Flag: Australia
Registered: July 31, 2024
Last post: December 11, 2024 at 5:49 AM
Posts: 19

APAC t2 is diif breed, they all have something where they can defeat t1 teams but loose their shit against a t2 team in their Ascension competition

posted 3 months ago

Given this is just friendlies happening , one should have never expected much. The only goal for them was to get these 5 guys play together in some form of match environment. And they already said that teams are based on their availability, they just said VCT teams(Boom, ALG) and Ascension challengers(OG,Naos,RA) teams will b there, which was true . Why would any team wanna play a frndly where no money and a frndly (like other off season tournaments) where they might get some money. Whoever came was because of their good terms with the owner or they also needed some practice before going h2h against big dawgs

posted 3 months ago

if they want viewers they have to sell it somehow. that's a diff thing that they could not deliver on the expectation they generate in their viewers

posted 3 months ago

they are doing what they can. Its not like evry other team is there to play GE and train them. so stfu and us ur peanut brain to some good use instead of barking for no reason

posted 3 months ago

better to loose now and fix the mistakes than later in the next season when everything is on the line

posted 3 months ago

you are forgetting, all the players on GE are still tier2 only

posted 3 months ago

yeah people think chemistry b/w players is not needed in this game. Its clear that they lack the chemistry for a t1 VCT level team. TBH, any team with full revamp shows this lack of chemistry. Even T1 , GenG, DRX faced this. watch DRX in next days and see their chemistry , it wont be as the old DRX.
Also 3 different english accents on comms , with time i think they can do better than last seasons

posted 3 months ago

because GE itself is made up of tier 2 players so fair competition i guess
2025 season ll show if they deserve the t1 place or not

posted 3 months ago

All hail Akhand Bharat 🙌

posted 4 months ago

thats the ideal plan. It is hard as no parents in India would allow full time gaming at the age of 16-17 , they prolly need like 2-3 very young kids and then 20+ aged players so that they can consistently play and guide these young demons when their parents finally allow them to leave for bootcamps and others stuffs.

Given how much difficult it is for a normal middle class family to take risks, eSports is a big risk for them. Also the societal pressure is unreal in India. Some how GE brings together cracked younguns and care for their education along with their playing time , i think 4-5 yrs later we can dream of Indian roster for VCT but for now i dont think anyone is capable enough to shoot heads against top dawgs of Pacific

posted 4 months ago

it will only be good if GE winning helps them make their GE academy roster come to fruition (basically talking abt the pull of team) , if they loose then no one would want to play for them as much and GE academy dominate the VCL SA region and Ascension as the owner said academy roster will be full Indians playing

posted 4 months ago

YOU are so delusional bro, they had open trials and none of the players from india did even make the last shortlisting of top 10. So , dont even cry abt indian players and what not.

For Coaching staff, I think they had plans and it did not work out because our players were fucking chokers. 1st season only Monyet and Texture were absolute best. Rossi had only few moments and nothing else

posted 4 months ago

true, with the population India has. Seen this sort of views in 90s but not in today's time. May be fully jampacked trains but no one is sitting on roof.

posted 5 months ago

0.27 1000DPI
Asc 3

posted 5 months ago

Russ is fine in this but Benkai is big no

posted 5 months ago

i hope the no namers are as cracked as Karon or Hiro or Meiy, then its all good. But seeing their trackrecord they ll scout some T2 no namers whom no one picked

posted 6 months ago

I would still like indian in subs or playing 5 like this year. Players like Kohli, Techno, Venka deserves to be in those Playing 5. Rest can be in reserves or subs. IDC, pick a cracked indian from Ranked ladder too like GenG and Talon

posted 7 months ago

on YouTube

posted 7 months ago