it’s funny how geng found karon just chilling on the ranked leaderboard and this guy was probably willing to play for scraps then bleed drops 1m on yay only for an absolute stinker performance
aight calm down munchkin was good last year, he was an priority pick up, the main reason why dropped on t1 because he didnt agree with autumns way of the game and because they got Kingg. Autumn said when they were scrimming some NA teams a lot of people thought munchkin was hacking.
he quald all lans last year and had either an average or higher than average rating while igling. I wouldnt say he didnt perform well, i think he did pretty good
yeah, mostly player and chemistry, yay made it bad and now its a role shitshow since theyre forcing to keep the previous players and replacing yay w crazyguy whose roles are the exact same as zests
yay made it bad before crazyguy came back, crazyguy came back in a shitshow with a player whose roles are the exact same as him barely speaking english, it is mostly the bleed management but yay also takes a big part since he wanted those roster changes, he also singlehandedly made egoist retire
yay made bleed worse by sinking the ship through the roster moves he wanted like scream made kc worse mid season after having an assistant coach play over newzera or stabbi made heroic cs worse
drx didn't need the extra firepower, bleed does unfortunately, and even without being igl he was vocal on drx, he can't be on bleed bcs he's not comfortable doing it in english yet, and having the same roles as the igl really doesn't help
I think there's a rule that an Ascension team needs to keep at least 3 original players from the Ascension winning roster. Safe to say BLEED ARE COOKED