what are likely changes that could be made to the roster?
A good choice could be to replace jinggg with benkai, gets a previous teammate back that already meshed well with the team + IGL + initiator and sentinel while forsaken can play raze basically only on bind and flex on any other map. Wouldn't happen tho because PRX fans love jinggg so they wouldn't drop him and lose fans.
dream01 [#4]who is Hyunmin in this roster leak? (idonthavethelink)
this guy probably, seems kinda cracked
Denjisideals [#2]From what I heard
Something is reconsidering
Now, reconsider ≠ instant leaving. Just considering what his future looks like and whether he should be at PRX or be somewhere else.
something been mad troll recently ngl
DBStudios [#3]A good choice could be to replace jinggg with benkai, gets a previous teammate back that already meshed well with the team + IGL + initiator and sentinel while forsaken can play raze basically only on bind and flex on any other map. Wouldn't happen tho because PRX fans love jinggg so they wouldn't drop him and lose fans.
firepower would go from one of the best to maybe one of the worst
siphonval [#5]something and jinggg both too limited. This upcoming era of valorant makes it such that teams who want to dominate need a duelist who can play Yoru, Neon, Jett, Raze all at a very high level. Think Derke, even Kaajak who looks insane rn
f0rsakeN exist
SleepyBear [#9]f0rsakeN exist
But he had to play other roles because of something and jingg.
Imagine having one of the best neon but not able to use it because your 2 duel plyrs can't play other roles well🤡🤡
Best prx fix imo
+duel/flex plyr
zephyrara [#8]firepower would go from one of the best to maybe one of the worst
nothing says "INSANE firepower" like a 0.91 rating and a -0.11 FK/FD
zephyrara [#8]firepower would go from one of the best to maybe one of the worst
clearly all that firepower aint doing shit cuz theyre ass
dream01 [#4]who is Hyunmin in this roster leak? (idonthavethelink)
goated ranked demon from NA playing in APAC
zephyrara [#8]firepower would go from one of the best to maybe one of the worst
Paper Rex isn't lacking firepower are they? they are lacking good discipline and role variety which is something Benkai can make up for that Jinggg can't. Legit only people downfragging are PRX fans lmao anyone who isn't a PRX fan agrees with this statement 😂😂😂😂 yall really make up the "K-Pop" type fans in this community.
Team would've been better off letting Monyet have his moments and scale higher but yall begged and forced Jinggg to come back because yall can't handle change.
Not1 [#10]But he had to play other roles because of something and jingg.
Imagine having one of the best neon but not able to use it because your 2 duel plyrs can't play other roles well🤡🤡Best prx fix imo
+duel/flex plyr
agreed. His neon, jett and yoru are all insanely good. Even his raze is good(tho not at the jinggg level). Best course of action for them is have forsaken and jinggg switch between duels and replace something with benkai or a proven IGL
Crypto_816 [#17]agreed. His neon, jett and yoru are all insanely good. Even his raze is good(tho not at the jinggg level). Best course of action for them is have forsaken and jinggg switch between duels and replace something with benkai or a proven IGL
That could work, if jinggg can play other roles as well
kaibe8 [#18]That could work, if jinggg can play other roles as well
I think they will swap between sentinels and have d4vai as perma initiator. When they dont run an sentinel they can have forsaken flex and jingg on duel. jingg's jett and neon arent bad he just doesnt get the chance to play jett cause something is on the team.
DBStudios [#3]A good choice could be to replace jinggg with benkai, gets a previous teammate back that already meshed well with the team + IGL + initiator and sentinel while forsaken can play raze basically only on bind and flex on any other map. Wouldn't happen tho because PRX fans love jinggg so they wouldn't drop him and lose fans.
I know jingg something is shit but replacing with benkai is even worse, maybe try lmemore?
siphonval [#5]something and jinggg both too limited. This upcoming era of valorant makes it such that teams who want to dominate need a duelist who can play Yoru, Neon, Jett, Raze all at a very high level. Think Derke, even Kaajak who looks insane rn
Yeah thats why zekken and aspas is goated cuz they able to play raze and jett in high level
Skoepdoep2 [#22]Honestly if they want to have another import then they should bring Derke. I wish he wouldnt leave FNC but if they are going to drop him someone else should pick him up ASAP. He's a top 3 duelist for sure.
i thought u could only have one import
dort [#14]clearly all that firepower aint doing shit cuz theyre ass
when prx isnt #1 in the world theyre ass.. stfu lmao
dort [#14]clearly all that firepower aint doing shit cuz theyre ass
nrg had more in split 1 and kickoff look where that got them