all sacy haters come

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today you get your day lets see what sentinels look like without sacy


Its not confirmed yet right?


Been seeing all of this Sacy stuff on vlr, and really, I just feel like everyone is missing the main point. I saw one of his streams a while back, I think he was duoing with Zekken? Might've been with someone else, but I remember watching him play Sova on icebox when suddenly and without warning, my mind went completely blank, and the only thought in my head was, "Could I fit Sacy's head inside my ass?"

Maybe it was just the comely sheen off his dome, but something about that shining bespectacled orb gave the deep, inescapable feeling that this world would be better off with that head firmly inserted into my rectum. Sexuality be damned this; this was a spiritual impulse! Like Abraham before the bush; like Moses on Mount Sinai; like Whoopi Goldberg holding the script for Sister Act 2, God has given me my task.

I called Gustavo, thinking this might be an unreasonable proposition, his candid response however, intrigued me: "yeah," he said, "but can we do it in the porch area of a local Starbucks?" I asked him why, and he told me that six other people had already asked to do this, and he had done those at Starbucks, and if he brought in a seventh he would get a free salted caramel latte. I asked if he could get me one too, but he said they're just for him.



pkSqueegee [#3]

Been seeing all of this Sacy stuff on vlr, and really, I just feel like everyone is missing the main point. I saw one of his streams a while back, I think he was duoing with Zekken? Might've been with someone else, but I remember watching him play Sova on icebox when suddenly and without warning, my mind went completely blank, and the only thought in my head was, "Could I fit Sacy's head inside my ass?"

Maybe it was just the comely sheen off his dome, but something about that shining bespectacled orb gave the deep, inescapable feeling that this world would be better off with that head firmly inserted into my rectum. Sexuality be damned this; this was a spiritual impulse! Like Abraham before the bush; like Moses on Mount Sinai; like Whoopi Goldberg holding the script for Sister Act 2, God has given me my task.

I called Gustavo, thinking this might be an unreasonable proposition, his candid response however, intrigued me: "yeah," he said, "but can we do it in the porch area of a local Starbucks?" I asked him why, and he told me that six other people had already asked to do this, and he had done those at Starbucks, and if he brought in a seventh he would get a free salted caramel latte. I asked if he could get me one too, but he said they're just for him.

im gonna touch u

ArtemisZ083 [#2]

Its not confirmed yet right?

was just in a ranked game with shanks i asked him he said he is

pkSqueegee [#3]

Been seeing all of this Sacy stuff on vlr, and really, I just feel like everyone is missing the main point. I saw one of his streams a while back, I think he was duoing with Zekken? Might've been with someone else, but I remember watching him play Sova on icebox when suddenly and without warning, my mind went completely blank, and the only thought in my head was, "Could I fit Sacy's head inside my ass?"

Maybe it was just the comely sheen off his dome, but something about that shining bespectacled orb gave the deep, inescapable feeling that this world would be better off with that head firmly inserted into my rectum. Sexuality be damned this; this was a spiritual impulse! Like Abraham before the bush; like Moses on Mount Sinai; like Whoopi Goldberg holding the script for Sister Act 2, God has given me my task.

I called Gustavo, thinking this might be an unreasonable proposition, his candid response however, intrigued me: "yeah," he said, "but can we do it in the porch area of a local Starbucks?" I asked him why, and he told me that six other people had already asked to do this, and he had done those at Starbucks, and if he brought in a seventh he would get a free salted caramel latte. I asked if he could get me one too, but he said they're just for him.

Im scared to breathe the same air as you do bro

kyro1 [#6]

was just in a ranked game with shanks i asked him he said he is

Nah, i wont believe it until sentinels post it themselves

pkSqueegee [#3]

Been seeing all of this Sacy stuff on vlr, and really, I just feel like everyone is missing the main point. I saw one of his streams a while back, I think he was duoing with Zekken? Might've been with someone else, but I remember watching him play Sova on icebox when suddenly and without warning, my mind went completely blank, and the only thought in my head was, "Could I fit Sacy's head inside my ass?"

Maybe it was just the comely sheen off his dome, but something about that shining bespectacled orb gave the deep, inescapable feeling that this world would be better off with that head firmly inserted into my rectum. Sexuality be damned this; this was a spiritual impulse! Like Abraham before the bush; like Moses on Mount Sinai; like Whoopi Goldberg holding the script for Sister Act 2, God has given me my task.

I called Gustavo, thinking this might be an unreasonable proposition, his candid response however, intrigued me: "yeah," he said, "but can we do it in the porch area of a local Starbucks?" I asked him why, and he told me that six other people had already asked to do this, and he had done those at Starbucks, and if he brought in a seventh he would get a free salted caramel latte. I asked if he could get me one too, but he said they're just for him.

Brilliant. I genuinely giggled, had to roll over and show my pregnant husband. You won the internet today!!!! Consider yourself duly updooted kind stranger!

ArtemisZ083 [#8]

Nah, i wont believe it until sentinels post it themselves

well i mean youll know for sure in a couple hours if curry doesnt watch party emea

bruhmphrey [#9]

Brilliant. I genuinely giggled, had to roll over and show my pregnant husband. You won the internet today!!!! Consider yourself duly updooted kind stranger!

this response is arguably worse than the monstrosity he wrote

kyro1 [#6]

was just in a ranked game with shanks i asked him he said he is

that shanks saying that so probably not happening bruv



pkSqueegee [#3]

Been seeing all of this Sacy stuff on vlr, and really, I just feel like everyone is missing the main point. I saw one of his streams a while back, I think he was duoing with Zekken? Might've been with someone else, but I remember watching him play Sova on icebox when suddenly and without warning, my mind went completely blank, and the only thought in my head was, "Could I fit Sacy's head inside my ass?"

Maybe it was just the comely sheen off his dome, but something about that shining bespectacled orb gave the deep, inescapable feeling that this world would be better off with that head firmly inserted into my rectum. Sexuality be damned this; this was a spiritual impulse! Like Abraham before the bush; like Moses on Mount Sinai; like Whoopi Goldberg holding the script for Sister Act 2, God has given me my task.

I called Gustavo, thinking this might be an unreasonable proposition, his candid response however, intrigued me: "yeah," he said, "but can we do it in the porch area of a local Starbucks?" I asked him why, and he told me that six other people had already asked to do this, and he had done those at Starbucks, and if he brought in a seventh he would get a free salted caramel latte. I asked if he could get me one too, but he said they're just for him.

did you write this

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