can u tell us (for those like me who lives in a dictatorship country cant cant use twitter), what did boo do?
retweeted some weird racist shit about how black people ruin europe, said it was an accident, kinda makes sense given how slow and random the touchscreen can be on the phone, and it's quite easy to accidentaly spam the button in the pocket especially given that the repost and confirm repost buttons are in the same place
CanadaMan [#3]off topic but twitter was banned is Brazil because Elon Musk didn't want to ban 7 accounts that were spreading misinformation, not because of Brazil's leader.
not true
Nef0r0 [#6]retweeted some weird racist shit about how black people ruin europe, said it was an accident, kinda makes sense given how slow and random the touchscreen can be on the phone, and it's quite easy to accidentaly spam the button in the pocket especially given that the repost and confirm repost buttons are in the same place
he said specifically black people or immigrants? if its the 2nd option he is not wrong tho
gold2peak [#11]cant name a single skinny g2 fan
G2 Fans - "EU is so ba... wait let me take a breath EU is s... i need to take another one ** give me another burger"
trembolonaRage [#14]he said specifically black people or immigrants? if its the 2nd option he is not wrong tho
it was about "brown" immigrants from the desert. also like implied that jews are to blame something like that
trembolonaRage [#14]he said specifically black people or immigrants? if its the 2nd option he is not wrong tho
he is wrong
and then the expected twitter reaction
Aayan [#20] then the expected twitter reaction
thanks, he is 100% correct as I expected lol