Jett Flex - Players who play jett then flex onto other agents on raze maps Who else?
Meteor? He can play Jett, Cypher, KJ and Yoru
Yeah but he doesn’t play the Jett maps, texture does. They’re saying like players that will play Jett on ascent and haven for their team and then switch off because they can’t play raze
Surprised Wo0t isn't at the top of this list
mans only watches Americas, expected!
We like competition
Demon1 Won Champs ;)
Demon1 warms the bench
Meteor Wo0t
TenZ would be on this list if he still played Jett professionally (he doesn't)
he's playing Omen Kayo Gekko
Does not matter, still the best.
bros acting like he wasnt a good duelist in 2022
he was a good duelist but he could never carry in frags, did his job really well though. A great duelist like aspas can entry and frag.
aspas farms highlight reels and baits for kills. victor is a team player who doesn't give a shit about frags
cNed (Killjoy, Omen, Kayo, Astra)
does breach gekko and reyna count
Does f0rsaken count he's a good jett
2022 f0rsaken, yeah not saying he's bad now, but he doesn't play jett
2023 he flexed onto jett with the CGRS thing going on did GOOD so i think he could do it again
cNed (kj, omen) Hidden talent there that even he couldnt find
nah if we be for real he needs to learn at least gekko or sumn like something cuz the way he plays rn is just not enough
Cypher would be the easiest I tried gekko in ranked after being a raze/cypher main for so long and there was too much util i had to manage
What??? Cypher is way for util heavy
Gecko is almost brainless
imagine putting dos9 above Meteor, Meteor better than all of them bar demon1
I didn't put meteor because he didn't play jett this masters
why did you put demon1, ardiis and dos9?
because they played jett the last time they played the game (forgot about dos 9
ardiis haven't played jett in awhile tho??
stop waffling
mb then, meteor still better & play more jett tho.
I'd give an honorable mention to F0rsaken, even if he doesnt play jett anymore, he was really good on jett, and now is a flex player.
Isn't he a full flex already? unless prx goes crazy playing 3 duelists.
no one saying something ???
Something jett op crutch, can't do anything else
Spring (Fade + Omen) He doesn't even flex anymore I JUST LOVE SPRING THO