Game Changers needs to change

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It's kinda crazy to me that some GC players have more earnings than Masters Winners
While one of the best GC teams just lost to a low tier 2 / high tier 3 team
In my opinion, this is a problem because GC players/teams will never be as good because they have no incentive to be good like tier 2 or tier 1. (They make enough money by being good in a GC standard)

From my perspective, lower the prize pools in GC and spend them in Tier 2 / Ascension (this is probably dumb because then no orgs would wanna invest in GC but idk what else to do)
have a play in for GC teams to go into tier 2 throughout the season like premier/regulation for GC to tier 2

but idk if this is good or braindead


GC champs having the same prize pool as madrid/lockin is insane to me


riot isn't running out of money, they can spend on both. They just refuse to.


i felt the same way before. i think eventually they want to integrate them but if gc has these huge prize pools it would be better to just be in gc


I say the best way to get GC involved in the higher tier scene and make it more competitive is having offseason or on season tournaments not related to the main VCT circuits that allow them to play against T1 and T2 teams. For example, Red Bull Homegrounds can feature a GC team from each region. Or during the season with premier relegation into T2 the winner of GC can also be involved into that play-in tourney. Also open scrims to allow GC and higher tier teams to scrim with each other. I dont think GC teams are allowed to scrim with VCT teams but I also could just be making that up. This raises the competition for GC teams and allows them to catch up in terms of skill and experience. I think the GC circuit is fine. Its like the WNBA. Also T1 teams should allow woman to trial for the roster.

TLDR: Give GC players more opportunities to participate against higher tier teams. That will allow them to grow and get better as players.

ash_knuckles [#3]

riot isn't running out of money, they can spend on both. They just refuse to.

"Riot isn't running out of money"
Meanwhile John Riot: "hey guys! let's do small arena for group stages in the biggest event of the year!"

arin2016 [#6]

"Riot isn't running out of money"
Meanwhile John Riot: "hey guys! let's do small arena for group stages in the biggest event of the year!"

Nah they did well on that bro, that small arena wasn't even filled for most games. Getting a bigger arena that was gonna be even more empty would be a waste of money and look really bad too.

AlexSMTx [#7]

Nah they did well on that bro, that small arena wasn't even filled for most games. Getting a bigger arena that was gonna be even more empty would be a waste of money and look really bad too.

The losses of less attendance games would be covered by the profits of high attendance games. You're underestimating the amount of people that wanted to see Gen.G vs s0n

arin2016 [#8]

The losses of less attendance games would be covered by the profits of high attendance games. You're underestimating the amount of people that wanted to see Gen.G vs s0n

Arenas cost substantially more than studios to play in, they would've still lost much more money hosting the entire event in the arena

arin2016 [#8]

The losses of less attendance games would be covered by the profits of high attendance games. You're underestimating the amount of people that wanted to see Gen.G vs s0n

You are underestimating how much it costs to hold an event on bigger arenas. Even if you are opitimistic and totally fill it up for the Gen.G game, I don't think it will make up for all the other empty-ish days.

fallwithtj [#5]

I say the best way to get GC involved in the higher tier scene and make it more competitive is having offseason or on season tournaments not related to the main VCT circuits that allow them to play against T1 and T2 teams. For example, Red Bull Homegrounds can feature a GC team from each region. Or during the season with premier relegation into T2 the winner of GC can also be involved into that play-in tourney. Also open scrims to allow GC and higher tier teams to scrim with each other. I dont think GC teams are allowed to scrim with VCT teams but I also could just be making that up. This raises the competition for GC teams and allows them to catch up in terms of skill and experience. I think the GC circuit is fine. Its like the WNBA. Also T1 teams should allow woman to trial for the roster.

TLDR: Give GC players more opportunities to participate against higher tier teams. That will allow them to grow and get better as players.

red bull homegrounds does feature gc teams. this year fly quest red got owned by a random t3 team, last year g2 gozen got 13-0'd by heretics

Prancer [#9]

Arenas cost substantially more than studios to play in, they would've still lost much more money hosting the entire event in the arena

Obviously I was not talking about making up the losses entirely. Logistically that's impossible. When hosting an event like this, you are going to lose money no matter what. Champs isn't the main income source of Riot so why would they be looking to get a profit out of attendance and not publicity or merch sales?

