Pakistani Servers

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I don't know what you VLR frogs think, but as a Pakistani myself, I'm really sad that there aren't any Pakistani servers. So much talent gets wasted because of it.


What servers are there in india? and what ping do you get to them? (I haven't tried playing in Pakistan yet)
I know from my Saudi friends that a lot of Pakistanis play on Bahrain and Dubai servers


mumbai servers are shit anyway so u must be having better ping on bahrain

Aayan [#2]

What servers are there in india? and what ping do you get to them? (I haven't tried playing in Pakistan yet)
I know from my Saudi friends that a lot of Pakistanis play on Bahrain and Dubai servers

I only play on pakistani servers when I am there and if I have time but last I checked it was 55-65 ish on mumbai
35-50 ish on bahrain idk about dubai

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#4]

I only play on pakistani servers when I am there and if I have time but last I checked it was 55-65 ish on mumbai
35-50 ish on bahrain idk about dubai

Dubai is 40-ish ping from my experience


"talent" im sorry to say this but india and pakistan have the amount of talent and both are not up to the level, its not rito problem its your mindset you guys dont consider gaming as sport. Atleast India is doing good in mobile espots

tomato211222 [#6]

"talent" im sorry to say this but india and pakistan have the amount of talent and both are not up to the level, its not rito problem its your mindset you guys dont consider gaming as sport. Atleast India is doing good in mobile espots

rahhh the israeli mf is talking holy shit brother for the love of god shut up if the region is dying because there is no support from the company that made the esport it's kinda fucked and the pc esports scene is budding and a new concept that a lot of people are warming up to in both india and pakistan it just needs time and nurturing there is no need to be condescending and tell us there's an issue with our mindset/culture when all you are built on is lies

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#7]

rahhh the israeli mf is talking holy shit brother for the love of god shut up if the region is dying because there is no support from the company that made the esport it's kinda fucked and the pc esports scene is budding and a new concept that a lot of people are warming up to in both india and pakistan it just needs time and nurturing there is no need to be condescending and tell us there's an issue with our mindset/culture when all you are built on is lies

Isreali? tf you on im from Canada bro is pissed bout the flag i have on? Um i said nothing wrong gaming is new and isnt considered a sport nor a job in both countries and riot actually gave importance to sa unlike csgo so stop complaining eventaully as the val gets bigger youll get one ffs
"When all your built on is lies"? tf you on about my flag again all i said was true your just pissed cuz i have isreali flag on lmfaoo

tomato211222 [#6]

"talent" im sorry to say this but india and pakistan have the amount of talent and both are not up to the level, its not rito problem its your mindset you guys dont consider gaming as sport. Atleast India is doing good in mobile espots

You know it's bad when you get that many downvotes : I'd delete my account at that point. Like genuinely brother, do you think that the talent in Pakistan can be developed whilst Riot provides ZERO support to the players of our country?

tomato211222 [#8]

Isreali? tf you on im from Canada bro is pissed bout the flag i have on? Um i said nothing wrong gaming is new and isnt considered a sport nor a job in both countries and riot actually gave importance to sa unlike csgo so stop complaining eventaully as the val gets bigger youll get one ffs
"When all your built on is lies"? tf you on about my flag again all i said was true your just pissed cuz i have isreali flag on lmfaoo

bro no support from riot, isolation from lans due to visa issues, no playable servers and riot "gave importance to sa" was realistically everyone in SA except pakistan and yes the flag pisses me off who wouldn't get pissed off by that shit however I will not let you talk shit about the region saying it's a mindset issue when things have been slowly changing in both countries mindset wise and have actually produced some big talents, noticeably Arslan Ash and Sumail

neuroniumtwistanium [#9]

You know it's bad when you get that many downvotes : I'd delete my account at that point. Like genuinely brother, do you think that the talent in Pakistan can be developed whilst Riot provides ZERO support to the players of our country?

