla And Doug :- TBh I miss there Casting duo currently Babybay is not as good As Balla in terms of post round Analysis casting whole doug is still pretty good with Hype casting.

5) Mitch And Tombz ;- I like there Casting but their duo is not specified, I mean all the other casters that I mentioned have this rule of 1 doing hype casting and other doing the post round Analysis casting but for Mitch and Tombiz , both wants to do Hype casting so

posted 5 months ago

So Apparently they are going with no Indian Player This VCT. I mean It's quite e evident that No Indian player currently can play At VCT level. I am Excited to see how will Their Fanbase react to this . I mean they have Indian fan base and People were quite Furious Last season for not having Enough Indian representatives.

posted 5 months ago

I don't know If you guys Agree with me or not but the biggest mistakes they make are:-

1- Like after every season they just make a New Foster from scratch like not retaining any player from last season.

2- they just try 5 different player and Put them as a team not seeing the differences in their Play style , like

In 2023 , They got Ayrin as IGL who played in NA which have Very a different play style to APAC. Like Skrossi as Duelist was shit and over aggressive while his team as Passive having players Like Texture and Bazzi .

Last year they got EMEA players Like Russ and Polvi who playing in EMEA where The game is played more default wise complete Opposite to APAC's aggressive playstyle.

I don't what they think about having an Import from NA or EMEA but I would Rather they should Just stick to APAC players

posted 5 months ago

Don't get me wrong on this but am I the only one who thinks G2 Amy looks Kinda Like Kazumi ?

I mean Sometimes on twitter I get confused?

posted 5 months ago

I mean they are literally super team of GC like SR ,
Would be great to see their March against SR

posted 5 months ago

Is this News Real ? I mean If Aspas goes To Fnatic , The game is pretty much over then, why would other teams want to compete in an International events ?

I mean
Aspas - Best Duelist player in the world
Boaster - One of the best IGL in the world
Leo - Best Initiator in the world
Chronicles - The best Flex Player In the World
Alfajer:- One the best Sentinal Player in the world

posted 5 months ago

I was thinking Keeping Shin could be a good Idea.

posted 5 months ago

Wat teams In Pacific should Make changes in their roster ?
Acc to me

GenG :- Should Keep same roster

DRX :- should Keep same roster or Add IGL so that mako can Perform without the burden of IGLing

PRX :- I don't know what to say , I mean they looked worse after adding Jingg back,

T1 :- Heard they are going for Full Korean Roster , Maybe Adding King instead of Rossy

RRQ :- I feel they should Stick to SEA roster especially Indo roster . Boom players performed good at ascension may be picking Famouz and adding Blazeking might be a good Move instead Of Jemkin and Estrella

Team Secret :- No idea .

DFM :- Meiy was so good last year with neth being good for DFM too. Maybe Rebuilding a Team around that roster might help them.

Bleed :- Instead of spending Money on fancy player they should look for serious talent . Like adding Yay was a disaster for them.
GE :- Annihilate the Current roster or maybe Keep Russ and LF , The main problem with this Team is they try to have So many different players from different region trying to make them as a team. May be adding Sultan or Dos9 might help with 3 SEA players

posted 5 months ago

I might be Cooking way to much but are these potential super team rosters

Fnatic :- Boaster / Aspas / Alfajer / Leo / Chronicles

Vitality:- Sayf / Less / Trexx / Cender / Derke

K C :- Sadhak / Marteen / Suygetsu / Magnum /

Sentinals :- Zekken / JohnQt / Zellsis / Narrate/ Zandar

100T :- Boostio / Asuna / Cryo / Eeiu / Zandar

Lev :- KiNg / Mazino / Demon1/ Texx / Com

NRG :- FNS / sOm / Ethan / Demon1 / Narrate

posted 5 months ago

I might be cooking but Sayf to Fnatic as Duelist

thoughts ?

posted 6 months ago

Best roaster I can think of is

Som - controller and Raze/neon player
Demon1 - Primary duelist and Controller
FNS - IGL and Sentinal
Crashies - initiator

Narrate (if they can Poach him) - Flex
Kenpeki- Flex

posted 6 months ago

So Fnatic are releasing Derke . So what they will do put Alfajer on Duelist and Leo back to initiator and Hiro on Sentinal role.
The best thing that I thought of Before this kcling Derke thing was Boaster becoming the head coach and Letting Leo or Chronicles do this IGLing . I mean Leo was 2ndary caller for Fnatic
Imagine this Fnatic Lineup


posted 6 months ago

Who do you think will potentially win Champion 2024
I think Fnatic or team Heretics or G2 have a great chance

posted 7 months ago

Looking at current GE's performance it was quite visible that they lack firepower signing boomers won't win games it seems.
what are the realistic changes that GE's management can do to improve.

