niboos [#58]
now i'm interested, can you do me too호랑해/overview
stats been pretty bad recently but i'd still like your opinion
So yeah obiously there are mechanical issues so first you should be looking into that. I recommend DMs, I did that myself in Valorant to make myself consistent. Generally aim for 2 DMs per comp match and try not to deviate from that. If that becomes boring to you, try TDM and if you dont like that, start looking into aimlabs/kovaaks. I never use aimlabs or kovaaks but I know it works for some people as many pros use it. Focus on some entry pathing as well, look at some top ranked players (dont watch pro for pathing, it is very different) and copy the way they move in custom games. Once you feel comfortable, start integrating it.
For agents, cut Deadlock, Harbor and Reyna. Deadlock is very hit or miss and it just isnt working. Harbor is by far the worst ranked agent in the game with 0 carry potential, youre playing at a detriment with him. Reyna you need to be the best mechanical player on the server and right now, that isnt you. If I was to give recommendations, try Raze, Yoru and Clove. Clove is very simple to play and very good at learning proper smoke timings, trading and discipline. Raze and Yoru are harder to play but right now, based on win rate, they are working. I really dont recommend flexing if you want to improve as a player because it splits your focus too much so focus on those main 3 agents imo
If you can, review your pistol rounds because losing a pistol round is basically losing 2 and the current stats arent good. Mix up what youre currently doing, maybe go for set strats on different maps that you do every pistol round. I did this and now I am insanely consistent on pistol rounds, always good for at least 1 and quite ofter win the round for my team off those set plays. Take the spectre out of your gun pool, replace it with stinger instead. A tip for the stinger is always commit if youre going for a kill. Never tap fire, it doesnt work, theres a reason sliggy calls it the EU stinger use. Add the outlaw, you seem good with snipers and that is just free kills. Works great round 2, carries good power into round 3. Add the shorty for your ecos, have some cheese strats you can do as one offs that can get you one with a chance of snowballing.
For maps, as long as you stick to the agents I said earlier, the only trouble maps I see are haven and sunset. For haven, you need to get a grasp of timings and map position. Because the map is so big, having and maintaining map control is a pain. Think of all the times someone might be in garage or someone could be in mid, it really cuts your options. Try to add that, take control of areas and chill, a lot of the time enemies freak out and peak for a free kill. Also avoid closed areas like garage and sewer on eco rounds, just a general tip. For sunset, think of the map like ascent. Once the spike is down, the round should be won as sites are awful to retake in ranked (contrary to pro). Prioritise strong plant spots, especially on B for the spam in main. The map isnt as focused with map control, so try and hit the site that you find to be the weakest, generally the A site if they have a Cypher.
Try follow the rule of 2 and a half, hit the same site for the first 2 rounds then fake on round 3, works an insane amount of times.
Your entry isnt that bad compared to the rest of your stats but be careful with timings, make sure your team can trade you and make sure your spacing is at least decent. Whenever I play with a duelist that does that, it makes the world of a difference. Ideally you want your KAST% to be 75% with a difference of 1% between sides, right now it is 67.4 on attack and 70.8 on defence. This kind of tells me your entry can be better and most likely, that low KAST is from overstepping on those entries as you otherwise seem like a pretty passive player.
Make sure you use your mic and are pretty vocal about what util you want and where for your entry, dont be afraid to ask for smokes in a certain place for a cheese play liek double satcheling in with a shorty or whatever, just make sure to ask for it.
Right now I think your most important things are making sure you keep a set of 3 or 4 agents you always play, working on mechanics and entry pathing and pistol rounds.