Flag: Finland
Registered: September 1, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 11:45 PM
Posts: 164
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vlr made this 0 thing even unfunnier than it already was

posted 11 hours ago

they are only shit to adhd zoomers,most valorant guns dont even look good clean its the sound effects that carry them

posted 18 hours ago

they werent from the moment we saw pcific play

posted 2 days ago

didnt expect it but yea deal

posted 2 days ago

and what did those points get them lol,lets see how they do next year now that teams are rebuilding with way better players,if fut keeps this same lineup they arent doing anything globally,maybe they can farm against bottom tier teams and lose to fnatic and heretics every time again lol

posted 2 days ago

how can they destroy eu teams when they play for them xd,we already know big booty latinas and footballers arent a real threat to anyone,its time to find peace and accept the fact turkish talents are better off in eu teams than turkey

posted 2 days ago

we know u were in ur room like this bro:https://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc?si=_qhJeVqHthKo1HEQ&t=18
reliables sources are claiming his parents grounded him and he wont get to use his computer for months

posted 2 days ago

turkish talent couldnt the frag movie merchant 🤣

posted 2 days ago

lmaoo finally u finished crying in ur basement, but losing to soulcas in big 24 is crazy,all that talk from u just to watch turkey choke again,i really tought they were gonna win too but apparently the turkish choke gene is even stronger than apeks

posted 2 days ago

im hearing rumor's nrg isnt gonna win anything next year

posted 2 days ago

has anyone seen that turkish artorias guy or whatever his name was,i cant seem to find him on any threads anymore

posted 2 days ago

bro he was the highest rated heretics player from that 2023 roster,he wasnt even bad in heretics probably their 2nd best player after zeek

posted 2 days ago

soulcas is still struggling even in tier 2,avova was never that dogshit he played okay in heretics considering how shit they were

posted 2 days ago

it actually works perfectly because it doesnt matter if its a singular child or a animal what matters is the comparison in the treatment,thats usually how metaphors work bro,the entire point is that the 2 phenoms u string together are different but same,u trying to act smart just exposes how stupid u are

posted 2 days ago

but i think he is both since he seems to claim finland too

posted 2 days ago

i understand what ur saying but its more of a metaphor,u are treated better than others because people feel sympathy for ur massive fanbase and scene who have to suffer every year and be the punching bag to everyone

posted 2 days ago

yeah but he is both so how can i do that

posted 2 days ago

technically it wasnt a story what i said but lets countinue,japan has over 100x the population of finland,again i dont think u understand the perspective of this argument,a country half of the population of tokyo has better valorant players than japan with no interest in the game,not having "fps culture" doesnt make that less embarassing

posted 2 days ago

not my fault japan is treated like one tho,u can take that however u want

posted 2 days ago

japan english is even worse than japan valorant,me explaining how irrelevant the game is is not a "villain origin story" mr japan,nobody had interest in val since the beginnning,while japan was probably already making valorant porn when the beta dropped and still cant do shit with all the possible resources and interest

posted 2 days ago

i dont have anything against special ed kids,its just a comparison that fits japan so well in esports

posted 2 days ago

im basically saying he is representing both,russian as his ethnicity and finland as the country he lives in

posted 2 days ago

i said that he is russian and represents finland,thats what u are arguing against currently

posted 2 days ago

im saying it without 0 exaggeration that this game is completely irrelevant in finland,whenever a finnish player plays they have to include his name in the official broadcast title and it gets maybe 150 viewers max in champs or masters,thats why its hilarious that this is even a debate im able to have and just amounts to how dissapointing japan really is

posted 2 days ago

u know its true bro,nobody is even mad when japan beats their teams cause everyone is just happy to finally see u win something,literally treated like a special ed kid,congrats on ur country of 125m million people being slightly better than a country of 5m people where valorant isnt even a top 5 esport,truly a massive achievement for ur nation

posted 2 days ago

yes u keep saying he is russian which is correct nobody has ever denied that,just like people say demon1 is russian but he still represents the US,it isnt hard to understand but every time i say this u try to cope and bring up ur imagination "rules" that i never talked about

posted 2 days ago

can u please read #44 again

posted 2 days ago

no ur wrong,like i said these are the rules i use so they are the ones that apply when u are talking to me,its already embarassing that japan is so shit u have to actually argue against a country that doesnt give a single fuck about the game,im sure if u ask derke himself he would say he claims both

posted 2 days ago

lol what did u expose,did i say he isnt russian? He claims both lol

posted 2 days ago

yes it does matter cause there is no "rules you guys set" u are literally making them out of ur head and applying them to me lol,just like demon1 is from the us just like 99% of people think so is derke from finland lol

posted 2 days ago

so he is ours and russian? Doesnt matter to me, he is still better than any japanese fps player in ur esport history

posted 2 days ago

there is no "my people" stay on the topic,i have never claimed demon1 is emea cause he came from russia u make any rules to what i personally have to claim when talking to wtf lol

posted 2 days ago

everybody knows japan cause u are the special kid everyone roots for and wants to do well cause people dont even see u as competition,its not a achievement to have 1 fluke run and 0 world class talent or improvement in 4 years with a scene bigger than a whole continent pipe down

posted 2 days ago

u are talking to me,i dont claim demon1,obviously he is way more american than russian

posted 2 days ago

yeah cause he probably officially has 2 passports

posted 2 days ago

bonecold has more trophies than japan has final appearances lmfaoo

posted 2 days ago

crazy cause his twitter bio only has the finnish flag,where u grew up matters way more than ur ethnicity in defining who u are

posted 2 days ago

really weak comeback,just tells how talentless japan is a as a region,not a soul in finland cares about valorant and we still have more success than japan lmfao

posted 2 days ago

this would be a good bait if u were not from japan,not even worth to say anything back

posted 2 days ago

difference is russia is competitive in almost every esport,turkey is only good at valorant cause it rewards the turkish playstyle of all aim no brain,why do u think turkish cs was never even 50% of turkish valorant despite them having the same reputation of insane mechanics and a lot of players before val atleast

posted 2 days ago

atleast russians win something with 5 russians even tho valorant is barely played there,turkey is only producing the most talent cause nobody is playing the game as much as turks in emea

posted 2 days ago

it checks out considering how his career was

posted 3 days ago

well valorant is kinda bottlenecked in that aspect,individiual skill ceiling is not that high

posted 3 days ago

there wont be probably

posted 3 days ago

and the coping begins xdddd,guess why finland isnt a big nation,cause we werent obsessed with colonizing like ur ottoman ancestors lol,now go cry and celebrate ur culture by eating kebab perhaps,finland has been in war with way bigger nations than turkey and we are still here doing better than u and go to turkey for holidays and hair transplants while turks immigrate here for a better life maybe our definition of weakness is different

posted 3 days ago

yeah tex was 100% fixing too back then lol

posted 3 days ago

poised,shanks and marved mdl matches are too funny to watch,they were literally throwing their ass off and playing with 2 well known fixers

posted 3 days ago

so a turk cant educate a european about european history too? Deal,btw finland has not started any world wars or massacres unlike turkey with ottoman empire u dont have any moral high ground on me mehmet

posted 3 days ago

sure,lets end this here i would hate to educate u about ur own history,ill let u live in ur delusions

posted 3 days ago

man this is not a winning battle do u love being embarassed or why are u still going?

posted 3 days ago
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