kalayav_n [#49]
those are the only SA IGLs in t1, and they are far better than what NA has produced. LESS 100% counts idk who told you that he doesn't count but he is an IGL and is quite pivotal for LOUD. and as far as im concerned both KRU IGL's are 1-0 vs 100t.
Saadhak is the main caller for LOUD, and idk if I'd count Less as an igl. He's more of a secondary caller, and nature isn't on 100t. Realistically, KRU only made playoffs because of their stage 1, but at the end of the season, EG was the better team.
I really think you can't say that the KRU igls are clearly better than nature. The only igls I'd be willing to give you are kingg and Saadhak, for the rest it's a debate.