Flag: Kiribati
Registered: November 15, 2023
Last post: March 19, 2025 at 4:59 PM
Posts: 285
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Safiaa MVP, Jiex also surprised me. WP KC GC

posted 4 days ago

Nelo hasn't even shown to be a bad fragger it's just that Petraela show is over, other girls caught up to their years and years of experience by just being better :/

posted 5 days ago

-33 and 0.8 rating average on Omen in the recent games, just saddening

posted 5 days ago

If they lose here Petra is absolutely getting cut from this roster, easily her worst split yet

posted 5 days ago

2-0 KC GC won't even be close Safia is too good

posted 1 week ago

Me neither, now they have the sentinel role split between mimi and Nelo which I seriously dont get, hoping that people responsible for these swaps and transfers realise vibes are not enough to win games

posted 1 week ago

Vania is fine because she's mechanically the best EMEA GC player, she could roleswap to anything and still be able to shoot equally

G2G has the money to buy good players, they should peep mimier and berryx, they're young and easily teachable, put Vania back on smokes and then go from there, this is the mildest iteration of G2G I've seen, 2025 should have been the year they get into VCL yet here we are

posted 1 week ago

I still think the role changes they made are awful, G2 will cap out at 4th this year in GCC if they keep on playing like this

posted 1 week ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/00d84a3e have not watched a single VCL game this year, went off of vibes

The vibes guessed wrong on Joblife unfortunately

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah, still feel the same - I get that Nelo is experienced but when you have that much experience you're nowhere near as moldable as newer GC players (rezq, mimier, berryx to name a few)

posted 2 weeks ago

For what was supposed to be a superteam last year, they look rather mediocre, can only hope this is due to the fact that they're sorting out their new roles, Bind is looking good though

posted 2 weeks ago

Because they still meet all the requirements for eligibility. By winning GC NA Series 3 they will qualify.

posted 3 weeks ago

I have been incredibly sceptic of the -rezq +nelo line, like +smurfette makes so much more sense for what roles they play, and Nelo is just mediocre, in my eyes G2G lost the superteam status for this year

posted 4 weeks ago

Stats =/= shotcalling

posted 4 weeks ago

lowkey embarrassing how often GC teams (not only SRG) get FK advantage and still lose round somehow

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

yk what game is game

posted 1 month ago

BB over BO? How come?

posted 1 month ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/5ba21455 I get one wrong every week, surely 3rd time is the charm

posted 1 month ago

Unironically I think it is just this. These series were absolutely a team effort more than ever before and they looked fairly connected as a team and playing off of each other rather than just playing for 1 person at all times.

posted 1 month ago

Well they are part of tier 2 now so progress is being made

posted 1 month ago

I think "owns" is the wrong word here, especially when Funhavers lost a map to FLY.R.
FLY.R took off 7 rounds from SR in a BO3.

posted 1 month ago

They're trying to make it into tier 2 (VCL NA) so yeah, they indeed are. Why not use the invite you got

posted 1 month ago

Definitely not Mimi, she hates playing duelist and didn't play it during Instalock Redbull

posted 2 months ago

Just ignore the guy its just another boblow alt account or something

posted 2 months ago

have fun

posted 2 months ago

But both Falcons AND G2 have the strongest budgets in all of GC, so makes me wonder how are they not the strongest 2 teams in their own circuit by default and not making it to T2.

posted 2 months ago

Am I wrong to have low hopes for EMEA GC? Especially with VCL changes to regions I think now is the least likely they make it in. I'm guessing G2G added Nelo but with the budget G2 has surely there's a way to dig out an even better GC player?

posted 2 months ago

counter-proposition: how about neither of them get to have a career

posted 2 months ago

You post something like this once in a while and people keep taking the bait lol I am actually impressed

If you are dead serious though, you can only wait and see if she does anything in VCT EMEA, she hasn't fried any of the big fish just yet

posted 2 months ago

Yeah, they did, something put on a masterclass in the GF and enerii was just out of it entirely

posted 2 months ago

Think you should be fine as long as you don't repeat the toxicity. I suggest you wait like 2-3 weeks before spending money on it though just to check the waters.

posted 2 months ago

Code 61is related to a ban through multiple offenses, in your case behavioral offenses. This does not mean you are HWID banned. IIRC though, you can get hardware banned if you continue bad behavior.

posted 2 months ago

I am always willing to discuss things, so of course I read your reply!

To go one by one;

It's a personal pet peeve when someone goes "I think this is bad" without going into ANY amount of detail as to why is something bad. In case of GC rarely do I ever see people pointing out their actual mistakes (which in comparision to the highest level of play - are noticable and can be pointed out just fine without mockery). I just know people like him go on vlr.gg, look at the stats and brush everything off outside of stats.

I am also aware he doesn't exclusively talk about GC (as I do not either), as I tend to check out people who I am replying to, but the level of comments doesn't seem to be any more articulate when talking about T1.

You can be constructive regardless of the level of play when talking about them, there's a reason coaches exist and that is their primary job within a team to point out these things so they can work on it more. That's atleast what I think should be a role of the coach. You do realize that being constructive has nothing to do with if they're good or bad? You can give thought-out feedback to any level of play.

The Spotlight tournament DID show something, albeit not a lot. Some players can hang around in these lobbies, while others got heavily bodied. Not all players are good, and also as you said, it's an off-season tournament that doesn't always show much (Pacific tournament was singlehandedly something diff). I also question it just like you do, I watched as many games as I could :)

I see who he replied to, but then again, doesn't change much. Fighting fire with fire does not achieve anything. He did not use any sort of argumentative logic to dismantle it, just went "lol they get beaten by T3". Saying that without anything else holds no value in my eyes, as I can do the same thing and say "lol Dodonut T4 GC player beat T1 players they should be kicked off of the roster".

Regardless, I am not here to change your mind and I respect the fact that even if we disagree or differently see GC and its players, you are willing to discuss it into more detail than most sceptics of the league :)

If you read all of this, thanks for considering.

posted 2 months ago

fun fact the formula for that is just 1/dioptry, applicable to both nearsight and farsight math

posted 2 months ago

If they can play in VCT = T1, they won EMEA Ascension, flor is not the reason they are here, that is thanks to the previous iteration of Apeks roster.

posted 2 months ago

Someone tried arguing with me that he only does it to people that are delusional/glazing yet here he is under every single thread possible, regardless if it's positive or not and not a single constructive thing was said ever, just laughable

posted 2 months ago

Because some people would rather start shit rather than doing nothing when bored

posted 2 months ago

I wonder who do they put in her place. I am also wondering have they entertained the idea of removing petra + mimi off of the roster. For something that should've been a superteam on paper, a top 3 at GCC does not hit the mark.

posted 2 months ago

The difference is just the manufacturer and how they handle temperature regulation for the most part. The performance should not vary.

posted 2 months ago

LOOOOOOL wait is he actually not being picked up by any team? what teams have slots open even?

posted 2 months ago

No point in going back to GC after you leave it tbh, especially in flor's case

posted 2 months ago

2-0 GE, I think Alexy and enerii are just a step above the other GC players in this tournament regadless if they carry or not, helps a lot when you can shoot back

posted 3 months ago

thank you!

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

melya or sarah only viable choices if youre gonna be taking people from GC tbh

posted 3 months ago

You do forget that 2nd and 3rd highest rank peak GC players are Sarah and Noia right?

posted 3 months ago
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