And I'm not saying that they have to get the Inspire Arena for every game. That is ridiculous. But 800 capacity seats are also ridiculous as fuck. Maybe get the KBS arena? Or the S Factory Tower D arena? 800 cap arena for the biggest event of the year is crazy.


Now GCBR will have some time in T2 we will see if it's realistic or not for a GC team to aim T2

arin2016 [#12]

Obviously I was not talking about making up the losses entirely. Logistically that's impossible. When hosting an event like this, you are going to lose money no matter what. Champs isn't the main income source of Riot so why would they be looking to get a profit out of attendance and not publicity or merch sales?

And I'm not saying that they have to get the Inspire Arena for every game. That is ridiculous. But 800 capacity seats are also ridiculous as fuck. Maybe get the KBS arena? Or the S Factory Tower D arena? 800 cap arena for the biggest event of the year is crazy.

Where are you getting 800 capacity at? Everywhere I look says 5k capacity. But either way it logistically makes no sense for them to rent out another studio/arena for groups when they have a studio there that is (relatively compared to renting a 3rd party arena) free to host the games in. Sure esports and Champs isn't made to turn a profit but they also want to minimize cost as much as possible


Honestly who cares, yes it's dumb and not fair, but riot cares more about setting a "standard" of "equality" I guess

StalwartTiger_35 [#11]

red bull homegrounds does feature gc teams. this year fly quest red got owned by a random t3 team, last year g2 gozen got 13-0'd by heretics

they got 13-0d by the best team itw, nothing to feel bad about 🥱

uwukitten [#16]

they got 13-0d by the best team itw, nothing to feel bad about 🥱

can these mfs win any grand final next year please

idc if it’s kickoff mickey mouse bs or bangkok , every GF loss makes me depressed

catNmouse [#17]

can these mfs win any grand final next year please

idc if it’s kickoff mickey mouse bs or bangkok , every GF loss makes me depressed

I didn't mind too much when they lost to gen.g cause gen.g was simply better at the time, but the loss against EDG was full of throws 😭then again they also won some rounds they really shouldn't have

uwukitten [#18]

I didn't mind too much when they lost to gen.g cause gen.g was simply better at the time, but the loss against EDG was full of throws 😭then again they also won some rounds they really shouldn't have

That edg game was wild

fallwithtj [#5]

I say the best way to get GC involved in the higher tier scene and make it more competitive is having offseason or on season tournaments not related to the main VCT circuits that allow them to play against T1 and T2 teams. For example, Red Bull Homegrounds can feature a GC team from each region. Or during the season with premier relegation into T2 the winner of GC can also be involved into that play-in tourney. Also open scrims to allow GC and higher tier teams to scrim with each other. I dont think GC teams are allowed to scrim with VCT teams but I also could just be making that up. This raises the competition for GC teams and allows them to catch up in terms of skill and experience. I think the GC circuit is fine. Its like the WNBA. Also T1 teams should allow woman to trial for the roster.

TLDR: Give GC players more opportunities to participate against higher tier teams. That will allow them to grow and get better as players.

Also T1 teams should allow woman to trial for the roster.

None of the VCT leagues are restricted by gender, players get trials if they are scouted as being good picks. We are just yet to see any female players be better picks than male players.


why lift people up when we can push some other people down and itll make the people look like we lifted them up?


I bet boostio would never say gc will never come close to vct teams like he said about CN

the state of gc is pathetic because they keep playing against each others and mid teams so there's no room for improvement and when they do face a somewhat decent team(pug stars with 1-2 semi pros) they lose and more hate is accumulated towards the scene

Diebs [#22]

I bet boostio would never say gc will never come close to vct teams like he said about CN

the state of gc is pathetic because they keep playing against each others and mid teams so there's no room for improvement and when they do face a somewhat decent team(pug stars with 1-2 semi pros) they lose and more hate is accumulated towards the scene

summed it up perfectly LOL


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