has anyone kept up with the esports World Cup? and is it supposed to be a yearly event because it would be nice if champs was later in the year and they play in EWC between split 2 and champs
LycheeBlade [#2]there's an esports world cup?
yeah buts its a shit ton of mid mobile games and hostet by the saudis
LycheeBlade [#2]there's an esports world cup?
There isn't. There was a Saudi event this year that paid teams a bunch of money to compete, but it was not a world cup format whatsoever, despite the name. It was just different orgs competing, not countries
unknown_trash [#4]valorant is not part of the esports world cup sadly :( it would have been super cool if valorant was involved in it in the future though.
love a bit of sportswashing
MrBulbe [#10]Riot wont allow for teams to play in saudi tournament
did league literally not just compete in EWC last month?
yoccuu [#13]mmm love a world cup without any world
why call it a world cup if its not players representing countries
I agree, would be infinitely more entertaining if there was a real country aspect to it