ending all vct spreadsheet warriors

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  1. who is your source? is your source reliable? why can't you post your source or at least viable evidence of the claims your source is giving you?
  2. why copy the original brazilian guy who made spreadsheets? be creative or original,
  3. making up lies or saying stuff to say stuff isn't "rumors" its straight up LIES.

@kryo please post who your source is,

kalayav_n [#2]

@kryo please post who your source is,

I mean the spreadsheet is one of the better ones I have seen besides flynn's and he seems to be on the right track with a fair few of them also one never reveals his sources


someone needs to make a spreadsheet with only confirmed shit

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#3]

I mean the spreadsheet is one of the better ones I have seen besides flynn's and he seems to be on the right track with a fair few of them also one never reveals his sources

thats probably the worst thing you can do as a journalist, if you want people to believe you they need to trust you. these guys hasn't posted any sources or where they are getting these sources from except "someone told me". look at rocketbullets, the guy was making shit up.

as for the spreedsheets its a literal copy from flynn

Botroretro [#4]

someone needs to make a spreadsheet with only confirmed shit

or just say you have no source and this is your opinion on where players are going, claiming you have a "inside source" telling you all this bull shit is lies. also maybe make something different to a spreedsheet, stop copying flynn

kalayav_n [#6]

or just say you have no source and this is your opinion on where players are going, claiming you have a "inside source" telling you all this bull shit is lies. also maybe make something different to a spreedsheet, stop copying flynn

but they copy because its a good format

kalayav_n [#5]

thats probably the worst thing you can do as a journalist, if you want people to believe you they need to trust you. these guys hasn't posted any sources or where they are getting these sources from except "someone told me". look at rocketbullets, the guy was making shit up.

as for the spreedsheets its a literal copy from flynn

you will see in the next couple of weeks 90% of the stuff im saying will happen will happen. im not expecting everyone to trust me out the gate trust is built over time and i literally just started doing this yesterday because people on vlr were asking me to do so. believing me or not doesnt change what im saying

Botroretro [#4]

someone needs to make a spreadsheet with only confirmed shit



What journalist reveals their sources lol that's stupid

Hobbit [#10]

What journalist reveals their sources lol that's stupid

idk almost every category of journalism, name me journalism categories that don't include sources.

Botroretro [#4]

someone needs to make a spreadsheet with only confirmed shit

i mean on my spreadsheet everything confirmed i list as confirmed and anything thats rumors are listed as rumors

Hobbit [#10]

What journalist reveals their sources lol that's stupid

anominotum on twitter is super reliable im pretty sure he reveals his sources

catNmouse [#13]

anominotum on twitter is super reliable im pretty sure he reveals his sources

dude if you go to any school, they will tell you 100% the most key thing to journalism is SOURCE. HAVING SOURCES AND PROVING SOURCES is literally what journalism is about.

kalayav_n [#11]

idk almost every category of journalism, name me journalism categories that don't include sources.

i couldnt name you 1 valorant reporter who lists sources who arent known insiders or people who have insiders

kalayav_n [#14]

dude if you go to any school, they will tell you 100% the most key thing to journalism is SOURCE. HAVING SOURCES AND PROVING SOURCES is literally what journalism is about.

this isnt journalism though, its leaking
if you reveal your sources they arent gonna get information anymore lol

kyro1 [#15]

i couldnt name you 1 valorant reporter who lists sources who arent known insiders or people who have insiders

theres countless of valorant reporters LITERALLY speaking to THE PLAYERS, COACHES, AND STAFF and the difference is they have the SOURCE documented. Prime example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp5kSr9I2tw&t=3104s


You don't reveal leaks, then the people around them won't trust them so they won't have anything to leak, there's really no way around unless you're just willing to cut your source. If they're smart they're also probably requesting to stay anonymous for the previously stated reasons

thenutoriousPRO [#16]

this isnt journalism though, its leaking
if you reveal your sources they arent gonna get information anymore lol

its not leaking, FLYNN's original spreedsheets was actually documented mostly on public information that was (hard or not easily accessible by the average valorant user). He didn't "leak" and would have actual sources for every single person on his spreedsheets.

