Flag: Japan
Registered: August 27, 2024
Last post: August 30, 2024 at 12:14 AM
Posts: 55
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This is the equivalent of EDG having no CN players. ☠️

posted 5 months ago

Hard bots is more about your monitor Hz ngl. When I used to be on 75Hz I had to demon flick every shot because they'd only appear for like 0.5 seconds.😭

High score is 18 atm.

posted 5 months ago

G2 Derke will drop 200

Wrong region 😭

posted 5 months ago

This ain't the casino bro, play until you're in elo hell.

posted 5 months ago

Personally not a fan of meal replacements due to their processing, you're better off blending some raw eggs. Otherwise agree with everything else, cooking has become a bit of a competition to some people. 😭 In the end my 10 minute steak is more nutritious than whatever took them 2 hours to make.☠️

posted 5 months ago

Microwaved rice

posted 5 months ago

Nah, I do use salt but I don't think people consider that seasoning. ☠️

posted 5 months ago

Sliggy's chat is always on his ass because he'll eat very basic food and just doesn't care but ngl I relate hard to him. If someone gives me a nice seasoned meal then I'll eat it but it's not something I care about enough to make myself. I'm happy with some 10 minute rice and some unseasoned beef. It's just not that deep. 😭

posted 5 months ago

Yeah, I opened it through Tor (lol). It's legit, doesn't seem to have any trackers or weird shit. Actually just some UI buttons of maps and agents.

posted 5 months ago

Oh I am saying dead accounts as in accounts that are just left unused. I don't know if they delete them, that's what I'm wondering too. I know that some countries require websites to have some kind of information deletion protocol in place. Makes me wonder where VLR is based.

posted 5 months ago

I wonder how many dead accounts are on this site from users just making alts. Assuming they aren't deleted for inactivity.

posted 5 months ago

Potter has a better chance getting a superteam from an EMEA roster than possibly taking over another NA team ngl. NAVI and TL need better coaches.

posted 5 months ago

What is this based on? Last thing I heard Potter say about NRG was that she could win against Chet (and she did). Don't really see why she would join NRG in particular and abandon her EG team.

posted 5 months ago

2024 GF was an absolute banger compared to 2023, it's not even close. Some people are still on the EG high for some reason, PRX bombed that finals so it wasn't fun to watch. Meanwhile there are so many memorable moments from the 2024 GF.

posted 5 months ago

Oh hold up I've heard her Gorilla song before. Yeah she's cool. Definitely a more respectable rapper compared to someone like sexyy redd.

posted 5 months ago

I think a big part of the EG bias is that EG played very good Valorant in a short period of time and that was the only time people started looking at them so it's all they remember.

With EDG and FNC people are always paying attention to them so they remember their worst games just as much as their best games. It makes it easier to knock EDG's success because we still remember Madrid and Shanghai. The fact EDG rebounded this year and won champs, beating SEN, LEV and TH (who were all favourites to win based on how the year was going) should secure them the 2nd spot by AT LEAST.

posted 5 months ago

Ah I see. Thx for info.

posted 6 months ago

Aren't there three of them? Two guys and a girl?

posted 6 months ago

I swear female rappers always just rap about their coochie. Like how can I listen to this as a guy. 😭

posted 6 months ago
  1. I think this is circular. there's nothing to setup as a resut of no barriers, the round just starts.
  2. CS seems to encourage a lot of body peeking to get info, val just replaces it with util and adds a second layer to the guessing game. I just prefer the way val does it.
  3. Its just a quality-of-life thing. realistically no game ever needs a hold option but they include it because not everyone likes to toggle.

I don't expect CS to change any of this for the record, the game does what it does. Just a few things that I wasn't a fan of when I gave it a try.

posted 6 months ago

The CS hate for hold to scope will never be understood. 😭 1000 options in the game and that's the one they stop at. 😭

posted 6 months ago

I know, that's why I mentioned things CS could realistically change. Especially the no hold option, makes sniping so trash if you're used to holding.

posted 6 months ago
  1. Spawn barriers to let players to setup their attack/defense with more structure
  2. Information util for more outplay potential
  3. Hold to scope instead of toggle (CS community doesn't want a hold option added idk why)
  4. Viper (important)

CS still is fun to watch/play in its own way, this is just my thoughts after giving it a shot.

posted 6 months ago

I like keem and kendrick but I can't give the "best rap song" title to anything from this era. The old school will always be the best.

posted 6 months ago

Bro has no IGL, two duelists, a father with a family to focus on, an omen merchant, and an aim-only sentinel.

