i see the hype around building a pc now

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Spent this past weekend building a PC for the very first time all by myself.

Had some hiccups along the way. For one, I forgot to buy my CPU cooler with the rest of my parts off Newegg. Bought one off Amazon, same-day shipping, and they sent me the wrong part entirely. Decided to give up and bought a different cooler (basically my third choice) at a brick-and-mortar store because it was the only one available.

Despite the stress and annoyance from that cooler saga, the PC is built and runs. I used to play Valorant on a gaming laptop with a second monitor and I'd get ~180fps which was good. But now I get about 450-500 and nothing feels the same.

So if anyone on this website is debating whether to build a PC, I would recommend you do! If you're scared of frying/breaking parts, build it with a friend that has built before. I just took my time and followed some Youtube videos if I got stuck. It was a little nerve-wracking while building but it felt extremely fulfilling seeing everything run and I'm excited to play new games with this thing!

My parts for those interested (not virus link I promise) (to clarify i have the cooler i ended up buying on there and also i bought a windows key online for $25 i did not buy the actual windows dvd from microsoft that shit is a SCAM)


Congrats man!


Congrats, darling!


buena perrito


Icl you paid a lil too much for your windows

Edit: nvm didnt fully read your message


im also building a new pc soon my old ones kinda sluggish now plus i alrd have half the parts and ill just give the old one to my lil brothers whos heading into colledge
thing is ive never hand-built built a pc before
i think the current pc i have i think has a ryzen 9 5900x and a 3090

i alrd have an extra 3090, ddr4, storage and a water cooling system
ill prob upgrade my cpu as i dont have an extra one yet and im just missing the power supply motherboard and case i think

is it hard to hand build a pc or do you need some kind of experince? im just scared ill damage the parts

smthlikeyou11 [#6]

im also building a new pc soon my old ones kinda sluggish now plus i alrd have half the parts and ill just give the old one to my lil brothers whos heading into colledge
thing is ive never hand-built built a pc before
i think the current pc i have i think has a ryzen 9 5900x and a 3090

i alrd have an extra 3090, ddr4, storage and a water cooling system
ill prob upgrade my cpu as i dont have an extra one yet and im just missing the power supply motherboard and case i think

is it hard to hand build a pc or do you need some kind of experince? im just scared ill damage the parts

building a pc is like playing legos but for grown ups

Theres generally very little risk of breaking stuff IF you understand the very basics - theres very good guides on youtube that can help you with exactly that
Linus Tech Tips has a video "the last guide you'll ever need" which will set you up nicely (just actively watching it will set you up)

For context I worked in a repair store for around 2 years while studying, building easily over 50 pcs for clients and Ive only broken 2 components (that I can remember)

Targu1n [#7]

building a pc is like playing legos but for grown ups

Theres generally very little risk of breaking stuff IF you understand the very basics - theres very good guides on youtube that can help you with exactly that
Linus Tech Tips has a video "the last guide you'll ever need" which will set you up nicely (just actively watching it will set you up)

For context I worked in a repair store for around 2 years while studying, building easily over 50 pcs for clients and Ive only broken 2 components (that I can remember)

ty ill look into it


good job brotha

just built a new pc back around the middle of august and, other than some issues with my ram working outside the case but not inside, wasnt too bad and much less scary that i expected


Great thing about learning to build your own PC is that once you've done it once you'll never forget. Also means you can upgrade effortlessly in the future. I just hope you bought an anti-sag bracket for that 4070.


It seems fun but money is necessary no?

kimoi111 [#10]

Great thing about learning to build your own PC is that once you've done it once you'll never forget. Also means you can upgrade effortlessly in the future. I just hope you bought an anti-sag bracket for that 4070.

ooh, i've actually not. good call. i'll do that this weekend. that being said, i was able to screw the card bracket thing (like the i/o bracket where the hdmi/displayport inlets go) into the case itself, would that be able to hold it steady? i'll make sure to get the bracket tho

nihso [#11]

It seems fun but money is necessary no?

yes, but i am an adult with money (plus i had some saved up). there are definitely builds you can do for much cheaper than what i did, since i wanted mine to be slightly higher-end and a bit more futureproof. the good part about building is that you can pick the parts you want (to save money that way) and you save a LOT more on labor costs

Targu1n [#7]

building a pc is like playing legos but for grown ups

Theres generally very little risk of breaking stuff IF you understand the very basics - theres very good guides on youtube that can help you with exactly that
Linus Tech Tips has a video "the last guide you'll ever need" which will set you up nicely (just actively watching it will set you up)

For context I worked in a repair store for around 2 years while studying, building easily over 50 pcs for clients and Ive only broken 2 components (that I can remember)

i can vouch for the linus tech tips guide, i had it playing in the background while i built. won't solve every problem since every mobo is different but yeah for general advice it was awesome.


Definitely saving this list as reference. Thanks for the list and congrats!


pc building is awesome, congrats!

Araise [#5]

Icl you paid a lil too much for your windows

Edit: nvm didnt fully read your message

yeah dw, i knew full well to not buy the key from Microsoft itself. it was just there to remind me to buy a key before or while building so i wouldn't forget and look stupid lol

LycheeBlade [#12]

ooh, i've actually not. good call. i'll do that this weekend. that being said, i was able to screw the card bracket thing (like the i/o bracket where the hdmi/displayport inlets go) into the case itself, would that be able to hold it steady? i'll make sure to get the bracket tho

That's designed keep it in place but it's only really holding 1/3 of the card's weight. If the other side of the GPU has no support it will bend overtime. Would be no problem with a smaller card but that 4070 is one of those with a heavy cooler. 😅

You can get away with putting anything under it really, as long as it supports the weight.

kimoi111 [#18]

That's designed keep it in place but it's only really holding 1/3 of the card's weight. If the other side of the GPU has no support it will bend overtime. Would be no problem with a smaller card but that 4070 is one of those with a heavy cooler. 😅

You can get away with putting anything under it really, as long as it supports the weight.

yep, just started reading online of the many methods people used. if i don't find anything lying around i'll probably buy some old legos and build a column lol

LycheeBlade [#19]

yep, just started reading online of the many methods people used. if i don't find anything lying around i'll probably buy some old legos and build a column lol

Lol that's a W innovation.

smthlikeyou11 [#6]

im also building a new pc soon my old ones kinda sluggish now plus i alrd have half the parts and ill just give the old one to my lil brothers whos heading into colledge
thing is ive never hand-built built a pc before
i think the current pc i have i think has a ryzen 9 5900x and a 3090

i alrd have an extra 3090, ddr4, storage and a water cooling system
ill prob upgrade my cpu as i dont have an extra one yet and im just missing the power supply motherboard and case i think

is it hard to hand build a pc or do you need some kind of experince? im just scared ill damage the parts

You think the 5900X is slowing down? Or is it one of the parts you have gathered for upgrading from your old one.

BoF7ooM [#21]

You think the 5900X is slowing down? Or is it one of the parts you have gathered for upgrading from your old one.

yeah idk if its the ventilation or what it just doesnt feel responsive enough
im planning to upgrade to a 9900x

ItoG [#4]

buena perrito

bueno perrito


bro is not making it out of the pc building rabbit hole

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