Is Valorant a good game?

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I said once in some random reply here in vlr that Valorant is a "dogshit" game without really meanting it (at least not totally) and people were actually mad at me because i said it. Like, unaronically. I was surprised because my first Riot game was LoL and the community insulting the shit out of that game was commom sense. Also its very commom you see pro players talk bad stuff about Valorant and point out many many reasons why the game is flawed in a lot of ways and they dont really hold their tongues while doing it. So, do you guys actually believe Valorant is a good game?


I think valorant is good cause im additcted to ranked, but if you dont like ranked there is no point


Valorant is a haven for casual pretty sure


It's pretty good. I think it's just people poking fun at ranked (every games ranked system will make you go mentally insane if you play it enough, the threshold for FPS games is probably just lower)


good for casuals, but sweats will always find reasons to dislike the game


The game has its flaws, but I think people look at the game through a very biased perspective. Every game has its flaws, but people overplay Val's flaws by a lot. Like many of the criticisms are pretty unfounded. For example, when people complain about the run and gun or the shotguns in this game, they often compare it to CS. In CS, there is the xm shotgun and the entire pistol/smg meta is run and gunning, and it's not like that people don't hit running headshots in CS. The cheating problem in this game is pretty much non-existent as well (minus stream sniping but that's common everywhere). At least, we can play ranked here without any 3rd party softwares yknow. It is not the best game, but it is at the very least good imo

Upstander123 [#6]

The game has its flaws, but I think people look at the game through a very biased perspective. Every game has its flaws, but people overplay Val's flaws by a lot. Like many of the criticisms are pretty unfounded. For example, when people complain about the run and gun or the shotguns in this game, they often compare it to CS. In CS, there is the xm shotgun and the entire pistol/smg meta is run and gunning, and it's not like that people don't hit running headshots in CS. The cheating problem in this game is pretty much non-existent as well (minus stream sniping but that's common everywhere). At least, we can play ranked here without any 3rd party softwares yknow. It is not the best game, but it is at the very least good imo

well running headshots mostly happen with pistols like tec 9 or smgs. When it comes to rifles, there really isn't a lot of running and gunning, even players who rush like donk are just skilled at counter strafing

TeoEmil [#3]

Valorant is a haven for casual pretty sure

dont understand them tho if i didn't play ranked i might boot up valorant once a decade


I think its a combination of factors: It gained traction 2020 when ppl are stuck at home and bored af, using the beta to market the game with streamers and content creators to spread the word, Riot's clout ofc, and having distinct characters has had a history of making games memorable.


stopped reading at the flair

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