You mfs do NOT get to claim Monyet just so you can slander Jinggg, I garauntee every single one of you were screeching for monyets head during Madrid and now are pretending like you thought he was great so you can slander another player
DSGFan [#3]welcome to, where attention-deprived children seek acknowledgement by spamming shit talk about the most clouted player who recently lost a game
Agreed, there needs to be an age requirement to post on this website or at least an IQ test.
Macdaddy_Val [#4]Agreed, there needs to be an age requirement to post on this website or at least an IQ test.
90% of sen fans would fail
Macdaddy_Val [#4]Agreed, there needs to be an age requirement to post on this website or at least an IQ test.
human verification (captcha AI)
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao [#11]human verification (captcha AI)
simple math questions will do - 90% of this site would fail
Honest it makes sense why Jinggg isn't performing like he used to. JJ took a large break off competitive Valorant (VCT wise) And isn't performing as he used to because he hasn't been able too. Monyet was always playing VCT in Global esports and didn't really take a 8 month break. This would effect his performance and make it that Jinggg needs to focus more on practicing again and soon enough the old Jinggg will be back. Just will take some time as PRX adjusted to Monyet and now trying to work back with Jinggg.
PRX might have won Icebox if they didn't throw a few 2v1 and 3v1s, but yes the team is looking pretty mid at the moment. I've said it before but Mindfreak is also lacking consistency in the team and that might be what's holding them back from winning these close games. If he underperforms again in champs it is about time Alecks finds a better controller, no point sacrificing 3 of your star players just to accommodate him.
Utolevia [#16]PRX might have won Icebox if they didn't throw a few 2v1 and 3v1s, but yes the team is looking pretty mid at the moment. I've said it before but Mindfreak is also lacking consistency in the team and that might be what's holding them back from winning these close games. If he underperforms again in champs it is about time Alecks finds a better controller, no point sacrificing 3 of your star players just to accommodate him.
Highly Agreed, Mindfreak knows how to clutch but half the time he can't win 1v1's. I also started noticing he has been playing very far back. I get he is a controller player but he does need to play with the team a bit more. Thus why the players are being sacrificed.
snapsi [#18]shut up you kangaroo muppet b1tc
someone in the salt mines cause someone is stating facts. (My Dad is American)
Enterz [#9]yay > jinng yay > monyet
clears both on raze
Yay's raze is better then Jiing's raze??
Like seriously
Rewu [#17]Highly Agreed, Mindfreak knows how to clutch but half the time he can't win 1v1's. I also started noticing he has been playing very far back. I get he is a controller player but he does need to play with the team a bit more. Thus why the players are being sacrificed.
Im guessing he plays back because of their aggression. He needs to play back cause someone has to. sucks that most of the time he will be in a 1v3 or so
DSGFan [#3]welcome to, where attention-deprived children seek acknowledgement by spamming shit talk about the most clouted player who recently lost a game
me after posturing for upvotes everyday on vlr
DSGFan [#3]welcome to, where attention-deprived children seek acknowledgement by spamming shit talk about the most clouted player who recently lost a game
at least we are all aware
snapsi [#18]shut up you kangaroo muppet b1tc
Flag: United States
Registered: March 16, 2024
Last post: June 4, 2024 at 12:35 AM
Posts: 1
Jinggg haters come in General Discussion
shut up you kangaroo muppet b1tc
Crypto_816 [#27]Im guessing he plays back because of their aggression. He needs to play back cause someone has to. sucks that most of the time he will be in a 1v3 or so
True True, He can get back but it'll take a bit
Rewu [#35]True True, He can get back but it'll take a bit
Personally I think they are gonna be top 3 atleast in Champs. They didnt look bad it just looked like they had too much pressure to win this event. Everyone thinking they suck might work out in their favour.