Conceit [#18]

You don't reveal leaks, then the people around them won't trust them so they won't have anything to leak, there's really no way around unless you're just willing to cut your source. If they're smart they're also probably requesting to stay anonymous for the previously stated reasons

leaks i understand, this guy made a spreedsheets about VCT spreedsheets and you cannot mix LEAKS with actual real shit. thats the worst possible combination, id understand if he made a LEAKS twitter or a OFFICIAL twitter but hes just making up lies and most of the LEAKS are so absurd, look at rocketbullets lol

kalayav_n [#20]

leaks i understand, this guy made a spreedsheets about VCT spreedsheets and you cannot mix LEAKS with actual real shit. thats the worst possible combination, id understand if he made a LEAKS twitter or a OFFICIAL twitter but hes just making up lies and most of the LEAKS are so absurd, look at rocketbullets lol

bro the spreadsheets all have leaks thats the point

if it was just public knowledge no one would care

kalayav_n [#5]

thats probably the worst thing you can do as a journalist, if you want people to believe you they need to trust you. these guys hasn't posted any sources or where they are getting these sources from except "someone told me". look at rocketbullets, the guy was making shit up.

as for the spreedsheets its a literal copy from flynn

braindead take

thenutoriousPRO [#21]

bro the spreadsheets all have leaks thats the point

if it was just public knowledge no one would care

if you could read you wouldve saved your self a post

kalayav_n [#17]

theres countless of valorant reporters LITERALLY speaking to THE PLAYERS, COACHES, AND STAFF and the difference is they have the SOURCE documented. Prime example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp5kSr9I2tw&t=3104s

Not with leaks no, most leakers can't reveal sources cus they'll get on trouble

kalayav_n [#5]

thats probably the worst thing you can do as a journalist, if you want people to believe you they need to trust you. these guys hasn't posted any sources or where they are getting these sources from except "someone told me". look at rocketbullets, the guy was making shit up.

as for the spreedsheets its a literal copy from flynn

who cares if its a copy, its a good simple effective way to display information. flynn didnt event spreadsheets, people have used them for decades because they work and are easy to understand

the problem is all of these copycats who make spreadsheets without any actual information

saying they should post sources is braindead, the whole point of an inside guy is that no one knows who it is so they can keep getting information

kalayav_n [#23]

if you could read you wouldve saved your self a post

???? am i braindead

Hobbit [#24]

Not with leaks no, most leakers can't reveal sources cus they'll get on trouble

like i said i understand "leaking" but the original spreedsheets guy didn't have any "leaks" on his spreadsheet. it was full authenticity, which is key especially if everyone can make shit up like the rockets guy who said SEN were trailing people when all of the team hadn't even arrived from seoul lmfao

thenutoriousPRO [#25]

who cares if its a copy, its a good simple effective way to display information. flynn didnt event spreadsheets, people have used them for decades because they work and are easy to understand

the problem is all of these copycats who make spreadsheets without any actual information

saying they should post sources is braindead, the whole point of an inside guy is that no one knows who it is so they can keep getting information

doesn't shock me how you contradicted your self, VLR users are just idiots

kalayav_n [#28]

doesn't shock me how you contradicted your self, VLR users are just idiots

what r u on about dawg

kalayav_n [#20]

leaks i understand, this guy made a spreedsheets about VCT spreedsheets and you cannot mix LEAKS with actual real shit. thats the worst possible combination, id understand if he made a LEAKS twitter or a OFFICIAL twitter but hes just making up lies and most of the LEAKS are so absurd, look at rocketbullets lol

What? Of course you can mix leaks with the known stuff, how would you keep a leaks spreadsheet up to date if you didn't include the real stuff? The whole point of the spreadsheet is to tell people what's likely to happen or is happening that people may not know about, and sometimes you get that info through leaks, which shouldn't be sourced. Obviously you shouldn't be trusting a spreadsheet 100%, but they aren't meant to be trusted 100%. It's perfectly valid to not trust a spreadsheet because they have no source, it's more just something to keep in mind as a possibility.
If you want a spreadsheet that just has documented what is 100% known, that fine, but that's not what this person is doing or what the point of their spreadsheet is. (Rocketbullets is proven straight ass though and has been shown to have no filter lmao, but you can't generalize them to all be like rocketbullets until they're shown to be)

kalayav_n [#27]

like i said i understand "leaking" but the original spreedsheets guy didn't have any "leaks" on his spreadsheet. it was full authenticity, which is key especially if everyone can make shit up like the rockets guy who said SEN were trailing people when all of the team hadn't even arrived from seoul lmfao

rocketbullets is a fraud my entire reason for making it was to stop this guy from spreading misinformation

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