posted 6 months ago

They are only trolling if they drop him without picking up an S-tier duelist. They don't NEED a new duelist. That was from TL's problem.

posted 6 months ago

TL doesn't need a duelist though. They're currently struggling to fulfill the controller and flex role.

posted 6 months ago

It's the stinger, shorty and judge all over again. Riot doesn't nerf unless enough pro players begin abusing the gun. As soon as the odin is a very consistent buy they'll probably damage nerf.

posted 6 months ago

Underrated gem, this game is so fun.

posted 6 months ago

Yeah, I'll just make it easier for you for when you get around to it: a save file for female street kid character this is a save editor that you can use to adjust the save above (change gender, attributes, weapons you own, storyline etc). Neither mod requires anything else, just follow the instructions.

posted 6 months ago

There are save files from that skip to Chapter 2 but leave all the activities incomplete. Playing the first chapter more than twice is definitely a pain.

posted 6 months ago

Cyberpunk 2077 if you can get it at a discount. One of the best written and best looking games. The combat is super fun and the devs made it easy to mod so you can go wild.

posted 6 months ago

You're definitely the "i miss her" jett throwing my games.

posted 6 months ago

When I checked his stream a few times he has either had no cover or some anime character. Didn't know he was into this too. ☠️

posted 6 months ago

Why's bro got some random twitter e-girl as his map cover. 😭 My goat has fallen to the coomer brainrot.

Only excuse is if that's his gf.

posted 6 months ago

Mimi is the goat but she took the L this champs when she had all CN teams going out.

posted 6 months ago

I'm sure VLR would watch anything at this point. 😭

posted 6 months ago

Apparently there's an interesting CS game starting soon. I have watched CS a few times and it's not that different from watching Val in terms of the fundamentals and basic utility (flashes/smokes). Get your e-sports fix here.

posted 6 months ago

Site owners usually have IP data on every user so maybe they've blocked certain IPs? I have multiple accounts but never got banned. I only post on newest one though.

posted 6 months ago

I like the dark bitterness.

posted 6 months ago

How do you have it?

I do two tea spoons (strong) with 50% water and 50% milk. No sugar.

posted 6 months ago

Unless the person was an absolute pos it's hard to say anybody deserves their downfall tbh.

posted 6 months ago

What I don't get though is why they seem to refuse to have a better market in which they would still be in control of prices. For example, you can sell your chips back to a casino if you no longer feel like playing, the house doesn't care because they already made money off you. The same logic applies here, even if players get bored of skins and want to trade them out, Riot can simply give back like 25% of the original value. This means players still need to buy a few skins before they get any real value out of selling them back to Riot.

but riot is greedy so I doubt they'll ever do it

I have a strong feeling that someone very high up in Riot is preventing the store from being any other way. No reasonable developer would support this store model.

posted 6 months ago

It's not even about the quality of skins, that's entirely subjective. Some like the flashy Valorant skins and some prefer the cleaner CS skins.

What isn't subjective is the fact that the Valorant store is complete dog compared to the CS market.

posted 6 months ago

I waited over a year for Reaver Karambit before I just stopped logging in to check

posted 6 months ago

Let's be honest, nobody has ever liked the Valorant store. 4 daily rolls of hoping to get lucky on the skin you want is a scummy store design. Unfortunately it also works because people give in to fear of missing out and buy whatever good skin they see in case they never get it again.

But this system is reaching a point of ridiculousness very quickly. They are adding bundles of new skins every month and so eventually there's going to be thousands of skins in this game. 4 slots that roll randomly each day is not good enough to accomodate that many skins. To put it into perspective, if there are 1000 skins in the rotation, you have a 0.4% chance of ever getting the skin you want. There are players who've never even seen the skins that they want because of this store design.

People have complained about the store many times before but Riot has never as much as acknowledged the complaints. I wonder if they'd even consider changing things even years from now.

They don't have to open their market like CS, they can just make their store more reasonable.

posted 6 months ago

Swiftplay is the most efficient afaik. It gives you the same XP as you would get in unrated for number of rounds played.

posted 6 months ago

Level 228 gold 3 is crazy.

posted 6 months ago

Lol that's a W innovation.

posted 6 months ago

That's designed keep it in place but it's only really holding 1/3 of the card's weight. If the other side of the GPU has no support it will bend overtime. Would be no problem with a smaller card but that 4070 is one of those with a heavy cooler. 😅

You can get away with putting anything under it really, as long as it supports the weight.

posted 6 months ago
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