Flag: Singapore
Registered: May 2, 2024
Last post: August 7, 2024 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 82
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FPX 2 - 1 SEN
KRU 2 - 0 BLG

posted 6 months ago

bruv at least save this for the 2nd map

posted 6 months ago

Match timing for Champions 2023 was around 3am and 5 am for the bulk of APAC last year.

posted 6 months ago

Not sure where you're from but in many places what he allegedly did constitutes as sexual assault, but yes we should wait for more details on the case before jumping to conclusions. I did mention in another thread that the victim in question is also trying to ruin his career out of revenge or malice. Doesn't matter if it is public or private, all that matters is whether the incident reflects positively or negatively about a player.

posted 7 months ago

If Tenten can be kicked for being racist to toxic flipzjder what are the odds Flashback gets removed for a non-consensual sexual act?

posted 7 months ago

The victim's points are valid, but her intention to get back at the accused is also malicious considering the timing.

If anyone remembers fl1pzjder and TenTen drama, we already know that the conduct of a professional esports player is something that both orgs and Riot take seriously, so I'm not surprised if this player gets kicked considering the circumstances:

  • Cheating on someone
  • Non-consensual Ejac
  • Not properly resolving his relationship issues before going pro / not disclosing it to the org beforehand
posted 7 months ago

I pray the man won't be at Seoul

posted 7 months ago

Representation, viewership, money.

But seriously, give them time and who knows Vlr might end up like League where China and Korea dominates all other regions

posted 7 months ago

She could've just reported him back then and the player wouldn't even have had a pro career in vlr to begin with. DRX could've found a proper 5th man and hopefully still qualify for champs.

posted 7 months ago

Are you implying that it was consensual and she is getting revenge? Either way she was a minor so that player should not be defended.

I just felt like if it was SA it should have been reported to the police during the time of incidence.

posted 7 months ago

These are serious allegations, but did the incident happen recently or a long time ago before the player joined DRX?

I'm not blaming the victim but if it happened a long time ago, why wasn't the issue brought up and addressed back then, and only during the crucial moment when DRX qualified for champions? I feel bad not only for the victim, but also the org and other DRX members for potentially losing one of their best chances of winning champions

posted 7 months ago

I feel like its the same everywhere. Pacific games are 4pm and 7pm here (at work / commuting back from work). EMEA games 12am (probably can catch a match or 2). Americas games 5am and 7am (asleep / preparing to go to work)

posted 7 months ago

miNt literally playing a 1v5

posted 7 months ago

I jinxed miNt last time so this time I'm going with ZETA GC 3 - 1 FL GC

posted 7 months ago

It really depends on what your end goal is. If consuming Japanese media without the aid of English subtitles is your goal, sure just follow the textbook series to N2/N1 and you'll understand 80/90% of Japanese media you see online. But if you're looking for a career in Japan, you'll definitely want to get a private 1-1 tutor, someone you can practice your conversational skills with on a weekly basis (daily if possible).

Speaking is still the hardest aspect of learning any language due to the lack of opportunities for practice. Many JLPT N2 / N1 learners can't even speak Japanese well because they are too reliant on textbooks and theory-focused, but they do well in understanding / listening / reading.

Consistency and immersing yourself in the language is what you should be aiming for.

posted 7 months ago

In a pure aim duel without util, maybe Primmie but Aspas clears Primmie any other day

posted 7 months ago
  1. GEN
  2. LEV
  3. TH
  4. G2
posted 7 months ago

Recency bias. Jinggg underperforms once in 4-5 games, mindfreak underperforms more than half of the time.

Alecks biggest regret was probably not keeping Monyet to replace mf

posted 7 months ago

Bulkylettuce may have some difficulties articulating himself so let me break it down for you.

  • CN is still presumably the weakest region
  • Facing a CN team in the opening match means EMEA only has to play against 1 AMER / APAC team after beating CN (most likely outcome) to qualify
  • Winner of APAC / AMER opening match will still have to face against EMEA to qualify, so they won't have a chance to play against any CN team
  • Loser of APAC / AMER opening match will face CN, and still face the loser of winner's match (EMEA / AMER / APAC) TO qualify.

AMER / APAC will have to face a minimum of 2 teams from Non-CN regions unless CN upsets EMEA. EMEA will always have a guaranteed match against CN and the easiest route to qualify

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

If GEN won TS, they would be 3rd in groups and would play against TLN (6th), TS (4th) would go against RRQ (5th) in playoffs.

So GEN is choosing between having to prepare for:

  1. TS and TLN
  2. RRQ alone (which is the current situation)

Either way, this isn't an important match since GEN will qualify as long as they win knockouts. Even if GEN loses knockouts, GEN will qualify Champs by the highest championship points UNLESS PRX loses both their playoff matches.

posted 7 months ago

TS beat Gen G only because the results wouldn't have mattered, both would have to fight the knockout round in playoffs. GEN G probably smart enough to start prepping for their next match instead of the current.

posted 7 months ago

drop PRX to 6-10 so people can stop overhyping them and maybe they will finally redeem themselves

posted 7 months ago

I don't think so. There are tweets commenting DEP and Meiy would be better off in a team outside of Japan.