My point wasnt that riot should not provide support, but lets be honest pakistan/indian esports is not going anywhere in the next 5 years you guys dont have the culture yet the playerbase yet it will develop for sure. What i meant by mindset is if you go to your mother rn and say im becoming esports player half wont allow half dont know wtf that is.
Also downvotes for having isreali frags half the people who downvoted didnt even read what i said

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#10]

bro no support from riot, isolation from lans due to visa issues, no playable servers and riot "gave importance to sa" was realistically everyone in SA except pakistan and yes the flag pisses me off who wouldn't get pissed off by that shit however I will not let you talk shit about the region saying it's a mindset issue when things have been slowly changing in both countries mindset wise and have actually produced some big talents, noticeably Arslan Ash and Sumail

Firstly you misunderstood what i meant by mindset, What i meant was if you go tell your parents taht im becoming a pro player half wont allow and half wont even know what that is, and if your really think im hating on sa region for no reason i aint im literally indian im just not delusinal

tomato211222 [#12]

Firstly you misunderstood what i meant by mindset, What i meant was if you go tell your parents taht im becoming a pro player half wont allow and half wont even know what that is, and if your really think im hating on sa region for no reason i aint im literally indian im just not delusinal

bro my parents honestly don't care what I do as long as I am putting my all into it and doing it well and same with all of my extended family and this younger generation of parents in both regions and just the general youth are moving towards a more open mindset in regards to esports

neuroniumtwistanium [#9]

You know it's bad when you get that many downvotes : I'd delete my account at that point. Like genuinely brother, do you think that the talent in Pakistan can be developed whilst Riot provides ZERO support to the players of our country?


In 2022 China didn't even have the game yet and they already are beating Korea and Japan in 2022 LCQ .

Playing in Hong kong or Seoul server from Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu is just as bad as playing in Mumbai/Dubai from Karachi

Yes China have better gaming infrastructure but those come from being
Richer(in that case riot should not invest in Pakistan until its richer)
Actually winning in other games and creating the infrastructure from scratch

Both are skill issue.

And neither Indonesia or the Philippines have their own server yet they are doing fine. Its genuinely skill issue

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#13]

bro my parents honestly don't care what I do as long as I am putting my all into it and doing it well and same with all of my extended family and this younger generation of parents in both regions and just the general youth are moving towards a more open mindset in regards to esports

Also china didnt even have the game for 2 years, also iindonesia dont have their own server yet they are so much better than us(india and pakistan) so what ever you are saying is wrong.
Check #19

LeCat [#14]


In 2022 China didn't even have the game yet and they already are beating Korea and Japan in 2022 LCQ .

Playing in Hong kong or Seoul server from Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu is just as bad as playing in Mumbai/Dubai from Karachi

Yes China have better gaming infrastructure but those come from being
Richer(in that case riot should not invest in Pakistan until its richer)
Actually winning in other games and creating the infrastructure from scratch

Both are skill issue.

And neither Indonesia or the Philippines have their own server yet they are doing fine. Its genuinely skill issue

Finally someone gets what im saying

LeCat [#14]


In 2022 China didn't even have the game yet and they already are beating Korea and Japan in 2022 LCQ .

Playing in Hong kong or Seoul server from Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu is just as bad as playing in Mumbai/Dubai from Karachi

Yes China have better gaming infrastructure but those come from being
Richer(in that case riot should not invest in Pakistan until its richer)
Actually winning in other games and creating the infrastructure from scratch

Both are skill issue.

And neither Indonesia or the Philippines have their own server yet they are doing fine. Its genuinely skill issue

if it was as simple as skill issue we would still have players that can be developed through lans and more game time however that is clearly not the case at all if pakistani players are purely isolated to playing ranked only and not getting opportunities on teams purely on the basis of geopolitical relations or a language barrier something has to change and it's not the skill of the players. k1Ng a pakistani player was a consistent top leaderboard player on the pacific leaderboard but no consistent lans played

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#17]

if it was as simple as skill issue we would still have players that can be developed through lans and more game time however that is clearly not the case at all if pakistani players are purely isolated to playing ranked only and not getting opportunities on teams purely on the basis of geopolitical relations or a language barrier something has to change and it's not the skill of the players. k1Ng a pakistani player was a consistent top leaderboard player on the pacific leaderboard but no consistent lans played