For me :-

Both coaches got enough time to show and they clearly didnt improve rather last year's GE was quite better compared to the current one.


  • Techno as Controller (Great Indian Controller player Showed quite some results in the Current VCL league )

  • Venka as Duelist (Great Duelist Player from VLT , Showed brillent performance in the VCLSA league though he might have Retired to focus on studies)

Russ (Russ was quite good throughout the league in terms Of IGLing and some firepowers. Getting some good coaches can help him improve too)

Lightningfast as Sentinal (He was Quite good In terms of consistent performing in the league. Maybe he was there best player considering the whole season)

Revenant though they qualified Might not make through ascension , But Players Like Dos9, Paradox and Even Skrossi Showed some great performances.

May be they can sign dos9 or SKrossi or Paradox and Shuffle around the roles.

And Getting a good coach would really show some great results.

posted 8 months ago

Does Shroud include here?

posted 8 months ago

Which player do you think is the gost in their sport
For me:-
Cricket :- Virat Kohli
Football :- Messi /Ronaldo
Chess :- Magnus Carlson
Formula1 :- Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen
Boxing :- Muhammad Ali
Lawn Tennis :- Rafael Nadal
Basketball:- Michel Jorden (iDK about basketball)
MotoGP :- Valentina Rossi ?

eSports Games
Valorant :- TenZ (Maybe)
CSGO :- Simple
League of Legends:- Faker
Dota 2 :-?
Pubgm :- Paraboy ?
Rocket League :- ?

posted 8 months ago

Coz they "" brand"" themselves as Indian Organisation and yet they only have 1 Indian player and When Indian audience ask for more Indian Representation they say " it will hurt the Riot competitive integrity"and they are shit with current roaster

posted 8 months ago

But MIBR competes in Americas and It is the toughest region compared to any other .

posted 8 months ago

Can we all agree to a Fact that Global eSports Is currently the Worst team in Franchise system ?

posted 8 months ago

Isn't that big Chinese Org which had the best Pubgm Roster , and they even had some internation rosters too

posted 8 months ago

What Isnt Loud the biggest Org in Brazil or is it Furia

posted 8 months ago

It's not only about how many knows rather about revenue and fame

posted 8 months ago

Which Organisation is considered as the biggest eSports org in there country
The few I can think of are :-

India :- S8UL
USA :- NRG (Maybe)
Argentina:- Kru eSports
Netherlands:- Team Liquid
Indonesia:- RRQ
Ukraine :- NAVI
France :- Karmine Corp
Spain :- Team Heretics
China :- Edward Gaming or NOVA Esports
MY/SG :- Paper Rex
Japan :- Detonation FocusMe
Korea :- T1
Thailand :- Talon Esports
Great Britain:- Fnatic

posted 8 months ago

Which Teams Do you think will have roster changes for Stage 2 In All leagues

posted 10 months ago

So clearly everyone can see Demon1 is not comfortable in Raze and we all know how good he is on Jett but still they still forcing out raze maps 1st in the map draft. I mean there currently 3 maps in Map pool are Jett specific ( Icebox , Breeze and Ascent )

Also the main problem they have is when Demon1 is not playing duelist he prefers to play controller or chamber but they still forcing him to play Raze. I mean their bind comp Demon1 can easily play Brim let Victor play Raze .

I don't know what adjust they will make but making Demon1 learn agents killjoy or Cypher on raze maps will be so good.

posted 10 months ago

Boaster is goated , He Matched his Kills with the amount of Trophies he won 🗿

posted 10 months ago

I don't know if this Will work out or not but this sound better changes.
Playing 5

Deathmaker (Duelist)
Venka (Sentinal)
LightningFast (Controller)
Bazzi / Skrossi (Initiator)

Coach may Be MCE or anyone except Spin
Looks good to me .

posted 11 months ago

Who do you think will win the battle of Ending Last in Points table of Pacific league ?
I think its GE vs Bleed only at this point. GE looks better compared to Bleed but what if y0y kills Everyone

posted 11 months ago

Bro Forgot Global eSports 🤡

posted 11 months ago

Na Benkai is a troll. It seems sometimes he doens't care if he is winning or not.

posted 11 months ago

LF on Sentinal Monyet on Controller.

Get a Good coach Like MCE who knows how to work with rookies .

Also If they want to invest in Indian talent then

posted 11 months ago
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