Something also had a huge fanbase in JP since his time in Sengoku and that fanbase converted to PRX fans.

posted 7 months ago

Bro can you save this comment for the important games in Champs. He always perform decent in APAC, but crumbles in the international stage

posted 7 months ago

I didn't watch the stream but from his tweet, he did say he was still looking to compete

posted 8 months ago

I'm pretty sure Demon1 would rather compete than remain a sub. He's trolled viewers a couple of times by wearing the DRX and PRX jerseys while streaming after his departure from EG and after becoming a sub

posted 8 months ago

I think relocation is probably the most challenging aspect. In terms of prospect, Aspas wouldn't have to carry as much as he is in Lev. Besides, APAC is farmers league so he can expect to be qualifying for masters almost every event.

posted 8 months ago

If PRX had to switch smth out I'd go for Aspas > Demon1 > Jawgemo

posted 8 months ago

Is this thread about why people hate GE or India? See most people talking about GE when OP asked the latter.

I don't hate indians but I hate their choice of colors and design. My relative used to work in an Indian-run company and when they renovated the office, CEO wanted bright orange carpets and blue walls to match corporate colours. I mean, GE's logo itself is the embodiment of toothpaste colours

posted 8 months ago

I mean, that's like saying how APAC is so divided due to language barriers that talents are scattered across different countries. At least in EMEA most people speak English and can come together to form a team.

posted 8 months ago

First it was overhyping from the fans and racism from other regions, then Skrossi making excuses for losing like not wearing his favourite pajamas and eventually a mutual agreement on Botssi being Botssi, and lastly poor Indian representation from the org

posted 8 months ago

I disagree. Sometimes changes are needed, like Benkai's case

posted 8 months ago

Pretty sure we were all clutching our heads when that happened

posted 8 months ago

Is there any reason why he is trialing for TLN now even though he says he intends to study instead of trying to get into the tier 1 scene?

posted 8 months ago

What's the point of being the most clutch and disciplined if you can't even close out on the 1v1s in the matches that matters.

The loss against 100T was poor post-plant / numbers advantage discipline by the whole team in general, but in terms of overall consistency, Mindfreak is just losing most of his duels in the international stage. This isn't the first, second, or third elimination / GF match where he just played poorly so I'm not sure why are yall defending him

posted 8 months ago

I shared the same opinion a while back

Honestly feel bad for Something / F0rsaken / Jinggg having to always carry during the most crucial times. They are wasting their prime in a team that will never win if Mindfreak doesn't step up

posted 8 months ago

No way NRG is above SEN or 100T. FNS is goated igl but the team's firepower is dogshit without demon1.

posted 8 months ago

Champs 2022 was before Something joined. Something joined during April 2023, and they got a flawless run in APAC Tokyo Qualifiers (except losing to DRX during Something's first match), and won VCT APAC for the first time.

They weren't rated highly because Something wasn't in Tokyo because of Visa issues and they had to play with a content creator sub CGRS, but they still made a top 3 finish.

posted 8 months ago

Wasn't that because Benkai got replaced with Something and the team got the additional firepower they needed.

posted 8 months ago

NA, Korea and Brazil would clear.

If you go by population tho, Korea is by far the most impressive

posted 8 months ago

Its best you expect them not to, save yourself from disappointment like how they did the past 99 times.

posted 8 months ago

I feel like its just Something, Jinggg and F0rsaken getting the plays and picks to secure certain rounds. D4v4i utils are good at least, but Midfreak hardly shows up when needed

posted 8 months ago

Where was your ass when Gen G almost lost to DRX and choked out on PRX during APAC GF

posted 8 months ago

Maybe not straight into Tier 1, but after champs. I feel like mechanically gifted players tend to do well in tier 1/2, they just need some time adjusting to the scene and playing with the team to build chemistry. Besides, for a team like PRX which literally plays like ranked (needless overpeeking and duels), he seems compatible with their playstyle.

PRX literally got outaimed in so many duels on icebox (let alone the 1v2 1v3 and 1v4 throws).

posted 8 months ago

If GEN is willing to give up Karon I'm all for an APAC super team

Something (Duelist / Gekko)
Jinggg (Duelist / Sage / Clove)
Primmie (Initiator / Duelist)
F0rsaken (Flex)
Karon (Controller)

posted 8 months ago

-Mindfreak +Primmie

Something (Duelist / Gekko)
Jinggg (Duelist / Sage / Clove)
Primmie (Initiator / Duelist)
F0rsaken (Flex)
D4v4i (Sentinel)

This guy is a ranked demon and his stats are pretty insane

posted 8 months ago

Alecks did mention that F0rsaken was transitioned to a support role to enable Jinggg to frag, but it was something they wanted to change back so he could go back playing his own game.

I agree that D4v4i and Mindfreak are mid, but the latter is just washed to the point where he should just go back to playing tier 2.

posted 8 months ago

PRX might have won Icebox if they didn't throw a few 2v1 and 3v1s, but yes the team is looking pretty mid at the moment. I've said it before but Mindfreak is also lacking consistency in the team and that might be what's holding them back from winning these close games. If he underperforms again in champs it is about time Alecks finds a better controller, no point sacrificing 3 of your star players just to accommodate him.

posted 8 months ago
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