Rossi clears

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#17]

if it was as simple as skill issue we would still have players that can be developed through lans and more game time however that is clearly not the case at all if pakistani players are purely isolated to playing ranked only and not getting opportunities on teams purely on the basis of geopolitical relations or a language barrier something has to change and it's not the skill of the players. k1Ng a pakistani player was a consistent top leaderboard player on the pacific leaderboard but no consistent lans played

Correct me if im wrong, but doesn't vct mena include Pakistan? There's some Pakistani player atleast. So while its not as easy as say India(who gets their own league. Surely theres a path to pro for pakistanis

LeCat [#19]

Correct me if im wrong, but doesn't vct mena include Pakistan? There's some Pakistani player atleast. So while its not as easy as say India(who gets their own league. Surely theres a path to pro for pakistanis

No, those players are counted as imports (if they live in Pakistan). The 'Indian' league is supposed to be shared with India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Yet the South Asian league is filled with only Indian talent, whereas talent from the countries mentioned could likely field rosters if it weren't for external factors.
Pakistan is at odds with India (Politically) so it makes joining teams/attending LANs very difficult, and they are too far from other countries to realistically become part of other teams (ME is rich so distance isn't a problem)

tomato211222 [#6]

"talent" im sorry to say this but india and pakistan have the amount of talent and both are not up to the level, its not rito problem its your mindset you guys dont consider gaming as sport. Atleast India is doing good in mobile espots

pakistan just became a powerhouse for Tekken though

tomato211222 [#15]

Also china didnt even have the game for 2 years, also iindonesia dont have their own server yet they are so much better than us(india and pakistan) so what ever you are saying is wrong.
Check #19

ofc panjeet has a isr flag and talking crap about pakistani ,you dont know shit

lolli [#21]

pakistan just became a powerhouse for Tekken though

was going to mention this, the best tekken player for 7 and 8 is from Pakistan, which shows they have talent capable of competing at the top levels in e-sports.

tomato211222 [#18]

Rossi clears

Rossi does not clear lmao he was making excuses that he was not wearing his fav trouser in a match for bad perf ,he was kicked from GE cos he sucks he is not t1 ,he will get shit on from other teams in tokyo word ,come back to this later bookmark it


also correct me if I am wrong but team snakes beat a lot of national teams from EMEA, OCE and LATAM they may not have been the best players of the regions but on lan smoked those teams

LeCat [#14]


In 2022 China didn't even have the game yet and they already are beating Korea and Japan in 2022 LCQ .

Playing in Hong kong or Seoul server from Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu is just as bad as playing in Mumbai/Dubai from Karachi

Yes China have better gaming infrastructure but those come from being
Richer(in that case riot should not invest in Pakistan until its richer)
Actually winning in other games and creating the infrastructure from scratch

Both are skill issue.

And neither Indonesia or the Philippines have their own server yet they are doing fine. Its genuinely skill issue

Indo and Phip has SEA Server which is best and it has own VC:A (Boom Esports ?and TS is pinoy i think

tomato211222 [#6]

"talent" im sorry to say this but india and pakistan have the amount of talent and both are not up to the level, its not rito problem its your mindset you guys dont consider gaming as sport. Atleast India is doing good in mobile espots

Esports are big in Pakistan, especially Tekken where their players dominate the top scene. They are more than capable of growing a PC esports scene if there were better infrastructure for them

demonblaze [#23]

was going to mention this, the best tekken player for 7 and 8 is from Pakistan, which shows they have talent capable of competing at the top levels in e-sports.

