bro its been 5 patches where we want ascent fucking gone and yall remove split??? breeze out too? well i like it but people were complaining about it so its more understandable to get it out, but why split???
Realistically, there's only one best comp on Ascent. The problem with Ascent is simply the dominance of that particular comp. But that doesn't mean the individual agents of the game aren't good on Ascent—in fact, I think you could make a solid case for playing any of them on Ascent, even if you can't argue building a comp around them.
only bad thing about sunset is b site´s spray spams which are pretty much similar to what happened on b pearl but atleast you can push the attackers on b main with util and they dont have much room to hide unlike pearl where there is literally kilometers of pixels to shoot at while they just pin the spike and hold the left click