The last grand final in Tekken 8 was between two pakistani players

Nachtel [#27]

Esports are big in Pakistan, especially Tekken where their players dominate the top scene. They are more than capable of growing a PC esports scene if there were better infrastructure for them

This is what I am getting at it's a mix of partial government support as well as the company that runs the esport


bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#25]

also correct me if I am wrong but team snakes beat a lot of national teams from EMEA, OCE and LATAM they may not have been the best players of the regions but on lan smoked those teams

They did!

p0mat0 [#30]

bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀

Oh nah did them dirty

Legend_FPS [#24]

Rossi does not clear lmao he was making excuses that he was not wearing his fav trouser in a match for bad perf ,he was kicked from GE cos he sucks he is not t1 ,he will get shit on from other teams in tokyo word ,come back to this later bookmark it

Rossi clears king everyday of the week im talking about the pakistan player king not the lev one

p0mat0 [#30]

bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀

flag checks out

p0mat0 [#30]

bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀


tomato211222 [#32]

Oh nah did them dirty

idk man, i think you got cooked, a little too much tbh

p0mat0 [#30]

bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀

U mean practise range? lmao

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#13]

bro my parents honestly don't care what I do as long as I am putting my all into it and doing it well and same with all of my extended family and this younger generation of parents in both regions and just the general youth are moving towards a more open mindset in regards to esports


tomato211222 [#15]

Also china didnt even have the game for 2 years, also iindonesia dont have their own server yet they are so much better than us(india and pakistan) so what ever you are saying is wrong.
Check #19

why the flip would they need their own server when singapore is 2 metres away from them 💀

Nachtel [#27]

Esports are big in Pakistan, especially Tekken where their players dominate the top scene. They are more than capable of growing a PC esports scene if there were better infrastructure for them

yeah trueeee

no other country is near on pakistan level rn on tekken 8

SnorlaxEnjoyer [#25]

also correct me if I am wrong but team snakes beat a lot of national teams from EMEA, OCE and LATAM they may not have been the best players of the regions but on lan smoked those teams

Why would any team want to name themselves 'team snakes' bro I genuinely wanna know 😭

YeaUrMum [#41]

Why would any team want to name themselves 'team snakes' bro I genuinely wanna know 😭

I ain't got no clue hoss

tomato211222 [#15]

Also china didnt even have the game for 2 years, also iindonesia dont have their own server yet they are so much better than us(india and pakistan) so what ever you are saying is wrong.
Check #19

china played valo since 2020/21 and even had a tournament where some Korean teams took part in. the 'offical' launch was 2 years ago. its not the same + L flag

neuroniumtwistanium [#5]

Dubai is 40-ish ping from my experience

Why are you complaining, ping 40 is still playable
Rather than 100
I would keep quiet, I had 15 ping in Stockholm, now it's 120, although my location hasn't changed
And it's not just me, my friends have it too

Legend_FPS [#22]

ofc panjeet has a isr flag and talking crap about pakistani ,you dont know shit




Legend_FPS [#22]

ofc panjeet has a isr flag and talking crap about pakistani ,you dont know shit

the mujeet crying about a israeli flag ahahah cry is free you retard

p0mat0 [#30]

bro why u crying? y'all got irl server, just look around 💀


PoonRaccoon [#46]


Now that's what I'm getting at! 🤣



free the homies


question to indians and pakistanis, can you like play on the same server in PAK or IND (whatever) ?
also do you constantly fight even if you are in same team like in real life?

BTM_Wipr [#51]

question to indians and pakistanis, can you like play on the same server in PAK or IND (whatever) ?
also do you constantly fight even if you are in same team like in real life?

  1. no idea i dont live there
  2. what does this mean no
BTM_Wipr [#51]

question to indians and pakistanis, can you like play on the same server in PAK or IND (whatever) ?
also do you constantly fight even if you are in same team like in real life?

Honestly it just depends on the people. Some pakistanis and indians will be friends with each other and some will literally attempt to murder one another.

yukky [#50]


free the homies

Thank you, brother! We really need them, ngl

BTM_Wipr [#51]

question to indians and pakistanis, can you like play on the same server in PAK or IND (whatever) ?
also do you constantly fight even if you are in same team like in real life?

I don't think we can play on the same server, but I'm not sure. As for the second question, as someone else said, it depends on the people. Some people get along, whilst others swear at each other, but as far as I'm aware, we're relatively neutral to each other (??)

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